

1 到了早晨,眾祭司長和民間的長老大家商議要治死耶穌;

2 他們既[when they]把他捆綁,便[and]領他[led him]去,交給巡撫本丟[Pontius].彼拉多。

3 這時候,賣耶穌的猶大看見耶穌已經定了罪,就後悔,把三十塊銀子再拿來[brought again the thirty pieces of silver]給祭司長和長老,

4 [Saying]:「我賣了無辜之人的血是有罪了。」他們說:「那與我們有甚麼相干?你自己承當吧。」

5 猶大就把銀子[silver]丟在殿裏離開[departed],出去吊死了。

6 祭司長拾起銀子[silver]來,說:「這[because]是血價,不可放在庫裏。」

7 他們商議,就用那銀錢買了陶匠[potter’s]的一塊田,為要埋葬外鄉人。

8 所以那塊田直到今日還叫作「血田」。

9 這就應驗了先知耶利米的話,說:「他們用那三十塊銀子[silver],就是被估定之人的價錢,是以色列人中所估定的;

10 拿錢給他們[gave them],買了陶匠[potter’s]的一塊田,這是照著主所派定[appointed]我的。」

11 耶穌站在巡撫面前;巡撫問他說:「你是猶太人的王嗎?」耶穌對他[unto him]說:「是你說的[Thou sayest]。」

12 他被祭司長和長老控告的時候,甚麼都不回答。

13 彼拉多就對他說:「他們作見證告你這麼多的事,你沒有聽見嗎?」

14 耶穌仍不回答一言[answered him to never a word];以致巡撫甚覺希奇。

15 巡撫有一個常例,每逢[that]節期,隨百姓[people]所要的釋放一個囚犯給他們。

16 當時,他們[they]有一個出名的囚犯叫巴拉巴。

17 百姓[they]聚集的時候,彼拉多就對他們說:「你們要我釋放那一個給你們?是巴拉巴呢?還是[or]稱為基督的耶穌呢?」

18 巡撫原知道他們是因為嫉妒才把他解了來。

19 [he]坐堂的時候,他的夫人打發人來說:「這義人的事,你一點不可管;因為我今天在夢中[because]他受了許多的苦。」

20 只是[But]祭司長和長老挑唆眾人,求釋放巴拉巴,除滅耶穌。

21 巡撫回答他們[answered and said unto them]說:「這兩個人,你們要我釋放那一個給你們呢?」他們說:「巴拉巴。」

22 彼拉多對他們[unto them]說:「這樣,那稱為基督的耶穌我怎麼辦他呢?」他們都對他[unto him]說:「把他釘十字架。」

23 巡撫說:「為甚麼呢?他作了甚麼惡事呢?」他們[But]越發[the more]喊著說:「把他釘十字架。」

24 彼拉多見說也無濟於事,反生了[was made]亂,就拿水在眾人面前洗手,說:「流這義人的血,罪不在我;你們承當吧。」

25 百姓[people][Then]都回答說:「他的血歸到我們和我們的子孫身上。」

26 於是彼拉多釋放巴拉巴給他們;他既[when he]把耶穌鞭打了,交給人釘[him]十字架。

27 巡撫的兵就把耶穌帶進議事廳[common hall],叫全營的兵都聚集在他那裏。

28 他們給他脫了衣服,穿上一件朱紅色袍子。

29 那時[when]他們[they]用荊棘編作冠冕,戴在他頭上,拿一根葦子放在他右手裏;[and]跪在他面前,戲弄他,說:「恭喜,猶太人的王啊。」

30 他們[they]又吐唾沫在他臉上,拿葦子打他的頭。

31 把他[him]戲弄完了,他們[they]就給他脫了袍子,仍穿上他自己的衣服,帶他出去,要釘[him]十字架。

32 他們出來的時候,遇見一個古利奈人,名叫西門;他們就勉強他背著[him they compelled to bear]耶穌的十字架。

33 他們[they]到了一個地方名叫各各他,意思就是髑髏地,

34 兵丁拿苦膽調和的[vinegar]給耶穌喝;他嘗了,就不肯喝。

35 於是他們[And they]將他釘在十字架上,[and]擲籤[casting lots]分了[parted]他的衣服;這是要應驗先知的話,說[that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet]:「他們分了我的外衣[They parted my garments among them]為我的裏衣擲籤[and upon my vesture did they cast lots]。」

36 兵丁[they]又坐在那裏看守他;

37 在他頭以上安一個牌子,寫著他的罪狀,說:「這是猶太人的王耶穌。」

38 當時,有兩個盜賊[thieves]和他同釘十字架,一個在右邊,一個在左邊。

39 從那裏經過的人辱罵[reviled]他,搖著頭,

40 [saying]:「你這拆毀聖殿、三日又建造起來的,可以救自己吧。你如果是神的兒子,就從十字架上下來吧。」

41 祭司長和文士並長老也是這樣戲弄他,說:

42 「他救了別人;不能救自己。他[If]是以色列的王,現在可以從十字架上下來,我們就信他。

43 他倚靠神;神若喜悅他,現在可以救他。因為他曾說:『我是神的兒子。』」

44 那和他同釘的盜賊[thieves]也是這樣的譏誚他。

45 從午正到申初,遍地都黑暗了。

46 約在申初,耶穌大聲喊著說:「以利,以利,拉馬撒巴各大尼?」就是說:「我的神,我的神,[thou]為甚麼離棄我?」

47 站在那裏的人,有的聽見就說:「這個人呼叫以利亞呢。」

48 內中有一個人趕緊跑去,拿海絨蘸滿了醋,綁在葦子上,送給他喝。

49 其餘的人說:「且等著,看以利亞來[will]救他不來。」

50 耶穌又大聲喊叫,氣就斷了。

51 忽然,殿裏的幔子從上到下裂為兩半;地也震動,磐石也崩裂;

52 墳墓也開了;已睡聖徒的身體多有起來的,

53 到耶穌復活以後,他們從墳墓裏出來,進了聖城,向許多人顯現。

54 百夫長和一同看守耶穌的人看見地震並所經歷的那些[those]事,就大大[greatly]害怕,說:「這真是神的兒子了。」

55 許多[many]婦女在那裏,遠遠的觀看,她們是從加利利跟隨耶穌來服事他的;

56 內中有抹大拉的馬利亞,又有雅各和約西的母親馬利亞,並有西庇太兩個兒子的母親。

57 到了晚上,有一個財主,名叫約瑟,是亞利馬太來的,他也是耶穌的門徒;

58 [He]去見彼拉多,求耶穌的身體。彼拉多就吩咐將身體[body]給他。

59 約瑟取了身體,[when]用乾淨細麻布裹好,

60 安放在自己的新墳墓裏,就是他鑿在磐石裏的;他又把大石頭滾到墓門口,就去了。

61 有抹大拉的馬利亞和那個馬利亞在那裏,對著墳墓坐著。

62 次日,就是預備日的第二天,祭司長和法利賽人聚集來見彼拉多,

63 [Saying]:「大人,我們記得那迷惑人的[deceiver]還活著的時候曾說:『三日後我要復活。』

64 因此,請吩咐人將墳墓把守妥當,直到第三天,恐怕他的門徒在夜間[by night]來,把他偷了去,就告訴百姓說:『他從死裏復活了。』這樣,那後來的迷惑比先前的更利害了。」

65 彼拉多對他們[unto them]說:「你們有看守的人[watch]你們[your]去吧,盡你們所能的把守妥當。」

66 他們就去,使墳墓把守妥當,封了石頭,且派人看守[went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch]


Chapter 27

1 When the morning4405 was come,1096 all3956 the chief749 priests749 and elders4245 of the people2992 took2983 counsel4824 against2596 Jesus2424 to put2289 him to death:2289

2 And when they had bound1210 him, they led520 him away,520 and delivered3860 him to Pontius4194 Pilate4091 the governor.2232

3 Then5119 Judas,2455 which3588 had betrayed3860 him, when he saw1492 that he was condemned,2632 repented3338 himself, and brought654 again654 the thirty5144 pieces of silver694 to the chief749 priests749 and elders,4245

4 Saying,3004 I have sinned264 in that I have betrayed3860 the innocent121 blood.129 And they said,2036 What5101 is that to us? see3700 you to that.

5 And he cast4496 down4496 the pieces of silver694 in the temple,3485 and departed,402 and went565 and hanged519 himself.

6 And the chief749 priests749 took2983 the silver694 pieces, and said,2036 It is not lawful1832 for to put906 them into1519 the treasury,2878 because1893 it is the price5092 of blood.129

7 And they took2983 counsel,4824 and bought59 with them the potter's2763 field,68 to bury5027 strangers3581 in.

8 Why1352 that field68 was called,2564 The field68 of blood,129 to this4594 day.4594

9 Then5119 was fulfilled4137 that which3588 was spoken4483 by Jeremy2408 the prophet,4396 saying,3004 And they took2983 the thirty5144 pieces of silver,694 the price5092 of him that was valued,5091 whom3739 they of the children5207 of Israel2474 did value;5091

10 And gave1325 them for the potter's2763 field,68 as the Lord2962 appointed4929 me.

11 And Jesus2424 stood2476 before1715 the governor:2232 and the governor2232 asked1905 him, saying,3004 Are1488 you the King935 of the Jews?2453 And Jesus2424 said5346 to him, You say.3004

12 And when1722 3588 he was accused2723 of the chief749 priests749 and elders,4245 he answered611 nothing.3762

13 Then5119 said3004 Pilate4091 to him, Hear191 you not how4214 many4214 things they witness2649 against you?

14 And he answered611 him to never3761 1520 a word;4487 so5620 that the governor2232 marveled2296 greatly.3029

15 Now1161 at2596 that feast1859 the governor2232 was wont1486 to release630 to the people3793 a prisoner,1198 whom3739 they would.2309

16 And they had2192 then5119 a notable1978 prisoner,1198 called3004 Barabbas.912

17 Therefore3767 when they were gathered4863 together,4863 Pilate4091 said2036 to them, Whom5101 will2309 you that I release630 to you? Barabbas,912 or2228 Jesus2424 which3588 is called3004 Christ?5547

18 For he knew1492 that for envy5355 they had delivered3860 him.

19 When he was set2521 down2521 on1909 the judgment968 seat,968 his wife1135 sent649 to him, saying,3004 Have you nothing3367 to do with that just1342 man: for I have suffered3958 many4183 things this4594 day4594 in a dream3677 because1223 of him.

20 But the chief749 priests749 and elders4245 persuaded3982 the multitude3793 that they should ask154 Barabbas,912 and destroy622 Jesus.2424

21 The governor2232 answered611 and said2036 to them, Whether5101 of the two1417 will2309 you that I release630 to you? They said,2036 Barabbas.912

22 Pilate4091 said3004 to them, What5101 shall I do4160 then3767 with Jesus2424 which3588 is called3004 Christ?5547 They all3956 say3004 to him, Let him be crucified.4717

23 And the governor2232 said,5346 Why,1063 what5101 evil2556 has he done?4160 But they cried2896 out the more,4057 saying,3004 Let him be crucified.4717

24 When Pilate4091 saw1492 that he could prevail5623 nothing,3762 but that rather3123 a tumult2351 was made,1096 he took2983 water,5204 and washed633 his hands5495 before561 the multitude,3793 saying,3004 I am1510 innocent121 of the blood129 of this5127 just1342 person: see3700 you to it.

25 Then2532 answered611 all3956 the people,2992 and said,2036 His blood129 be on1909 us, and on1909 our children.5043

26 Then5119 released630 he Barabbas912 to them: and when he had scourged5417 Jesus,2424 he delivered3860 him to be crucified.4717

27 Then5119 the soldiers4757 of the governor2232 took3880 Jesus2424 into1519 the common4232 hall,4232 and gathered4863 to him the whole3650 band4686 of soldiers.

28 And they stripped1562 him, and put4060 on4060 him a scarlet2847 robe.5511

29 And when they had platted4120 a crown4735 of thorns,173 they put2007 it on his head,2776 and a reed2563 in his right1188 hand: and they bowed1120 the knee before1715 him, and mocked1702 him, saying,3004 Hail,5463 King935 of the Jews!2453

30 And they spit1716 on him, and took2983 the reed,2563 and smote5180 him on1519 the head.2776

31 And after3753 that they had mocked1702 him, they took1562 the robe5511 off1562 from him, and put1746 his own raiment2440 on1746 him, and led520 him away520 to crucify4717 him.

32 And as they came1831 out, they found2147 a man444 of Cyrene,2957 Simon4613 by name:3686 him they compelled29 to bear142 his cross.4716

33 And when they were come2064 to a place5117 called3004 Golgotha,1115 that is to say,3004 a place5117 of a skull,2898

34 They gave1325 him vinegar3690 to drink4095 mingled3396 with gall:5521 and when he had tasted1089 thereof, he would2309 not drink.4095

35 And they crucified4717 him, and parted1266 his garments,2440 casting906 lots:2819 that it might be fulfilled4137 which3588 was spoken4483 by the prophet,4396 They parted1266 my garments2440 among them, and on my clothing2441 did they cast906 lots.2819

36 And sitting2521 down2521 they watched5083 him there;1563

37 And set2007 up over1883 his head2776 his accusation156 written,1125 THIS3778 IS JESUS2424 THE KING935 OF THE JEWS.2453

38 Then5119 were there two1417 thieves3027 crucified4717 with him, one1520 on1537 the right1188 hand, and another1520 on1537 the left.2176

39 And they that passed3899 by reviled987 him, wagging2795 their heads,2776

40 And saying,3004 You that destroy2647 the temple,3485 and build3618 it in three5140 days,2250 save4982 yourself.4572 If1487 you be the Son5207 of God,2316 come2597 down2597 from the cross.4716

41 Likewise3668 also1161 the chief749 priests749 mocking1702 him, with the scribes1122 and elders,4245 said,3004

42 He saved4982 others;243 himself1438 he cannot3756 1410 save.4982 If1487 he be the King935 of Israel,2474 let him now3568 come2597 down2597 from the cross,4716 and we will believe4100 him.

43 He trusted3982 in God;2316 let him deliver4506 him now,3568 if1487 he will2309 have him: for he said,2036 I am1510 the Son5207 of God.2316

44 The thieves3027 also,2532 which3588 were crucified4957 with him, cast3679 the same846 in his teeth.3679

45 Now1161 from the sixth1623 hour5610 there was darkness4655 over1909 all3956 the land1093 to the ninth1766 hour.5610

46 And about4012 the ninth1766 hour5610 Jesus2424 cried310 with a loud3173 voice,5456 saying,3004 Eli,2241 Eli,2241 lama2982 sabachthani?4518 that is to say, My God,2316 my God,2316 why2444 have you forsaken1459 me?

47 Some5100 of them that stood2476 there,1563 when they heard191 that, said,3004 This3778 man calls5455 for Elias.2243

48 And straightway2112 one1520 of them ran,5143 and took2983 a sponge,4699 and filled4130 it with vinegar,3690 and put4060 it on4060 a reed,2563 and gave4222 him to drink.

49 The rest3062 said,3004 Let863 be, let us see1492 whether1487 Elias2243 will come2064 to save4982 him.

50 Jesus,2424 when he had cried2896 again3825 with a loud3173 voice,5456 yielded863 up the ghost.4151

51 And, behold,2400 the veil2665 of the temple3485 was rent4977 in two1417 from the top509 to the bottom;2736 and the earth1093 did quake,4579 and the rocks4073 rent;4977

52 And the graves3419 were opened;455 and many4183 bodies4983 of the saints40 which3588 slept2837 arose,1453

53 And came1831 out of the graves3419 after3326 his resurrection,1454 and went1525 into1519 the holy40 city,4172 and appeared1718 to many.4183

54 Now1161 when the centurion,1543 and they that were with him, watching5083 Jesus,2424 saw1492 the earthquake,4578 and those3588 things that were done,1096 they feared5399 greatly,4970 saying,3004 Truly230 this3778 was the Son5207 of God.2316

55 And many4183 women1135 were there1563 beholding2334 afar3113 off,575 which3748 followed190 Jesus2424 from Galilee,1056 ministering1247 to him:

56 Among1722 which3739 was Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 and Mary3137 the mother3384 of James2385 and Joses,2500 and the mother3384 of Zebedees2199 children.5207

57 When the even3798 was come,1096 there came2064 a rich4145 man444 of Arimathaea,707 named3686 Joseph,2501 who3739 also2532 himself846 was Jesus'2424 disciple:3100

58 He went4334 to Pilate,4091 and begged154 the body4983 of Jesus.2424 Then5119 Pilate4091 commanded2753 the body4983 to be delivered.591

59 And when Joseph2501 had taken2983 the body,4983 he wrapped1794 it in a clean2513 linen4616 cloth,4616

60 And laid5087 it in his own new2537 tomb,3419 which3739 he had hewn2998 out in the rock:4073 and he rolled4351 a great3173 stone3037 to the door2374 of the sepulcher,3419 and departed.565

61 And there1563 was Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 and the other243 Mary,3137 sitting2521 over561 against561 the sepulcher.5028

62 Now1161 the next1887 day,1887 that followed2076 3326 the day of the preparation,3904 the chief749 priests749 and Pharisees5330 came4863 together4863 to Pilate,4091

63 Saying,3004 Sir,2962 we remember3415 that that deceiver4108 said,2036 while he was yet2089 alive,2198 After3326 three5140 days2250 I will rise1453 again.1453

64 Command2753 therefore3767 that the sepulcher5028 be made805 sure805 until2193 the third5154 day,2250 lest3379 his disciples3101 come2064 by night,3571 and steal2813 him away, and say2036 to the people,2992 He is risen1453 from the dead:3498 so2532 the last2078 error4106 shall be worse5501 than the first.4413

65 Pilate4091 said5346 to them, You have2192 a watch:2892 go5217 your way, make805 it as sure805 as you can.1492

66 So1161 they went,4198 and made805 the sepulcher5028 sure,805 sealing4972 the stone,3037 and setting3326 a watch.2892




Chapter 27

1 到了早晨,眾祭司長和民間的長老大家商議要治死耶穌;

1 When the morning4405 was come,1096 all3956 the chief749 priests749 and elders4245 of the people2992 took2983 counsel4824 against2596 Jesus2424 to put2289 him to death:2289

2 他們既[when they]把他捆綁,便[and]領他[led him]去,交給巡撫本丟[Pontius].彼拉多。

2 And when they had bound1210 him, they led520 him away,520 and delivered3860 him to Pontius4194 Pilate4091 the governor.2232

3 這時候,賣耶穌的猶大看見耶穌已經定了罪,就後悔,把三十塊銀子再拿來[brought again the thirty pieces of silver]給祭司長和長老,

3 Then5119 Judas,2455 which3588 had betrayed3860 him, when he saw1492 that he was condemned,2632 repented3338 himself, and brought654 again654 the thirty5144 pieces of silver694 to the chief749 priests749 and elders,4245

4 [Saying]:「我賣了無辜之人的血是有罪了。」他們說:「那與我們有甚麼相干?你自己承當吧。」

4 Saying,3004 I have sinned264 in that I have betrayed3860 the innocent121 blood.129 And they said,2036 What5101 is that to us? see3700 you to that.

5 猶大就把銀子[silver]丟在殿裏離開[departed],出去吊死了。

5 And he cast4496 down4496 the pieces of silver694 in the temple,3485 and departed,402 and went565 and hanged519 himself.

6 祭司長拾起銀子[silver]來,說:「這[because]是血價,不可放在庫裏。」

6 And the chief749 priests749 took2983 the silver694 pieces, and said,2036 It is not lawful1832 for to put906 them into1519 the treasury,2878 because1893 it is the price5092 of blood.129

7 他們商議,就用那銀錢買了陶匠[potter’s]的一塊田,為要埋葬外鄉人。

7 And they took2983 counsel,4824 and bought59 with them the potter's2763 field,68 to bury5027 strangers3581 in.

8 所以那塊田直到今日還叫作「血田」。

8 Why1352 that field68 was called,2564 The field68 of blood,129 to this4594 day.4594

9 這就應驗了先知耶利米的話,說:「他們用那三十塊銀子[silver],就是被估定之人的價錢,是以色列人中所估定的;

9 Then5119 was fulfilled4137 that which3588 was spoken4483 by Jeremy2408 the prophet,4396 saying,3004 And they took2983 the thirty5144 pieces of silver,694 the price5092 of him that was valued,5091 whom3739 they of the children5207 of Israel2474 did value;5091

10 拿錢給他們[gave them],買了陶匠[potter’s]的一塊田,這是照著主所派定[appointed]我的。」

10 And gave1325 them for the potter's2763 field,68 as the Lord2962 appointed4929 me.

11 耶穌站在巡撫面前;巡撫問他說:「你是猶太人的王嗎?」耶穌對他[unto him]說:「是你說的[Thou sayest]。」

11 And Jesus2424 stood2476 before1715 the governor:2232 and the governor2232 asked1905 him, saying,3004 Are1488 you the King935 of the Jews?2453 And Jesus2424 said5346 to him, You say.3004

12 他被祭司長和長老控告的時候,甚麼都不回答。

12 And when1722 3588 he was accused2723 of the chief749 priests749 and elders,4245 he answered611 nothing.3762

13 彼拉多就對他說:「他們作見證告你這麼多的事,你沒有聽見嗎?」

13 Then5119 said3004 Pilate4091 to him, Hear191 you not how4214 many4214 things they witness2649 against you?

14 耶穌仍不回答一言[answered him to never a word];以致巡撫甚覺希奇。

14 And he answered611 him to never3761 1520 a word;4487 so5620 that the governor2232 marveled2296 greatly.3029

15 巡撫有一個常例,每逢[that]節期,隨百姓[people]所要的釋放一個囚犯給他們。

15 Now1161 at2596 that feast1859 the governor2232 was wont1486 to release630 to the people3793 a prisoner,1198 whom3739 they would.2309

16 當時,他們[they]有一個出名的囚犯叫巴拉巴。

16 And they had2192 then5119 a notable1978 prisoner,1198 called3004 Barabbas.912

17 百姓[they]聚集的時候,彼拉多就對他們說:「你們要我釋放那一個給你們?是巴拉巴呢?還是[or]稱為基督的耶穌呢?」

17 Therefore3767 when they were gathered4863 together,4863 Pilate4091 said2036 to them, Whom5101 will2309 you that I release630 to you? Barabbas,912 or2228 Jesus2424 which3588 is called3004 Christ?5547

18 巡撫原知道他們是因為嫉妒才把他解了來。

18 For he knew1492 that for envy5355 they had delivered3860 him.

19 [he]坐堂的時候,他的夫人打發人來說:「這義人的事,你一點不可管;因為我今天在夢中[because]他受了許多的苦。」

19 When he was set2521 down2521 on1909 the judgment968 seat,968 his wife1135 sent649 to him, saying,3004 Have you nothing3367 to do with that just1342 man: for I have suffered3958 many4183 things this4594 day4594 in a dream3677 because1223 of him.

20 只是[But]祭司長和長老挑唆眾人,求釋放巴拉巴,除滅耶穌。

20 But the chief749 priests749 and elders4245 persuaded3982 the multitude3793 that they should ask154 Barabbas,912 and destroy622 Jesus.2424

21 巡撫回答他們[answered and said unto them]說:「這兩個人,你們要我釋放那一個給你們呢?」他們說:「巴拉巴。」

21 The governor2232 answered611 and said2036 to them, Whether5101 of the two1417 will2309 you that I release630 to you? They said,2036 Barabbas.912

22 彼拉多對他們[unto them]說:「這樣,那稱為基督的耶穌我怎麼辦他呢?」他們都對他[unto him]說:「把他釘十字架。」

22 Pilate4091 said3004 to them, What5101 shall I do4160 then3767 with Jesus2424 which3588 is called3004 Christ?5547 They all3956 say3004 to him, Let him be crucified.4717

23 巡撫說:「為甚麼呢?他作了甚麼惡事呢?」他們[But]越發[the more]喊著說:「把他釘十字架。」

23 And the governor2232 said,5346 Why,1063 what5101 evil2556 has he done?4160 But they cried2896 out the more,4057 saying,3004 Let him be crucified.4717

24 彼拉多見說也無濟於事,反生了[was made]亂,就拿水在眾人面前洗手,說:「流這義人的血,罪不在我;你們承當吧。」

24 When Pilate4091 saw1492 that he could prevail5623 nothing,3762 but that rather3123 a tumult2351 was made,1096 he took2983 water,5204 and washed633 his hands5495 before561 the multitude,3793 saying,3004 I am1510 innocent121 of the blood129 of this5127 just1342 person: see3700 you to it.

25 百姓[people][Then]都回答說:「他的血歸到我們和我們的子孫身上。」

25 Then2532 answered611 all3956 the people,2992 and said,2036 His blood129 be on1909 us, and on1909 our children.5043

26 於是彼拉多釋放巴拉巴給他們;他既[when he]把耶穌鞭打了,交給人釘[him]十字架。

26 Then5119 released630 he Barabbas912 to them: and when he had scourged5417 Jesus,2424 he delivered3860 him to be crucified.4717

27 巡撫的兵就把耶穌帶進議事廳[common hall],叫全營的兵都聚集在他那裏。

27 Then5119 the soldiers4757 of the governor2232 took3880 Jesus2424 into1519 the common4232 hall,4232 and gathered4863 to him the whole3650 band4686 of soldiers.

28 他們給他脫了衣服,穿上一件朱紅色袍子。

28 And they stripped1562 him, and put4060 on4060 him a scarlet2847 robe.5511

29 那時[when]他們[they]用荊棘編作冠冕,戴在他頭上,拿一根葦子放在他右手裏;[and]跪在他面前,戲弄他,說:「恭喜,猶太人的王啊。」

29 And when they had platted4120 a crown4735 of thorns,173 they put2007 it on his head,2776 and a reed2563 in his right1188 hand: and they bowed1120 the knee before1715 him, and mocked1702 him, saying,3004 Hail,5463 King935 of the Jews!2453

30 他們[they]又吐唾沫在他臉上,拿葦子打他的頭。

30 And they spit1716 on him, and took2983 the reed,2563 and smote5180 him on1519 the head.2776

31 把他[him]戲弄完了,他們[they]就給他脫了袍子,仍穿上他自己的衣服,帶他出去,要釘[him]十字架。

31 And after3753 that they had mocked1702 him, they took1562 the robe5511 off1562 from him, and put1746 his own raiment2440 on1746 him, and led520 him away520 to crucify4717 him.

32 他們出來的時候,遇見一個古利奈人,名叫西門;他們就勉強他背著[him they compelled to bear]耶穌的十字架。

32 And as they came1831 out, they found2147 a man444 of Cyrene,2957 Simon4613 by name:3686 him they compelled29 to bear142 his cross.4716

33 他們[they]到了一個地方名叫各各他,意思就是髑髏地,

33 And when they were come2064 to a place5117 called3004 Golgotha,1115 that is to say,3004 a place5117 of a skull,2898

34 兵丁拿苦膽調和的[vinegar]給耶穌喝;他嘗了,就不肯喝。

34 They gave1325 him vinegar3690 to drink4095 mingled3396 with gall:5521 and when he had tasted1089 thereof, he would2309 not drink.4095

35 於是他們[And they]將他釘在十字架上,[and]擲籤[casting lots]分了[parted]他的衣服;這是要應驗先知的話,說[that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet]:「他們分了我的外衣[They parted my garments among them]為我的裏衣擲籤[and upon my vesture did they cast lots]。」

35 And they crucified4717 him, and parted1266 his garments,2440 casting906 lots:2819 that it might be fulfilled4137 which3588 was spoken4483 by the prophet,4396 They parted1266 my garments2440 among them, and on my clothing2441 did they cast906 lots.2819

36 兵丁[they]又坐在那裏看守他;

36 And sitting2521 down2521 they watched5083 him there;1563

37 在他頭以上安一個牌子,寫著他的罪狀,說:「這是猶太人的王耶穌。」

37 And set2007 up over1883 his head2776 his accusation156 written,1125 THIS3778 IS JESUS2424 THE KING935 OF THE JEWS.2453

38 當時,有兩個盜賊[thieves]和他同釘十字架,一個在右邊,一個在左邊。

38 Then5119 were there two1417 thieves3027 crucified4717 with him, one1520 on1537 the right1188 hand, and another1520 on1537 the left.2176

39 從那裏經過的人辱罵[reviled]他,搖著頭,

39 And they that passed3899 by reviled987 him, wagging2795 their heads,2776

40 [saying]:「你這拆毀聖殿、三日又建造起來的,可以救自己吧。你如果是神的兒子,就從十字架上下來吧。」

40 And saying,3004 You that destroy2647 the temple,3485 and build3618 it in three5140 days,2250 save4982 yourself.4572 If1487 you be the Son5207 of God,2316 come2597 down2597 from the cross.4716

41 祭司長和文士並長老也是這樣戲弄他,說:

41 Likewise3668 also1161 the chief749 priests749 mocking1702 him, with the scribes1122 and elders,4245 said,3004

42 「他救了別人;不能救自己。他[If]是以色列的王,現在可以從十字架上下來,我們就信他。

42 He saved4982 others;243 himself1438 he cannot3756 1410 save.4982 If1487 he be the King935 of Israel,2474 let him now3568 come2597 down2597 from the cross,4716 and we will believe4100 him.

43 他倚靠神;神若喜悅他,現在可以救他。因為他曾說:『我是神的兒子。』」

43 He trusted3982 in God;2316 let him deliver4506 him now,3568 if1487 he will2309 have him: for he said,2036 I am1510 the Son5207 of God.2316

44 那和他同釘的盜賊[thieves]也是這樣的譏誚他。

44 The thieves3027 also,2532 which3588 were crucified4957 with him, cast3679 the same846 in his teeth.3679

45 從午正到申初,遍地都黑暗了。

45 Now1161 from the sixth1623 hour5610 there was darkness4655 over1909 all3956 the land1093 to the ninth1766 hour.5610

46 約在申初,耶穌大聲喊著說:「以利,以利,拉馬撒巴各大尼?」就是說:「我的神,我的神,[thou]為甚麼離棄我?」

46 And about4012 the ninth1766 hour5610 Jesus2424 cried310 with a loud3173 voice,5456 saying,3004 Eli,2241 Eli,2241 lama2982 sabachthani?4518 that is to say, My God,2316 my God,2316 why2444 have you forsaken1459 me?

47 站在那裏的人,有的聽見就說:「這個人呼叫以利亞呢。」

47 Some5100 of them that stood2476 there,1563 when they heard191 that, said,3004 This3778 man calls5455 for Elias.2243

48 內中有一個人趕緊跑去,拿海絨蘸滿了醋,綁在葦子上,送給他喝。

48 And straightway2112 one1520 of them ran,5143 and took2983 a sponge,4699 and filled4130 it with vinegar,3690 and put4060 it on4060 a reed,2563 and gave4222 him to drink.

49 其餘的人說:「且等著,看以利亞來[will]救他不來。」

49 The rest3062 said,3004 Let863 be, let us see1492 whether1487 Elias2243 will come2064 to save4982 him.

50 耶穌又大聲喊叫,氣就斷了。

50 Jesus,2424 when he had cried2896 again3825 with a loud3173 voice,5456 yielded863 up the ghost.4151

51 忽然,殿裏的幔子從上到下裂為兩半;地也震動,磐石也崩裂;

51 And, behold,2400 the veil2665 of the temple3485 was rent4977 in two1417 from the top509 to the bottom;2736 and the earth1093 did quake,4579 and the rocks4073 rent;4977

52 墳墓也開了;已睡聖徒的身體多有起來的,

52 And the graves3419 were opened;455 and many4183 bodies4983 of the saints40 which3588 slept2837 arose,1453

53 到耶穌復活以後,他們從墳墓裏出來,進了聖城,向許多人顯現。

53 And came1831 out of the graves3419 after3326 his resurrection,1454 and went1525 into1519 the holy40 city,4172 and appeared1718 to many.4183

54 百夫長和一同看守耶穌的人看見地震並所經歷的那些[those]事,就大大[greatly]害怕,說:「這真是神的兒子了。」

54 Now1161 when the centurion,1543 and they that were with him, watching5083 Jesus,2424 saw1492 the earthquake,4578 and those3588 things that were done,1096 they feared5399 greatly,4970 saying,3004 Truly230 this3778 was the Son5207 of God.2316

55 許多[many]婦女在那裏,遠遠的觀看,她們是從加利利跟隨耶穌來服事他的;

55 And many4183 women1135 were there1563 beholding2334 afar3113 off,575 which3748 followed190 Jesus2424 from Galilee,1056 ministering1247 to him:

56 內中有抹大拉的馬利亞,又有雅各和約西的母親馬利亞,並有西庇太兩個兒子的母親。

56 Among1722 which3739 was Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 and Mary3137 the mother3384 of James2385 and Joses,2500 and the mother3384 of Zebedees2199 children.5207

57 到了晚上,有一個財主,名叫約瑟,是亞利馬太來的,他也是耶穌的門徒;

57 When the even3798 was come,1096 there came2064 a rich4145 man444 of Arimathaea,707 named3686 Joseph,2501 who3739 also2532 himself846 was Jesus'2424 disciple:3100

58 [He]去見彼拉多,求耶穌的身體。彼拉多就吩咐將身體[body]給他。

58 He went4334 to Pilate,4091 and begged154 the body4983 of Jesus.2424 Then5119 Pilate4091 commanded2753 the body4983 to be delivered.591

59 約瑟取了身體,[when]用乾淨細麻布裹好,

59 And when Joseph2501 had taken2983 the body,4983 he wrapped1794 it in a clean2513 linen4616 cloth,4616

60 安放在自己的新墳墓裏,就是他鑿在磐石裏的;他又把大石頭滾到墓門口,就去了。

60 And laid5087 it in his own new2537 tomb,3419 which3739 he had hewn2998 out in the rock:4073 and he rolled4351 a great3173 stone3037 to the door2374 of the sepulcher,3419 and departed.565

61 有抹大拉的馬利亞和那個馬利亞在那裏,對著墳墓坐著。

61 And there1563 was Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 and the other243 Mary,3137 sitting2521 over561 against561 the sepulcher.5028

62 次日,就是預備日的第二天,祭司長和法利賽人聚集來見彼拉多,

62 Now1161 the next1887 day,1887 that followed2076 3326 the day of the preparation,3904 the chief749 priests749 and Pharisees5330 came4863 together4863 to Pilate,4091

63 [Saying]:「大人,我們記得那迷惑人的[deceiver]還活著的時候曾說:『三日後我要復活。』

63 Saying,3004 Sir,2962 we remember3415 that that deceiver4108 said,2036 while he was yet2089 alive,2198 After3326 three5140 days2250 I will rise1453 again.1453

64 因此,請吩咐人將墳墓把守妥當,直到第三天,恐怕他的門徒在夜間[by night]來,把他偷了去,就告訴百姓說:『他從死裏復活了。』這樣,那後來的迷惑比先前的更利害了。」

64 Command2753 therefore3767 that the sepulcher5028 be made805 sure805 until2193 the third5154 day,2250 lest3379 his disciples3101 come2064 by night,3571 and steal2813 him away, and say2036 to the people,2992 He is risen1453 from the dead:3498 so2532 the last2078 error4106 shall be worse5501 than the first.4413

65 彼拉多對他們[unto them]說:「你們有看守的人[watch]你們[your]去吧,盡你們所能的把守妥當。」

65 Pilate4091 said5346 to them, You have2192 a watch:2892 go5217 your way, make805 it as sure805 as you can.1492

66 他們就去,使墳墓把守妥當,封了石頭,且派人看守[went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch]

66 So1161 they went,4198 and made805 the sepulcher5028 sure,805 sealing4972 the stone,3037 and setting3326 a watch.2892
