

1 如此說來,我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕憑著肉體得了甚麼呢?

2 倘若亞伯拉罕是因行為稱義,就有可誇的;只是在神面前並無可誇。

3 聖經[scripture]上說甚麼呢?說:「亞伯拉罕信神,這就算為他的義。」

4 作工的得工價,不算恩典,乃是該得的;

5 唯有不作工的,只信稱不敬虔之人[ungodly]為義的神,他的信就算為義。

6 正如大衛稱那在行為以外蒙神算為義的人是有福的。

7 他說:「得饒恕[forgiven]其過、遮蓋其罪的,這人是有福的。

8 主不算為有罪的,這人是有福的。」

9 如此看來,這福是單加給那受割禮的人嗎?不也是加給那未受割禮的人嗎?因我們所說,亞伯拉罕的信,就算為他的義,

10 是怎麼算的呢?是在他受割禮的時候呢?是在他未受割禮的時候呢?不是在受割禮的時候,乃是在未受割禮的時候。

11 並且他受了割禮的記號,作他未受割禮的時候因信稱義的印證,叫他作一切未受割禮而信之人的父,使他們也算為義;

12 又作受割禮之人的父,就是那些不但受割禮,並且按我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕未受割禮而信之蹤跡去行的人。

13 因為神應許亞伯拉罕和他後裔,必作得承受世界的[be the heir of the world],不是因律法,乃是因信而得的義。

14 若是屬乎律法的人才得為後嗣,信就歸於虛空,應許也就廢棄了。

15 因為律法是惹動忿怒的[worketh wrath];哪裏沒有律法,那裏就沒有過犯。

16 所以人得為後嗣是本乎信,因此就屬乎恩,叫應許定然歸給一切後裔;不但歸給那屬乎律法的,也歸給那效法亞伯拉罕之信的。

17 亞伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人復活、使無變為有的神,他在主面前作我們世人的父。(如經上所記:「我已經立你作多國的父。」)

18 他在無可盼望[hope]的時候,因信仍有盼望[hope],就得以作多國的父,正如先前所說:「你的後裔將要如此。」

19 他將近百歲的時候,他的信心既不軟弱[being not weak in faith]就不顧[considered not]自己的身體如同已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕;

20 他總沒有因著不信,疑惑神所應許的[He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief];反倒信心堅強[strong in faith],將榮耀歸給神;

21 且滿心相信神所應許的必能作成。

22 所以,這就算為他的義。

23 「算為他義」的這句話不是單為他寫的,

24 也是為我們若信神使我們的主耶穌從死裏復活而[if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead]得算為義之人寫的。

25 耶穌被交給人,是為我們的過犯[Who was delivered for our offences]復活,是為叫我們稱義[and was raised again for our justification]


Chapter 4

1 WHAT then shall we say concerning Abraham, the chief of our forefathers, who lived according to the flesh before God called him?

2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he had reason to be proud; but not before God.

3 For what said the scripture? Abraham believed in God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.

4 But to him who works, wages are not considered as a favor but as that which is due to him.

5 And to him who works not, but only believes in him who justifies sinners, his faith is counted for righteousness.

6 Just as David also said about the blessedness of the man, whom God declared righteous without works,

7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are wiped away.

8 Blessed is the man whose sins God will not hold against him.

9 Now, therefore, is this blessedness on account of circumcision, or on account of uncircumcision? for we say that Abraham's faith was accounted to him for righteousness.

10 How then was it given to him? by means of circumcision, or in uncircumcision? It was not given in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.

11 For he received circumcision as a sign and a seal of the righteousness of his faith while he was uncircumcised: that he might become the father of all them who believe, though they be not circumcised, that righteousness might be given to them also;

12 So that the father of circumcision is not only to those who are of circumcision, but also to those who walk in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham while he was yet uncircumcised.

13 For the promise to Abraham and his seed that he should inherit the world was not made through the law, but through the righteousness of his faith.

14 For if they had become heirs by means of the law, then faith would have been empty and the promise made of no effect.

15 For the law causes provocation; for where there is no law, there is no transgression.

16 Therefore it is by faith that we will be justified by grace; so that the promise might be sure to all his seed; not only to him who is of the law, but also to him who is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all,

17 As it is written, I have made you a father of many peoples, in the presence of the God in whom you have believed, who quickens the dead, and who invites those who are not yet in being, as though they were present.

18 For he who was hopeless trusted in hope, that he might become the father of many peoples, as it is written, So shall your seed be.

19 His faith never weakened even when he examined his old body when he was a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb.

20 He did not doubt the promise of God as one who lacks faith; but his faith gave him strength, and he gave glory to God.

21 He felt assured that what God had promised him, God was able to fulfill.

22 Therefore it was given to him for righteousness.

23 That his faith was given for righteousness, was not written for his sake alone,

24 But for us also, for he will number us also, who believe in him who raised our LORD Jesus Christ from the dead;

25 Who was delivered up for our offences and arose that he might justify us.




Chapter 4

1 如此說來,我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕憑著肉體得了甚麼呢?

1 WHAT then shall we say concerning Abraham, the chief of our forefathers, who lived according to the flesh before God called him?

2 倘若亞伯拉罕是因行為稱義,就有可誇的;只是在神面前並無可誇。

2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he had reason to be proud; but not before God.

3 聖經[scripture]上說甚麼呢?說:「亞伯拉罕信神,這就算為他的義。」

3 For what said the scripture? Abraham believed in God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.

4 作工的得工價,不算恩典,乃是該得的;

4 But to him who works, wages are not considered as a favor but as that which is due to him.

5 唯有不作工的,只信稱不敬虔之人[ungodly]為義的神,他的信就算為義。

5 And to him who works not, but only believes in him who justifies sinners, his faith is counted for righteousness.

6 正如大衛稱那在行為以外蒙神算為義的人是有福的。

6 Just as David also said about the blessedness of the man, whom God declared righteous without works,

7 他說:「得饒恕[forgiven]其過、遮蓋其罪的,這人是有福的。

7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are wiped away.

8 主不算為有罪的,這人是有福的。」

8 Blessed is the man whose sins God will not hold against him.

9 如此看來,這福是單加給那受割禮的人嗎?不也是加給那未受割禮的人嗎?因我們所說,亞伯拉罕的信,就算為他的義,

9 Now, therefore, is this blessedness on account of circumcision, or on account of uncircumcision? for we say that Abraham's faith was accounted to him for righteousness.

10 是怎麼算的呢?是在他受割禮的時候呢?是在他未受割禮的時候呢?不是在受割禮的時候,乃是在未受割禮的時候。

10 How then was it given to him? by means of circumcision, or in uncircumcision? It was not given in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.

11 並且他受了割禮的記號,作他未受割禮的時候因信稱義的印證,叫他作一切未受割禮而信之人的父,使他們也算為義;

11 For he received circumcision as a sign and a seal of the righteousness of his faith while he was uncircumcised: that he might become the father of all them who believe, though they be not circumcised, that righteousness might be given to them also;

12 又作受割禮之人的父,就是那些不但受割禮,並且按我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕未受割禮而信之蹤跡去行的人。

12 So that the father of circumcision is not only to those who are of circumcision, but also to those who walk in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham while he was yet uncircumcised.

13 因為神應許亞伯拉罕和他後裔,必作得承受世界的[be the heir of the world],不是因律法,乃是因信而得的義。

13 For the promise to Abraham and his seed that he should inherit the world was not made through the law, but through the righteousness of his faith.

14 若是屬乎律法的人才得為後嗣,信就歸於虛空,應許也就廢棄了。

14 For if they had become heirs by means of the law, then faith would have been empty and the promise made of no effect.

15 因為律法是惹動忿怒的[worketh wrath];哪裏沒有律法,那裏就沒有過犯。

15 For the law causes provocation; for where there is no law, there is no transgression.

16 所以人得為後嗣是本乎信,因此就屬乎恩,叫應許定然歸給一切後裔;不但歸給那屬乎律法的,也歸給那效法亞伯拉罕之信的。

16 Therefore it is by faith that we will be justified by grace; so that the promise might be sure to all his seed; not only to him who is of the law, but also to him who is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all,

17 亞伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人復活、使無變為有的神,他在主面前作我們世人的父。(如經上所記:「我已經立你作多國的父。」)

17 As it is written, I have made you a father of many peoples, in the presence of the God in whom you have believed, who quickens the dead, and who invites those who are not yet in being, as though they were present.

18 他在無可盼望[hope]的時候,因信仍有盼望[hope],就得以作多國的父,正如先前所說:「你的後裔將要如此。」

18 For he who was hopeless trusted in hope, that he might become the father of many peoples, as it is written, So shall your seed be.

19 他將近百歲的時候,他的信心既不軟弱[being not weak in faith]就不顧[considered not]自己的身體如同已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕;

19 His faith never weakened even when he examined his old body when he was a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb.

20 他總沒有因著不信,疑惑神所應許的[He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief];反倒信心堅強[strong in faith],將榮耀歸給神;

20 He did not doubt the promise of God as one who lacks faith; but his faith gave him strength, and he gave glory to God.

21 且滿心相信神所應許的必能作成。

21 He felt assured that what God had promised him, God was able to fulfill.

22 所以,這就算為他的義。

22 Therefore it was given to him for righteousness.

23 「算為他義」的這句話不是單為他寫的,

23 That his faith was given for righteousness, was not written for his sake alone,

24 也是為我們若信神使我們的主耶穌從死裏復活而[if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead]得算為義之人寫的。

24 But for us also, for he will number us also, who believe in him who raised our LORD Jesus Christ from the dead;

25 耶穌被交給人,是為我們的過犯[Who was delivered for our offences]復活,是為叫我們稱義[and was raised again for our justification]

25 Who was delivered up for our offences and arose that he might justify us.
