

1 上帝垂誡曰、

2 我耶和華爾之上帝、導爾出埃及、脫爾於賤役者、

3 余而外、不可別有上帝、

4 毋雕偶像、天上地下水中百物、勿作像象之、

5 毋拜跪、無崇奉、以我耶和華、卽爾之上帝、斷不容以他上帝匹我、惡我者禍之、自父及子、至三四世、

6 愛我、守我誡者福之、至千百世。

7 爾上帝耶和華之名勿妄稱、妄稱者罪無赦。

8 當以安息日爲聖日、永誌勿忘。

9 六日間宜操作、

10 越至七日、則耶和華爾上帝之安息日也、是日、爾與子女僕婢牲畜、及遠人主於爾家者、皆勿操作、

11 蓋六日間、耶和華造天地海萬物、七日止、故耶和華以安息日爲聖日、而錫嘏焉、

12 敬爾父母、則可於耶和華爾上帝所賜之地、而享遐齡。

13 毋殺人。

14 毋行淫、

15 毋攘竊。

16 毋妄證。

17 毋貪人宅第、妻室、僕婢、牛驢、與凡屬於人者。〇

18 民見雷迅電閃、角鳴烟障、則畏避遙立、

19 謂摩西曰、汝與我言、我則聽從、如上帝與我言、我恐死亡。

20 摩西曰、勿懼、蓋上帝降臨、試於爾衆、俾爾敬畏、毋蹈愆尤。

21 於是民遙立、而摩西至上帝所、幽深玄遠之處。〇

22 耶和華諭摩西、使宣言以色列族、曰、爾觀我由天與爾言。

23 勿以金銀鑄上帝匹我。

24 當以土築壇、獻牛羊爲燔祭、臚陳其上、亦爲酬恩之祭。凡我使人至籲我名之所、我必臨格、而錫嘏焉。

25 如以石築壇、而奉事我、則毋雕鏤、用器造作、卽爲污衊。

26 升壇毋歷堦、恐露爾下體。


Chapter 20

1 And God430 spoke1696 all3605 these428 words,1697 saying,559

2 I am the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 have brought3318 you out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 out of the house1004 of bondage.5650

3 You shall have no3808 other312 gods430 before5921 6440 me.

4 You shall not make6213 to you any graven6459 image,6754 or any3605 likeness8544 of any thing that is in heaven8064 above,4605 or that is in the earth776 beneath,8478 or that is in the water4325 under8478 the earth.776

5 You shall not bow7812 down7812 yourself to them, nor3808 serve5647 them: for I the LORD3068 your God430 am a jealous7067 God,410 visiting6485 the iniquity5771 of the fathers1 on the children1121 to the third8029 and fourth7256 generation of them that hate8130 me;

6 And showing6213 mercy2617 to thousands505 of them that love157 me, and keep8104 my commandments.4687

7 You shall not take5375 the name8034 of the LORD3068 your God430 in vain;7723 for the LORD3068 will not hold him guiltless5352 that takes5375 his name8034 in vain.7723

8 Remember2142 the sabbath7676 day,3117 to keep6942 it holy.6942

9 Six8337 days3117 shall you labor,5647 and do6213 all3605 your work:4399

10 But the seventh7637 day3117 is the sabbath7676 of the LORD3068 your God:430 in it you shall not do6213 any3605 work,4399 you, nor your son,1121 nor your daughter,1323 your manservant,5650 nor your maidservant,519 nor your cattle,929 nor your stranger1616 that is within your gates:8179

11 For in six8337 days3117 the LORD3068 made6213 heaven8064 and earth,776 the sea,3220 and all3605 that in them is, and rested5117 the seventh7637 day:3117 why5921 3651 the LORD3068 blessed1288 the sabbath7676 day,3117 and hallowed6942 it.

12 Honor3513 your father1 and your mother:517 that your days3117 may be long748 on the land127 which834 the LORD3068 your God430 gives5414 you.

13 You shall not kill.7523

14 You shall not commit5003 adultery.5003

15 You shall not steal.1589

16 You shall not bear6030 false8267 witness5707 against your neighbor.7453

17 You shall not covet2530 your neighbor's7453 house,1004 you shall not covet2530 your neighbor's7453 wife,802 nor his manservant,5650 nor his maidservant,519 nor his ox,7794 nor his ass,2543 nor any3605 thing that is your neighbor's.7453

18 And all3605 the people5971 saw7200 the thunder,6963 and the lightning,3940 and the noise6963 of the trumpet,7782 and the mountain2022 smoking:6226 and when the people5971 saw7200 it, they removed,5128 and stood5975 afar7350 off.

19 And they said559 to Moses,4872 Speak1696 you with us, and we will hear:8085 but let not God430 speak1696 with us, lest6435 we die.4191

20 And Moses4872 said559 to the people,5971 Fear3372 not: for God430 is come935 to prove5254 you, and that his fear3374 may be before5921 your faces,6440 that you sin2398 not.

21 And the people5971 stood5975 afar7350 off, and Moses4872 drew near5066 to the thick darkness6205 where834 8033 God430 was.

22 And the LORD3068 said559 to Moses,4872 Thus3541 you shall say559 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 You have seen7200 that I have talked1696 with you from heaven.8064

23 You shall not make6213 with me gods430 of silver,3701 neither3808 shall you make6213 to you gods430 of gold.2091

24 An altar4196 of earth127 you shall make6213 to me, and shall sacrifice2076 thereon5921 your burnt5930 offerings, and your peace8002 offerings, your sheep,6629 and your oxen:1241 in all3605 places4725 where834 I record2142 my name8034 I will come935 to you, and I will bless1288 you.

25 And if518 you will make6213 me an altar4196 of stone,68 you shall not build1129 it of hewn1496 stone: for if you lift5130 up your tool2719 on it, you have polluted2490 it.

26 Neither3808 shall you go5927 up by steps4609 to my altar,4196 that your nakedness6172 be not discovered1540 thereon.5921




Chapter 20

1 上帝垂誡曰、

1 And God430 spoke1696 all3605 these428 words,1697 saying,559

2 我耶和華爾之上帝、導爾出埃及、脫爾於賤役者、

2 I am the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 have brought3318 you out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 out of the house1004 of bondage.5650

3 余而外、不可別有上帝、

3 You shall have no3808 other312 gods430 before5921 6440 me.

4 毋雕偶像、天上地下水中百物、勿作像象之、

4 You shall not make6213 to you any graven6459 image,6754 or any3605 likeness8544 of any thing that is in heaven8064 above,4605 or that is in the earth776 beneath,8478 or that is in the water4325 under8478 the earth.776

5 毋拜跪、無崇奉、以我耶和華、卽爾之上帝、斷不容以他上帝匹我、惡我者禍之、自父及子、至三四世、

5 You shall not bow7812 down7812 yourself to them, nor3808 serve5647 them: for I the LORD3068 your God430 am a jealous7067 God,410 visiting6485 the iniquity5771 of the fathers1 on the children1121 to the third8029 and fourth7256 generation of them that hate8130 me;

6 愛我、守我誡者福之、至千百世。

6 And showing6213 mercy2617 to thousands505 of them that love157 me, and keep8104 my commandments.4687

7 爾上帝耶和華之名勿妄稱、妄稱者罪無赦。

7 You shall not take5375 the name8034 of the LORD3068 your God430 in vain;7723 for the LORD3068 will not hold him guiltless5352 that takes5375 his name8034 in vain.7723

8 當以安息日爲聖日、永誌勿忘。

8 Remember2142 the sabbath7676 day,3117 to keep6942 it holy.6942

9 六日間宜操作、

9 Six8337 days3117 shall you labor,5647 and do6213 all3605 your work:4399

10 越至七日、則耶和華爾上帝之安息日也、是日、爾與子女僕婢牲畜、及遠人主於爾家者、皆勿操作、

10 But the seventh7637 day3117 is the sabbath7676 of the LORD3068 your God:430 in it you shall not do6213 any3605 work,4399 you, nor your son,1121 nor your daughter,1323 your manservant,5650 nor your maidservant,519 nor your cattle,929 nor your stranger1616 that is within your gates:8179

11 蓋六日間、耶和華造天地海萬物、七日止、故耶和華以安息日爲聖日、而錫嘏焉、

11 For in six8337 days3117 the LORD3068 made6213 heaven8064 and earth,776 the sea,3220 and all3605 that in them is, and rested5117 the seventh7637 day:3117 why5921 3651 the LORD3068 blessed1288 the sabbath7676 day,3117 and hallowed6942 it.

12 敬爾父母、則可於耶和華爾上帝所賜之地、而享遐齡。

12 Honor3513 your father1 and your mother:517 that your days3117 may be long748 on the land127 which834 the LORD3068 your God430 gives5414 you.

13 毋殺人。

13 You shall not kill.7523

14 毋行淫、

14 You shall not commit5003 adultery.5003

15 毋攘竊。

15 You shall not steal.1589

16 毋妄證。

16 You shall not bear6030 false8267 witness5707 against your neighbor.7453

17 毋貪人宅第、妻室、僕婢、牛驢、與凡屬於人者。〇

17 You shall not covet2530 your neighbor's7453 house,1004 you shall not covet2530 your neighbor's7453 wife,802 nor his manservant,5650 nor his maidservant,519 nor his ox,7794 nor his ass,2543 nor any3605 thing that is your neighbor's.7453

18 民見雷迅電閃、角鳴烟障、則畏避遙立、

18 And all3605 the people5971 saw7200 the thunder,6963 and the lightning,3940 and the noise6963 of the trumpet,7782 and the mountain2022 smoking:6226 and when the people5971 saw7200 it, they removed,5128 and stood5975 afar7350 off.

19 謂摩西曰、汝與我言、我則聽從、如上帝與我言、我恐死亡。

19 And they said559 to Moses,4872 Speak1696 you with us, and we will hear:8085 but let not God430 speak1696 with us, lest6435 we die.4191

20 摩西曰、勿懼、蓋上帝降臨、試於爾衆、俾爾敬畏、毋蹈愆尤。

20 And Moses4872 said559 to the people,5971 Fear3372 not: for God430 is come935 to prove5254 you, and that his fear3374 may be before5921 your faces,6440 that you sin2398 not.

21 於是民遙立、而摩西至上帝所、幽深玄遠之處。〇

21 And the people5971 stood5975 afar7350 off, and Moses4872 drew near5066 to the thick darkness6205 where834 8033 God430 was.

22 耶和華諭摩西、使宣言以色列族、曰、爾觀我由天與爾言。

22 And the LORD3068 said559 to Moses,4872 Thus3541 you shall say559 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 You have seen7200 that I have talked1696 with you from heaven.8064

23 勿以金銀鑄上帝匹我。

23 You shall not make6213 with me gods430 of silver,3701 neither3808 shall you make6213 to you gods430 of gold.2091

24 當以土築壇、獻牛羊爲燔祭、臚陳其上、亦爲酬恩之祭。凡我使人至籲我名之所、我必臨格、而錫嘏焉。

24 An altar4196 of earth127 you shall make6213 to me, and shall sacrifice2076 thereon5921 your burnt5930 offerings, and your peace8002 offerings, your sheep,6629 and your oxen:1241 in all3605 places4725 where834 I record2142 my name8034 I will come935 to you, and I will bless1288 you.

25 如以石築壇、而奉事我、則毋雕鏤、用器造作、卽爲污衊。

25 And if518 you will make6213 me an altar4196 of stone,68 you shall not build1129 it of hewn1496 stone: for if you lift5130 up your tool2719 on it, you have polluted2490 it.

26 升壇毋歷堦、恐露爾下體。

26 Neither3808 shall you go5927 up by steps4609 to my altar,4196 that your nakedness6172 be not discovered1540 thereon.5921