

1 猶大國民咸知上帝、以色列族中、其名赫奕兮、

2 在撒冷有其帷幕、在邭城有其宅第兮、

3 越在彼土、載折弓矢、載毀干戈兮。

4 邭邑之山、巖巖可畏、勝於強暴所居之峻嶺兮、

5 猛毅之人、喪敗而長眠、英武之士、其力廢弛兮、

6 雅各之上帝兮、加以譴責、馬與乘者、淹然而就死地兮。

7 爾有威可畏、厥怒奮揚、莫能禦兮、

8 上帝兮、勃然興起、雪窮獨之寃、自天降命、居民寅畏、不敢興戎兮、

9 併於上節

10 敵人銜憾、上帝因之顯榮、維彼上帝、息敵人之餘怒兮、

11 耶和華上帝、要當敬畏、爾曹許願、必償之兮、凡從之者、宜獻禮物兮、

12 主使牧伯、咸喪厥贍、主治列王、大彰其威兮。


Psalm 76

1 IN Judah is God known; his name is great in Israel.

2 In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.

3 There broke he the arms of the bow, the shield, and the sword, in the battle.

4 Thou art all glorious and excellent from thy mighty mountain.

5 All the foolish of heart were dismayed; the mighty men of valor slept their last sleep.

6 Their hands prevailed not because of thy rebuke, O God of Jacob; the horsemen are cast into a dead sleep.

7 Thou, even thou, art to be feared; who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?

8 Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth saw it and trembled

9 When God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth.

10 For the wisdom of man shall praise thee; the remainder of his wrath shalt thou restrain.

11 Vow and fulfil thy vows to the LORD thy God; let all that be round about him bring presents to him who is to be revered.

12 He shall humble the pride of the rulers; he is dreaded by the kings of the earth.




Psalm 76

1 猶大國民咸知上帝、以色列族中、其名赫奕兮、

1 IN Judah is God known; his name is great in Israel.

2 在撒冷有其帷幕、在邭城有其宅第兮、

2 In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.

3 越在彼土、載折弓矢、載毀干戈兮。

3 There broke he the arms of the bow, the shield, and the sword, in the battle.

4 邭邑之山、巖巖可畏、勝於強暴所居之峻嶺兮、

4 Thou art all glorious and excellent from thy mighty mountain.

5 猛毅之人、喪敗而長眠、英武之士、其力廢弛兮、

5 All the foolish of heart were dismayed; the mighty men of valor slept their last sleep.

6 雅各之上帝兮、加以譴責、馬與乘者、淹然而就死地兮。

6 Their hands prevailed not because of thy rebuke, O God of Jacob; the horsemen are cast into a dead sleep.

7 爾有威可畏、厥怒奮揚、莫能禦兮、

7 Thou, even thou, art to be feared; who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?

8 上帝兮、勃然興起、雪窮獨之寃、自天降命、居民寅畏、不敢興戎兮、

8 Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth saw it and trembled

9 併於上節

9 When God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth.

10 敵人銜憾、上帝因之顯榮、維彼上帝、息敵人之餘怒兮、

10 For the wisdom of man shall praise thee; the remainder of his wrath shalt thou restrain.

11 耶和華上帝、要當敬畏、爾曹許願、必償之兮、凡從之者、宜獻禮物兮、

11 Vow and fulfil thy vows to the LORD thy God; let all that be round about him bring presents to him who is to be revered.

12 主使牧伯、咸喪厥贍、主治列王、大彰其威兮。

12 He shall humble the pride of the rulers; he is dreaded by the kings of the earth.
