

1 (此大闢所作使伶長鼓琴歌之〇)伸我寃兮上帝、昔遭困迫、而爾援手、今求矜恤、願爾俯聞。

2 惟爾世人、藐視我榮兮、尚虛妄而何底。

3 豈不知敬虔之士、爲耶和華所遴選、有祈而必聽。

4 宜寅畏、毋違逆、偃息於牀以存想兮、厥口而緘默、惟耶和華是恃兮。

5 行義以爲祭。

6 民之多言、謂誰福我兮。予曰、願耶和華色相之光華、於我而普照。

7 余歡然喜樂兮、雖旨酒孔多、五穀繁熟、比之且不足、

8 予安然偃臥、錫我安居、惟耶和華而已。


Psalm 4

1 WHEN I have called thee, thou hast answered me, O my God and Saviour of my righteousness; thou hast comforted me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me and hear my prayer.

2 Men, how long will you obscure my glory? how long will you love vanity? do you want deception forever?

3 But know that the LORD has set apart for himself him that is wonderful; the LORD will hear when I call to him.

4 Be angry and yet sin not; commune with your own heart and meditate upon your bed.

5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the LORD.

6 There are many that say, Who can show us a good man so that he may shine upon us the light of his countenance?

7 O LORD, thou hast put gladness in my heart more than in the time that their wheat and their wine and their oil increased.

8 in peace I will both lie down and sleep; for thou, O LORD, alone makest me dwell in safety.




Psalm 4

1 (此大闢所作使伶長鼓琴歌之〇)伸我寃兮上帝、昔遭困迫、而爾援手、今求矜恤、願爾俯聞。

1 WHEN I have called thee, thou hast answered me, O my God and Saviour of my righteousness; thou hast comforted me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me and hear my prayer.

2 惟爾世人、藐視我榮兮、尚虛妄而何底。

2 Men, how long will you obscure my glory? how long will you love vanity? do you want deception forever?

3 豈不知敬虔之士、爲耶和華所遴選、有祈而必聽。

3 But know that the LORD has set apart for himself him that is wonderful; the LORD will hear when I call to him.

4 宜寅畏、毋違逆、偃息於牀以存想兮、厥口而緘默、惟耶和華是恃兮。

4 Be angry and yet sin not; commune with your own heart and meditate upon your bed.

5 行義以爲祭。

5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the LORD.

6 民之多言、謂誰福我兮。予曰、願耶和華色相之光華、於我而普照。

6 There are many that say, Who can show us a good man so that he may shine upon us the light of his countenance?

7 余歡然喜樂兮、雖旨酒孔多、五穀繁熟、比之且不足、

7 O LORD, thou hast put gladness in my heart more than in the time that their wheat and their wine and their oil increased.

8 予安然偃臥、錫我安居、惟耶和華而已。

8 in peace I will both lie down and sleep; for thou, O LORD, alone makest me dwell in safety.
