
Chapter 14

1 And it came1096 to pass, as he went2064 into1519 the house3624 of one5100 of the chief758 Pharisees5330 to eat5315 bread740 on the sabbath4521 day, that they watched3906 him.

2 And, behold,2400 there was a certain5100 man444 before1715 him which had the dropsy.5203

3 And Jesus2424 answering611 spoke2036 to the lawyers3544 and Pharisees,5330 saying,3004 Is it lawful1832 to heal2323 on the sabbath4521 day?

4 And they held2270 their peace.2270 And he took1949 him, and healed2323 him, and let him go;630

5 And answered611 them, saying,2036 Which5101 of you shall have an ass3688 or2228 an ox1016 fallen1706 into1519 a pit,5421 and will not straightway2112 pull385 him out on1722 the sabbath4521 day?2250

6 And they could2480 not answer470 him again470 to these5023 things.

7 And he put3004 forth3004 a parable3850 to those3588 which were bidden,2564 when he marked1907 how4459 they chose1586 out the chief4411 rooms;4411 saying3004 to them.

8 When3752 you are bidden2564 of any5100 man444 to a wedding,1062 sit2625 not down2625 in the highest4411 room;4411 lest3379 a more honorable1784 man444 than you be bidden2564 of him;

9 And he that bade2564 you and him come2064 and say2046 to you, Give1325 this5129 man444 place;5117 and you begin756 with shame152 to take2722 the lowest2078 room.5117

10 But when3752 you are bidden,2564 go4198 and sit377 down377 in the lowest2078 room;5117 that when3752 he that bade2564 you comes,2064 he may say2036 to you, Friend,5384 go4320 up higher:511 then5119 shall you have2071 worship1391 in the presence1799 of them that sit4873 at4873 meat with you.

11 For whoever3956 3588 exalts5312 himself1438 shall be abased;5013 and he that humbles5013 himself1438 shall be exalted.5312

12 Then1161 said3004 he also2532 to him that bade2564 him, When3752 you make4160 a dinner712 or2228 a supper,1173 call5455 not your friends,5384 nor3364 your brothers,80 neither3366 your kinsmen,4773 nor3364 your rich4145 neighbors;1069 lest3379 they also2532 bid479 you again,479 and a recompense468 be made1096 you.

13 But when3752 you make4160 a feast,1403 call2564 the poor,4434 the maimed,376 the lame,5560 the blind:5185

14 And you shall be blessed;3107 for they cannot3756 2192 recompense467 you: for you shall be recompensed467 at1722 the resurrection386 of the just.1342

15 And when one5100 of them that sat4873 at4873 meat with him heard191 these5023 things, he said2036 to him, Blessed3107 is he that shall eat5315 bread740 in the kingdom932 of God.2316

16 Then1161 said2036 he to him, A certain5100 man444 made4160 a great3173 supper,1173 and bade2564 many:4183

17 And sent649 his servant1401 at supper1173 time5610 to say2036 to them that were bidden,2564 Come;2064 for all3956 things are now2235 ready.2092

18 And they all3956 with one3391 consent began756 to make3868 excuse.3868 The first4413 said2036 to him, I have bought59 a piece of ground,68 and I must2192 needs318 go1831 and see1492 it: I pray2065 you have2192 me excused.3868

19 And another2087 said,2036 I have bought59 five4002 yoke2201 of oxen,1016 and I go4198 to prove1381 them: I pray2065 you have2192 me excused.3868

20 And another2087 said,2036 I have married1060 a wife,1135 and therefore122 5124 I cannot3756 1410 come.2064

21 So2532 that servant1401 came,3854 and showed518 his lord2962 these5023 things. Then5119 the master3617 of the house3617 being angry3710 said2036 to his servant,1401 Go1831 out quickly5030 into1519 the streets4113 and lanes4505 of the city,4172 and bring1521 in here5602 the poor,4434 and the maimed,376 and the halt,5560 and the blind.5185

22 And the servant1401 said,2036 Lord,2962 it is done1096 as you have commanded,2004 and yet2089 there is room.5117

23 And the lord2962 said2036 to the servant,1401 Go1831 out into1519 the highways1327 3598 and hedges,5418 and compel315 them to come1525 in, that my house3624 may be filled.1072

24 For I say3004 to you, That none3762 of those1565 men435 which3588 were bidden2564 shall taste1089 of my supper.1173

25 And there went4848 great4183 multitudes3793 with him: and he turned,4762 and said2036 to them,

26 If1487 any1536 man come2064 to me, and hate3404 not his father,3962 and mother,3384 and wife,1135 and children,5043 and brothers,80 and sisters,79 yes,2089 and his own1438 life5590 also,2532 he cannot3756 1410 be my disciple.3101

27 And whoever3748 does not bear941 his cross,4716 and come2064 after3694 me, cannot3756 1410 be my disciple.3101

28 For which5101 of you, intending2309 to build3618 a tower,4444 sits2523 not down2523 first,4412 and counts5585 the cost,1160 whether1487 he have2192 sufficient to finish535 it?

29 Lest2443 3361 haply,3379 after he has laid5087 the foundation,2310 and is not able2480 to finish1615 it, all3956 that behold2334 it begin756 to mock1702 him,

30 Saying,3004 This3778 man444 began756 to build,3618 and was not able2480 to finish.1615

31 Or2228 what5101 king,935 going4198 to make4820 war4171 against another2087 king,935 sits2523 not down2523 first,4412 and consults1011 whether1487 he be able1415 with ten1176 thousand5505 to meet528 him that comes2064 against1909 him with twenty1501 thousand?5505

32 Or1161 else,1490 while the other846 is yet2089 a great4183 way4206 off,631 he sends649 an ambassador,4242 and desires2065 conditions4314 of peace.1515

33 So3767 likewise,3779 whoever3956 he be of you that forsakes657 not all3956 that he has,5224 he cannot3756 1410 be my disciple.3101

34 Salt217 is good:2570 but if1437 the salt217 have lost3471 his flavor,3471 with which1722 5101 shall it be seasoned?741

35 It is neither3777 fit2111 for the land,1095 nor3777 yet for the dunghill;2874 but men cast906 it out. He that has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191



1 安息日,耶穌到一個法利賽人的首領家裏去吃[bread],他們就窺探他。

2 恰巧[behold]在他面前有一個患水臌的人。

3 耶穌[answering]律法師和法利賽人說:「安息日治病,可以不可以?」

4 他們[And]不言語。耶穌就治好那人,叫他走了;

5 便回答[answered]他們說:「你們中間誰有驢或有牛,在安息日掉在[pit]裏,不立時拉牠[out]來呢?」

6 他們不能對答[him]這些[these]話。

7 耶穌見所請的客揀擇首位,就[put forth]比喻對他們說:

8 「你被人請去赴婚筵[wedding],不要坐在首位上;恐怕有比你尊貴的客被他請來;

9 那請[thee]的人和他[and him]前來,對你說:『讓座給這一個吧;』你就羞羞慚慚的退到末位上去了。

10 你被請的時候,[But]去坐在末位上;好叫那請你的人來對你說:『朋友,請上坐。』那時,你在同席的人面前就得尊崇[worship]了。

11 因為,凡自高的,必降為卑;謙卑自己[humbleth himself]的,必升為高。」

12 那時[Then],耶穌又對請他的人說:「你擺設午餐或晚餐[a dinner or a supper],不要請你的朋友、弟兄、親屬,和[rich]富足的鄰居;恐怕他們也請你,你就得了報答。

13 你擺設筵席,倒要請那貧窮的、殘廢的、瘸腿的、瞎眼的。[blind]

14 你就有福了[And thou shalt be blessed];因為他們不能[cannot]報答你。到義人復活的時候,你要得著報答。」

15 與他[with him]同席的有一人聽見這些[these]話,就對耶穌說:「在神的國裏吃[bread]的有福了。」

16 耶穌[Then]對他說:「有一人擺設大筵席,請了許多客。

17 到了坐席的時候,打發他的[his]僕人去對所請的人說:『請來吧;樣樣都齊備了。』

18 眾人[began to]一口同音的推辭。第一個對他[unto him]說:『我買了一塊地,必須去看看;請你准我辭了。』

19 又有一個說:『我買了五對牛,要去試一試;請你准我辭了。』

20 又有一個說:『我才娶了妻,所以不能去。』

21 這樣[So],那僕人回來,把這些事[these things]都告訴了主人。家主就動怒,對[his]僕人說:『快出去,到城裏大街小巷,領那貧窮的、殘廢的、瘸腿的[halt]瞎眼的[blind]來。』

22 僕人說:『主啊,[as]你所吩咐的已經辦了,還有空座。』

23 主人對僕人說:『你出去到路上和籬笆那裏,勉強人進來,坐滿我的屋子。』

24 我告訴你們:『先前所請的那些[those]人,沒有一個得嘗我的筵席。』」

25 有極多的人和耶穌同行;他轉過來,對他們說:

26 「人到我這裏來,若不[hate]自己的父母、妻子、兒女、弟兄、姐妹、和自己的性命,就不能作我的門徒。

27 凡不背著他的[his]十字架跟從我的,也不能作我的門徒。

28 你們那一個要蓋一座樓,不先坐下算計花費,[sufficient]蓋成不[sufficient]呢?

29 恐怕[he]安了地基以後[after],不能成功,看見這事[it]的人都笑話他,

30 [Saying]:『這個人開了工,卻不能完工。』

31 或是一個王出去和別的王打仗,豈不先坐下酌量,能用一萬兵去敵那領二萬兵來攻打他的嗎?

32 若是不能,就趁敵人還遠的時候,派使者去求和息的條款。

33 照樣[So likewise],你們無論甚麼人,若不撇棄[forsaketh]一切所有的,[he]不能作我的門徒。」

34 「鹽本是好的;鹽若失了味,可用甚麼叫它再鹹呢?

35 或用在[land]裏,或堆在糞裏,都不合式;只好丟在外面。有耳可聽的,就應當聽。」


Chapter 14



1 And it came1096 to pass, as he went2064 into1519 the house3624 of one5100 of the chief758 Pharisees5330 to eat5315 bread740 on the sabbath4521 day, that they watched3906 him.

1 安息日,耶穌到一個法利賽人的首領家裏去吃[bread],他們就窺探他。

2 And, behold,2400 there was a certain5100 man444 before1715 him which had the dropsy.5203

2 恰巧[behold]在他面前有一個患水臌的人。

3 And Jesus2424 answering611 spoke2036 to the lawyers3544 and Pharisees,5330 saying,3004 Is it lawful1832 to heal2323 on the sabbath4521 day?

3 耶穌[answering]律法師和法利賽人說:「安息日治病,可以不可以?」

4 And they held2270 their peace.2270 And he took1949 him, and healed2323 him, and let him go;630

4 他們[And]不言語。耶穌就治好那人,叫他走了;

5 And answered611 them, saying,2036 Which5101 of you shall have an ass3688 or2228 an ox1016 fallen1706 into1519 a pit,5421 and will not straightway2112 pull385 him out on1722 the sabbath4521 day?2250

5 便回答[answered]他們說:「你們中間誰有驢或有牛,在安息日掉在[pit]裏,不立時拉牠[out]來呢?」

6 And they could2480 not answer470 him again470 to these5023 things.

6 他們不能對答[him]這些[these]話。

7 And he put3004 forth3004 a parable3850 to those3588 which were bidden,2564 when he marked1907 how4459 they chose1586 out the chief4411 rooms;4411 saying3004 to them.

7 耶穌見所請的客揀擇首位,就[put forth]比喻對他們說:

8 When3752 you are bidden2564 of any5100 man444 to a wedding,1062 sit2625 not down2625 in the highest4411 room;4411 lest3379 a more honorable1784 man444 than you be bidden2564 of him;

8 「你被人請去赴婚筵[wedding],不要坐在首位上;恐怕有比你尊貴的客被他請來;

9 And he that bade2564 you and him come2064 and say2046 to you, Give1325 this5129 man444 place;5117 and you begin756 with shame152 to take2722 the lowest2078 room.5117

9 那請[thee]的人和他[and him]前來,對你說:『讓座給這一個吧;』你就羞羞慚慚的退到末位上去了。

10 But when3752 you are bidden,2564 go4198 and sit377 down377 in the lowest2078 room;5117 that when3752 he that bade2564 you comes,2064 he may say2036 to you, Friend,5384 go4320 up higher:511 then5119 shall you have2071 worship1391 in the presence1799 of them that sit4873 at4873 meat with you.

10 你被請的時候,[But]去坐在末位上;好叫那請你的人來對你說:『朋友,請上坐。』那時,你在同席的人面前就得尊崇[worship]了。

11 For whoever3956 3588 exalts5312 himself1438 shall be abased;5013 and he that humbles5013 himself1438 shall be exalted.5312

11 因為,凡自高的,必降為卑;謙卑自己[humbleth himself]的,必升為高。」

12 Then1161 said3004 he also2532 to him that bade2564 him, When3752 you make4160 a dinner712 or2228 a supper,1173 call5455 not your friends,5384 nor3364 your brothers,80 neither3366 your kinsmen,4773 nor3364 your rich4145 neighbors;1069 lest3379 they also2532 bid479 you again,479 and a recompense468 be made1096 you.

12 那時[Then],耶穌又對請他的人說:「你擺設午餐或晚餐[a dinner or a supper],不要請你的朋友、弟兄、親屬,和[rich]富足的鄰居;恐怕他們也請你,你就得了報答。

13 But when3752 you make4160 a feast,1403 call2564 the poor,4434 the maimed,376 the lame,5560 the blind:5185

13 你擺設筵席,倒要請那貧窮的、殘廢的、瘸腿的、瞎眼的。[blind]

14 And you shall be blessed;3107 for they cannot3756 2192 recompense467 you: for you shall be recompensed467 at1722 the resurrection386 of the just.1342

14 你就有福了[And thou shalt be blessed];因為他們不能[cannot]報答你。到義人復活的時候,你要得著報答。」

15 And when one5100 of them that sat4873 at4873 meat with him heard191 these5023 things, he said2036 to him, Blessed3107 is he that shall eat5315 bread740 in the kingdom932 of God.2316

15 與他[with him]同席的有一人聽見這些[these]話,就對耶穌說:「在神的國裏吃[bread]的有福了。」

16 Then1161 said2036 he to him, A certain5100 man444 made4160 a great3173 supper,1173 and bade2564 many:4183

16 耶穌[Then]對他說:「有一人擺設大筵席,請了許多客。

17 And sent649 his servant1401 at supper1173 time5610 to say2036 to them that were bidden,2564 Come;2064 for all3956 things are now2235 ready.2092

17 到了坐席的時候,打發他的[his]僕人去對所請的人說:『請來吧;樣樣都齊備了。』

18 And they all3956 with one3391 consent began756 to make3868 excuse.3868 The first4413 said2036 to him, I have bought59 a piece of ground,68 and I must2192 needs318 go1831 and see1492 it: I pray2065 you have2192 me excused.3868

18 眾人[began to]一口同音的推辭。第一個對他[unto him]說:『我買了一塊地,必須去看看;請你准我辭了。』

19 And another2087 said,2036 I have bought59 five4002 yoke2201 of oxen,1016 and I go4198 to prove1381 them: I pray2065 you have2192 me excused.3868

19 又有一個說:『我買了五對牛,要去試一試;請你准我辭了。』

20 And another2087 said,2036 I have married1060 a wife,1135 and therefore122 5124 I cannot3756 1410 come.2064

20 又有一個說:『我才娶了妻,所以不能去。』

21 So2532 that servant1401 came,3854 and showed518 his lord2962 these5023 things. Then5119 the master3617 of the house3617 being angry3710 said2036 to his servant,1401 Go1831 out quickly5030 into1519 the streets4113 and lanes4505 of the city,4172 and bring1521 in here5602 the poor,4434 and the maimed,376 and the halt,5560 and the blind.5185

21 這樣[So],那僕人回來,把這些事[these things]都告訴了主人。家主就動怒,對[his]僕人說:『快出去,到城裏大街小巷,領那貧窮的、殘廢的、瘸腿的[halt]瞎眼的[blind]來。』

22 And the servant1401 said,2036 Lord,2962 it is done1096 as you have commanded,2004 and yet2089 there is room.5117

22 僕人說:『主啊,[as]你所吩咐的已經辦了,還有空座。』

23 And the lord2962 said2036 to the servant,1401 Go1831 out into1519 the highways1327 3598 and hedges,5418 and compel315 them to come1525 in, that my house3624 may be filled.1072

23 主人對僕人說:『你出去到路上和籬笆那裏,勉強人進來,坐滿我的屋子。』

24 For I say3004 to you, That none3762 of those1565 men435 which3588 were bidden2564 shall taste1089 of my supper.1173

24 我告訴你們:『先前所請的那些[those]人,沒有一個得嘗我的筵席。』」

25 And there went4848 great4183 multitudes3793 with him: and he turned,4762 and said2036 to them,

25 有極多的人和耶穌同行;他轉過來,對他們說:

26 If1487 any1536 man come2064 to me, and hate3404 not his father,3962 and mother,3384 and wife,1135 and children,5043 and brothers,80 and sisters,79 yes,2089 and his own1438 life5590 also,2532 he cannot3756 1410 be my disciple.3101

26 「人到我這裏來,若不[hate]自己的父母、妻子、兒女、弟兄、姐妹、和自己的性命,就不能作我的門徒。

27 And whoever3748 does not bear941 his cross,4716 and come2064 after3694 me, cannot3756 1410 be my disciple.3101

27 凡不背著他的[his]十字架跟從我的,也不能作我的門徒。

28 For which5101 of you, intending2309 to build3618 a tower,4444 sits2523 not down2523 first,4412 and counts5585 the cost,1160 whether1487 he have2192 sufficient to finish535 it?

28 你們那一個要蓋一座樓,不先坐下算計花費,[sufficient]蓋成不[sufficient]呢?

29 Lest2443 3361 haply,3379 after he has laid5087 the foundation,2310 and is not able2480 to finish1615 it, all3956 that behold2334 it begin756 to mock1702 him,

29 恐怕[he]安了地基以後[after],不能成功,看見這事[it]的人都笑話他,

30 Saying,3004 This3778 man444 began756 to build,3618 and was not able2480 to finish.1615

30 [Saying]:『這個人開了工,卻不能完工。』

31 Or2228 what5101 king,935 going4198 to make4820 war4171 against another2087 king,935 sits2523 not down2523 first,4412 and consults1011 whether1487 he be able1415 with ten1176 thousand5505 to meet528 him that comes2064 against1909 him with twenty1501 thousand?5505

31 或是一個王出去和別的王打仗,豈不先坐下酌量,能用一萬兵去敵那領二萬兵來攻打他的嗎?

32 Or1161 else,1490 while the other846 is yet2089 a great4183 way4206 off,631 he sends649 an ambassador,4242 and desires2065 conditions4314 of peace.1515

32 若是不能,就趁敵人還遠的時候,派使者去求和息的條款。

33 So3767 likewise,3779 whoever3956 he be of you that forsakes657 not all3956 that he has,5224 he cannot3756 1410 be my disciple.3101

33 照樣[So likewise],你們無論甚麼人,若不撇棄[forsaketh]一切所有的,[he]不能作我的門徒。」

34 Salt217 is good:2570 but if1437 the salt217 have lost3471 his flavor,3471 with which1722 5101 shall it be seasoned?741

34 「鹽本是好的;鹽若失了味,可用甚麼叫它再鹹呢?

35 It is neither3777 fit2111 for the land,1095 nor3777 yet for the dunghill;2874 but men cast906 it out. He that has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

35 或用在[land]裏,或堆在糞裏,都不合式;只好丟在外面。有耳可聽的,就應當聽。」