

1 耶和華藉先知耶利米攻擊[against]巴比倫和迦勒底人之地所說的話。

2 你們要在列國中傳揚報告,豎立旗幟[standard];要報告,不可隱瞞,說:巴比倫被攻取,彼勒抱愧[confounded],米羅達被打碎[broken in pieces]。巴比倫的偶像[idols]抱愧[confounded];她的眾像[images]都被打碎[broken in pieces]

3 「因有一國從北方上來攻擊她,使她的地荒涼,無人居住;連人帶牲畜都必遷移[shall remove]離開[depart]。」

4 耶和華說:「當那些[those]日子、那時候,以色列人要和猶大人同來,隨走隨哭;他們要去[they shall go],尋求耶和華─他們的神。

5 他們必尋問[ask][to]錫安的道路[way],又面向這裏,說:『來吧,我們[us]要與耶和華聯合為永遠不忘的約。』

6 「我的百姓作了迷路[astray]的羊;他們的[their]牧人使他們走差路,在山上將他們轉去[turned them away on the mountains];他們從大山走到小山,竟忘了安歇之處。

7 凡遇見他們的,就把他們吞滅;他們的[their]敵人說:『我們沒有罪,因他們得罪那作公義居所的耶和華,就是他們列祖所仰望的耶和華。』

8 「我民哪,你們要從巴比倫中遷出[Remove out],從迦勒底人之地出去,要像羊群前面走的公山羊。

9 看哪[lo],因我必興起[raise]聯合的大國從北方上來攻擊巴比倫;他們要擺陣攻擊她,她必從那裏被攻取;他們的箭[shall be]勇士善射的[of a mighty expert man]箭,一枝也不徒然返回。

10 迦勒底必成為掠物;凡擄掠她的都必心滿意足,這是耶和華說的。」

11 毀壞[destroyers]我產業的啊,你們因歡喜快樂,且像草上[at grass]豐肥的[grown fat]母牛犢,又像發吼聲的公牛[bellow as bulls]

12 你們的母巴比倫就極其抱愧,生你們的必然蒙羞;看哪[behold]那在諸國之末的[the hindermost of the nations][shall]成為曠野、旱地、荒漠[desert]

13 因耶和華的忿怒,必無人居住,要全然荒涼;凡經過巴比倫的要受驚駭,又因她所遭的災殃嗤笑。

14 所有拉弓的,你們要在巴比倫的四圍擺陣;射箭攻擊她,不要愛惜箭枝;因她得罪了耶和華。

15 你們要在她四圍吶喊;她已經投降;根基倒塌了[foundations are fallen],城牆拆毀了,因為這是耶和華報仇的事;你們要向巴比倫報仇,她怎樣待人,也要怎樣待她。

16 你們要將巴比倫撒種的和收割時拿鐮刀的都剪除了;他們各人因怕欺壓的刀劍,必歸回本族,逃到本土。

17 「以色列是打散的羊,是被獅子趕出的;首先是亞述王將他吞滅,末後是巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒將他的骨頭折斷。」

18 所以大軍之耶和華─以色列的神如此說:「看哪[Behold],我必罰巴比倫王和他的地,像我從前罰亞述王一樣。

19 我必再領以色列回他的居所[habitation],他必在迦密和巴珊吃草,又在以法蓮山上和基列境內得以飽足。」

20 耶和華說:「當那些[those]日子、那時候,雖尋以色列的罪孽,一無所有;雖尋猶大的罪惡,也無所見;因為我所留下的人,我必赦免。」

21 耶和華說:上去攻擊米拉大翁之地,又攻擊比割的居民;要使他們荒涼[waste]追趕滅絕他們[utterly destroy after them],照我一切所吩咐你的去行。

22 境內有打仗和大毀滅的響聲。

23 全地的大鎚[hammer]何竟砍斷破壞。巴比倫在列國中何竟荒涼。

24 巴比倫哪,我為你設下網羅,你[also]不知不覺被纏住;你被尋著,也被捉住,因為你與耶和華爭競。

25 耶和華已經開了他武備的庫[his armoury],拿出他惱恨的兵器;因這乃是[for this is]主─大軍之耶和華在迦勒底人之地當作的[work]

26 你們要從極遠的邊界來攻擊她,開她的穀倉[storehouses];將她堆如堆壘[heaps],毀滅淨盡;絲毫不留。

27 要殺她的一切公牛犢[bullocks],使他們下去遭遇殺戮;他們有禍了。因為追討他們的日子已經來到。

28 有從巴比倫之地逃避出來的人,在錫安揚聲報告耶和華─我們的神報仇,就是為他的殿報仇。

29 招集弓箭手[Call together the archers]來攻擊巴比倫;你們凡拉弓的[all ye that bend the bow][all]要在巴比倫四圍安營,不要容一人逃脫;照著她所作的報應她,她怎樣待人,也要怎樣待她;因為她向耶和華─以色列的聖者發了狂傲。

30 所以她的少年人必仆倒在街上,她的一切兵丁[all her men of war]當那日[in that day]必被剪除[cut off],這是耶和華說的。」

31 主─大軍之耶和華說:看哪[Behold],你這至狂至傲[most proud]的啊,我與你反對;因為我追討你的日子已經來到。

32 那至狂至傲的[the most proud]必絆跌仆倒,無人扶起;我也必使火在他的城邑中著起來,將他四圍所有的盡行吞滅[devour]

33 大軍之耶和華如此說:「以色列人和猶大人一同受欺壓;凡擄掠他們的都緊緊抓住他們,不肯釋放。

34 他們的救贖主大有能力,大軍之耶和華是他的名;他必伸清他們的冤,好使全地得平安,並攪擾巴比倫的居民。」

35 耶和華說:有刀劍臨到迦勒底人和巴比倫的居民,並她的首領與智慧人。

36 有刀劍臨到說謊話的[liars],他們就成為愚昧;有刀劍臨到她的勇士,他們就驚惶。

37 有刀劍臨到她的馬匹、車輛,和其中雜族的人民,他們必像婦女一樣;有刀劍臨到她的寶物,就被搶奪。

38 有乾旱臨到她的眾水,就必乾涸;因為這是有雕刻之像的地[land of graven images],人因他們的偶像[their idols]顛狂。

39 所以曠野的走獸和眾海島的野獸[wild beasts of the islands]必住在那裏,貓頭鷹[owls]也住在其中;那地必[it shall be]永無人煙,世世代代無人居住。」

40 耶和華說:「必無人住在那裏,也無人居在其中[dwell therein],要像[God]傾覆所多瑪、蛾摩拉,和鄰近的城邑一樣。

41 看哪,[shall]有一種民從北方而來,並有一大國和許多君王被興起[raised up],從地的四境[coasts of the earth]來到。

42 他們[shall]拿弓和槍;性情殘忍,不施憐憫;女子巴比倫啊[O daughter of Babylon],他們的聲音像海浪匉訇,他們都必[shall]騎馬,各人[every one]都擺隊伍,如上戰場的人,要攻擊你。

43 巴比倫王聽見他們的風聲,手就發軟;痛苦將他抓住,疼痛彷彿陣痛[travail]的婦人。

44 看哪[Behold],仇敵必像獅子從約旦河邊的叢林上來,攻擊堅固的居所。轉眼之間,我要使他們逃跑,離開這地。誰蒙揀選,我就派誰治理這地。誰能比我呢?誰能給我定規日期呢?有何牧人能在我面前站立得住呢?

45 你們要聽耶和華攻擊巴比倫所說的謀略和他攻擊迦勒底人之地所定的旨意;群眾中最小的定要把他們拉出來[Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out][he]定要使他們的居所荒涼。

46 因巴比倫被取的聲音,地就震動,人在列邦都聽見呼喊的聲音。」


Chapter 50

1 The word1697 that834 the LORD3068 spoke1696 against413 Babylon894 and against413 the land776 of the Chaldeans3778 by3027 Jeremiah3414 the prophet.5030

2 Declare5046 ye among the nations,1471 and publish,8085 and set up5375 a standard;5251 publish,8085 and conceal3582 not:408 say,559 Babylon894 is taken,3920 Bel1078 is confounded,3001 Merodach4781 is broken in pieces;2844 her idols6091 are confounded,3001 her images1544 are broken in pieces.2865

3 For3588 out of the north4480 6828 there cometh up5927 a nation1471 against5921 her, which1931 shall make7896 853 her land776 desolate,8047 and none3808 shall1961 dwell3427 therein: they shall remove,5110 they shall depart,1980 both man4480 120 and beast.929

4 In those1992 days,3117 and in that1931 time,6256 saith5002 the LORD,3068 the children1121 of Israel3478 shall come,935 they1992 and the children1121 of Judah3063 together,3162 going1980 and weeping:1058 they shall go,1980 and seek1245 the LORD3068 their God.430

5 They shall ask7592 the way1870 to Zion6726 with their faces6440 thitherward,2008 saying, Come,935 and let us join ourselves3867 to413 the LORD3068 in a perpetual5769 covenant1285 that shall not3808 be forgotten.7911

6 My people5971 hath been1961 lost6 sheep:6629 their shepherds7462 have caused them to go astray,8582 they have turned them away7725 on the mountains:2022 they have gone1980 from mountain4480 2022 to413 hill,1389 they have forgotten7911 their resting place.7258

7 All3605 that found4672 them have devoured398 them: and their adversaries6862 said,559 We offend816 not,3808 because8478 834 they have sinned2398 against the LORD,3068 the habitation5116 of justice,6664 even the LORD,3068 the hope4723 of their fathers.1

8 Remove5110 out of the midst4480 8432 of Babylon,894 and go forth3318 out of the land4480 776 of the Chaldeans,3778 and be1961 as the he goats6260 before6440 the flocks.6629

9 For,3588 lo,2009 I595 will raise5782 and cause to come up5927 against5921 Babylon894 an assembly6951 of great1419 nations1471 from the north6828 country:4480 776 and they shall set themselves in array6186 against her; from thence4480 8033 she shall be taken:3920 their arrows2671 shall be as of a mighty1368 expert7919 man; none3808 shall return7725 in vain.7387

10 And Chaldea3778 shall be1961 a spoil:7997 all3605 that spoil7998 her shall be satisfied,7646 saith5002 the LORD.3068

11 Because3588 ye were glad,8055 because3588 ye rejoiced,5937 O ye destroyers8154 of mine heritage,5159 because3588 ye are grown fat6335 as the heifer5697 at grass,1877 and bellow6670 as bulls;47

12 Your mother517 shall be sore3966 confounded;954 she that bore3205 you shall be ashamed:2659 behold,2009 the hindmost319 of the nations1471 shall be a wilderness,4057 a dry land,6723 and a desert.6160

13 Because of the wrath4480 7110 of the LORD3068 it shall not3808 be inhabited,3427 but it shall be1961 wholly3605 desolate:8077 every one3605 that goeth5674 by5921 Babylon894 shall be astonished,8074 and hiss8319 at5921 all3605 her plagues.4347

14 Put yourselves in array6186 against5921 Babylon894 round about:5439 all3605 ye that bend1869 the bow,7198 shoot3034 at413 her, spare2550 no408 arrows:2671 for3588 she hath sinned2398 against the LORD.3068

15 Shout7321 against5921 her round about:5439 she hath given5414 her hand:3027 her foundations803 are fallen,5307 her walls2346 are thrown down:2040 for3588 it1931 is the vengeance5360 of the LORD:3068 take vengeance5358 upon her; as834 she hath done,6213 do6213 unto her.

16 Cut off3772 the sower2232 from Babylon,4480 894 and him that handleth8610 the sickle4038 in the time6256 of harvest:7105 for fear4480 6440 of the oppressing3238 sword2719 they shall turn6437 every one376 to413 his people,5971 and they shall flee5127 every one376 to his own land.776

17 Israel3478 is a scattered6340 sheep;7716 the lions738 have driven him away:5080 first7223 the king4428 of Assyria804 hath devoured398 him; and last314 this2088 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 hath broken his bones.6105

18 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 the God430 of Israel;3478 Behold,2009 I will punish6485 413 the king4428 of Babylon894 and his land,776 as834 I have punished6485 413 the king4428 of Assyria.804

19 And I will bring7725 853 Israel3478 again to413 his habitation,5116 and he shall feed7462 on Carmel3760 and Bashan,1316 and his soul5315 shall be satisfied7646 upon mount2022 Ephraim669 and Gilead.1568

20 In those1992 days,3117 and in that1931 time,6256 saith5002 the LORD,3068 853 the iniquity5771 of Israel3478 shall be sought for,1245 and there shall be none;369 and the sins2403 of Judah,3063 and they shall not3808 be found:4672 for3588 I will pardon5545 them whom834 I reserve.7604

21 Go up5927 against5921 the land776 of Merathaim,4850 even against5921 it, and against413 the inhabitants3427 of Pekod:6489 waste2717 and utterly destroy2763 after310 them, saith5002 the LORD,3068 and do6213 according to all3605 that834 I have commanded6680 thee.

22 A sound6963 of battle4421 is in the land,776 and of great1419 destruction.7667

23 How349 is the hammer6360 of the whole3605 earth776 cut asunder1438 and broken!7665 how349 is Babylon894 become1961 a desolation8047 among the nations!1471

24 I have laid a snare3369 for thee, and thou art also1571 taken,3920 O Babylon,894 and thou859 wast not3808 aware:3045 thou art found,4672 and also1571 caught,8610 because3588 thou hast striven1624 against the LORD.3068

25 The LORD3068 hath opened6605 853 his armory,214 and hath brought forth3318 853 the weapons3627 of his indignation:2195 for3588 this1931 is the work4399 of the Lord136 GOD3069 of hosts6635 in the land776 of the Chaldeans.3778

26 Come935 against her from the utmost border,4480 7093 open6605 her storehouses:3965 cast her up5549 as heaps,6194 and destroy2763 her utterly: let nothing408 of her be1961 left.7611

27 Slay2717 all3605 her bullocks;6499 let them go down3381 to the slaughter:2874 woe1945 unto5921 them! for3588 their day3117 is come,935 the time6256 of their visitation.6486

28 The voice6963 of them that flee5127 and escape6412 out of the land4480 776 of Babylon,894 to declare5046 in Zion6726 853 the vengeance5360 of the LORD3068 our God,430 the vengeance5360 of his temple.1964

29 Call together8085 the archers7228 against413 Babylon:894 all3605 ye that bend1869 the bow,7198 camp2583 against5921 it round about;5439 let1961 none408 thereof escape:6413 recompense7999 her according to her work;6467 according to all3605 that834 she hath done,6213 do6213 unto her: for3588 she hath been proud2102 against413 the LORD,3068 against413 the Holy One6918 of Israel.3478

30 Therefore3651 shall her young men970 fall5307 in the streets,7339 and all3605 her men376 of war4421 shall be cut off1826 in that1931 day,3117 saith5002 the LORD.3068

31 Behold,2009 I am against413 thee, O thou most proud,2087 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD3069 of hosts:6635 for3588 thy day3117 is come,935 the time6256 that I will visit6485 thee.

32 And the most proud2087 shall stumble3782 and fall,5307 and none369 shall raise him up:6965 and I will kindle3341 a fire784 in his cities,5892 and it shall devour398 all3605 round about5439 him.

33 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 The children1121 of Israel3478 and the children1121 of Judah3063 were oppressed6231 together:3162 and all3605 that took them captives7617 held them fast;2388 they refused3985 to let them go.7971

34 Their Redeemer1350 is strong;2389 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 is his name:8034 he shall throughly plead7378 7378 853 their cause,7379 that4616 he may give rest7280 853 to the land,776 and disquiet7264 the inhabitants3427 of Babylon.894

35 A sword2719 is upon5921 the Chaldeans,3778 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and upon413 the inhabitants3427 of Babylon,894 and upon413 her princes,8269 and upon413 her wise2450 men.

36 A sword2719 is upon413 the liars;907 and they shall dote:2973 a sword2719 is upon413 her mighty men;1368 and they shall be dismayed.2865

37 A sword2719 is upon413 their horses,5483 and upon413 their chariots,7393 and upon413 all3605 the mingled people6154 that834 are in the midst8432 of her; and they shall become1961 as women:802 a sword2719 is upon413 her treasures;214 and they shall be robbed.962

38 A drought2721 is upon413 her waters;4325 and they shall be dried up:3001 for3588 it is the land776 of graven images,6456 and they1931 are mad1984 upon their idols.367

39 Therefore3651 the wild beasts of the desert6728 with854 the wild beasts of the islands338 shall dwell3427 there, and the owls1323 3284 shall dwell3427 therein: and it shall be no3808 more5750 inhabited3427 forever;5331 neither3808 shall it be dwelt in7931 from5704 generation1755 to generation.1755

40 As God430 overthrew4114 853 Sodom5467 and Gomorrah6017 and the neighbor7934 cities thereof, saith5002 the LORD;3068 so shall no3808 man376 abide3427 there,8033 neither3808 shall any son1121 of man120 dwell1481 therein.

41 Behold,2009 a people5971 shall come935 from the north,4480 6828 and a great1419 nation,1471 and many7227 kings4428 shall be raised up5782 from the coasts4480 3411 of the earth.776

42 They shall hold2388 the bow7198 and the lance:3591 they1992 are cruel,394 and will not3808 show mercy:7355 their voice6963 shall roar1993 like the sea,3220 and they shall ride7392 upon5921 horses,5483 every one put in array,6186 like a man376 to the battle,4421 against5921 thee, O daughter1323 of Babylon.894

43 The king4428 of Babylon894 hath heard8085 853 the report8088 of them, and his hands3027 waxed feeble:7503 anguish6869 took hold2388 of him, and pangs2427 as of a woman in travail.3205

44 Behold,2009 he shall come up5927 like a lion738 from the swelling4480 1347 of Jordan3383 unto413 the habitation5116 of the strong:386 but3588 I will make them suddenly7280 run away7323 from4480 5921 her: and who4310 is a chosen977 man, that I may appoint6485 over413 her? for3588 who4310 is like me?3644 and who4310 will appoint me the time?3259 and who4310 is that2088 shepherd7462 that834 will stand5975 before6440 me?

45 Therefore3651 hear8085 ye the counsel6098 of the LORD,3068 that834 he hath taken3289 against413 Babylon;894 and his purposes,4284 that834 he hath purposed2803 against413 the land776 of the Chaldeans:3778 Surely518 3808 the least6810 of the flock6629 shall draw them out:5498 surely518 3808 he shall make their habitation5116 desolate8074 with5921 them.

46 At the noise4480 6963 of the taking8610 of Babylon894 the earth776 is moved,7493 and the cry2201 is heard8085 among the nations.1471




Chapter 50

1 耶和華藉先知耶利米攻擊[against]巴比倫和迦勒底人之地所說的話。

1 The word1697 that834 the LORD3068 spoke1696 against413 Babylon894 and against413 the land776 of the Chaldeans3778 by3027 Jeremiah3414 the prophet.5030

2 你們要在列國中傳揚報告,豎立旗幟[standard];要報告,不可隱瞞,說:巴比倫被攻取,彼勒抱愧[confounded],米羅達被打碎[broken in pieces]。巴比倫的偶像[idols]抱愧[confounded];她的眾像[images]都被打碎[broken in pieces]

2 Declare5046 ye among the nations,1471 and publish,8085 and set up5375 a standard;5251 publish,8085 and conceal3582 not:408 say,559 Babylon894 is taken,3920 Bel1078 is confounded,3001 Merodach4781 is broken in pieces;2844 her idols6091 are confounded,3001 her images1544 are broken in pieces.2865

3 「因有一國從北方上來攻擊她,使她的地荒涼,無人居住;連人帶牲畜都必遷移[shall remove]離開[depart]。」

3 For3588 out of the north4480 6828 there cometh up5927 a nation1471 against5921 her, which1931 shall make7896 853 her land776 desolate,8047 and none3808 shall1961 dwell3427 therein: they shall remove,5110 they shall depart,1980 both man4480 120 and beast.929

4 耶和華說:「當那些[those]日子、那時候,以色列人要和猶大人同來,隨走隨哭;他們要去[they shall go],尋求耶和華─他們的神。

4 In those1992 days,3117 and in that1931 time,6256 saith5002 the LORD,3068 the children1121 of Israel3478 shall come,935 they1992 and the children1121 of Judah3063 together,3162 going1980 and weeping:1058 they shall go,1980 and seek1245 the LORD3068 their God.430

5 他們必尋問[ask][to]錫安的道路[way],又面向這裏,說:『來吧,我們[us]要與耶和華聯合為永遠不忘的約。』

5 They shall ask7592 the way1870 to Zion6726 with their faces6440 thitherward,2008 saying, Come,935 and let us join ourselves3867 to413 the LORD3068 in a perpetual5769 covenant1285 that shall not3808 be forgotten.7911

6 「我的百姓作了迷路[astray]的羊;他們的[their]牧人使他們走差路,在山上將他們轉去[turned them away on the mountains];他們從大山走到小山,竟忘了安歇之處。

6 My people5971 hath been1961 lost6 sheep:6629 their shepherds7462 have caused them to go astray,8582 they have turned them away7725 on the mountains:2022 they have gone1980 from mountain4480 2022 to413 hill,1389 they have forgotten7911 their resting place.7258

7 凡遇見他們的,就把他們吞滅;他們的[their]敵人說:『我們沒有罪,因他們得罪那作公義居所的耶和華,就是他們列祖所仰望的耶和華。』

7 All3605 that found4672 them have devoured398 them: and their adversaries6862 said,559 We offend816 not,3808 because8478 834 they have sinned2398 against the LORD,3068 the habitation5116 of justice,6664 even the LORD,3068 the hope4723 of their fathers.1

8 「我民哪,你們要從巴比倫中遷出[Remove out],從迦勒底人之地出去,要像羊群前面走的公山羊。

8 Remove5110 out of the midst4480 8432 of Babylon,894 and go forth3318 out of the land4480 776 of the Chaldeans,3778 and be1961 as the he goats6260 before6440 the flocks.6629

9 看哪[lo],因我必興起[raise]聯合的大國從北方上來攻擊巴比倫;他們要擺陣攻擊她,她必從那裏被攻取;他們的箭[shall be]勇士善射的[of a mighty expert man]箭,一枝也不徒然返回。

9 For,3588 lo,2009 I595 will raise5782 and cause to come up5927 against5921 Babylon894 an assembly6951 of great1419 nations1471 from the north6828 country:4480 776 and they shall set themselves in array6186 against her; from thence4480 8033 she shall be taken:3920 their arrows2671 shall be as of a mighty1368 expert7919 man; none3808 shall return7725 in vain.7387

10 迦勒底必成為掠物;凡擄掠她的都必心滿意足,這是耶和華說的。」

10 And Chaldea3778 shall be1961 a spoil:7997 all3605 that spoil7998 her shall be satisfied,7646 saith5002 the LORD.3068

11 毀壞[destroyers]我產業的啊,你們因歡喜快樂,且像草上[at grass]豐肥的[grown fat]母牛犢,又像發吼聲的公牛[bellow as bulls]

11 Because3588 ye were glad,8055 because3588 ye rejoiced,5937 O ye destroyers8154 of mine heritage,5159 because3588 ye are grown fat6335 as the heifer5697 at grass,1877 and bellow6670 as bulls;47

12 你們的母巴比倫就極其抱愧,生你們的必然蒙羞;看哪[behold]那在諸國之末的[the hindermost of the nations][shall]成為曠野、旱地、荒漠[desert]

12 Your mother517 shall be sore3966 confounded;954 she that bore3205 you shall be ashamed:2659 behold,2009 the hindmost319 of the nations1471 shall be a wilderness,4057 a dry land,6723 and a desert.6160

13 因耶和華的忿怒,必無人居住,要全然荒涼;凡經過巴比倫的要受驚駭,又因她所遭的災殃嗤笑。

13 Because of the wrath4480 7110 of the LORD3068 it shall not3808 be inhabited,3427 but it shall be1961 wholly3605 desolate:8077 every one3605 that goeth5674 by5921 Babylon894 shall be astonished,8074 and hiss8319 at5921 all3605 her plagues.4347

14 所有拉弓的,你們要在巴比倫的四圍擺陣;射箭攻擊她,不要愛惜箭枝;因她得罪了耶和華。

14 Put yourselves in array6186 against5921 Babylon894 round about:5439 all3605 ye that bend1869 the bow,7198 shoot3034 at413 her, spare2550 no408 arrows:2671 for3588 she hath sinned2398 against the LORD.3068

15 你們要在她四圍吶喊;她已經投降;根基倒塌了[foundations are fallen],城牆拆毀了,因為這是耶和華報仇的事;你們要向巴比倫報仇,她怎樣待人,也要怎樣待她。

15 Shout7321 against5921 her round about:5439 she hath given5414 her hand:3027 her foundations803 are fallen,5307 her walls2346 are thrown down:2040 for3588 it1931 is the vengeance5360 of the LORD:3068 take vengeance5358 upon her; as834 she hath done,6213 do6213 unto her.

16 你們要將巴比倫撒種的和收割時拿鐮刀的都剪除了;他們各人因怕欺壓的刀劍,必歸回本族,逃到本土。

16 Cut off3772 the sower2232 from Babylon,4480 894 and him that handleth8610 the sickle4038 in the time6256 of harvest:7105 for fear4480 6440 of the oppressing3238 sword2719 they shall turn6437 every one376 to413 his people,5971 and they shall flee5127 every one376 to his own land.776

17 「以色列是打散的羊,是被獅子趕出的;首先是亞述王將他吞滅,末後是巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒將他的骨頭折斷。」

17 Israel3478 is a scattered6340 sheep;7716 the lions738 have driven him away:5080 first7223 the king4428 of Assyria804 hath devoured398 him; and last314 this2088 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 hath broken his bones.6105

18 所以大軍之耶和華─以色列的神如此說:「看哪[Behold],我必罰巴比倫王和他的地,像我從前罰亞述王一樣。

18 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 the God430 of Israel;3478 Behold,2009 I will punish6485 413 the king4428 of Babylon894 and his land,776 as834 I have punished6485 413 the king4428 of Assyria.804

19 我必再領以色列回他的居所[habitation],他必在迦密和巴珊吃草,又在以法蓮山上和基列境內得以飽足。」

19 And I will bring7725 853 Israel3478 again to413 his habitation,5116 and he shall feed7462 on Carmel3760 and Bashan,1316 and his soul5315 shall be satisfied7646 upon mount2022 Ephraim669 and Gilead.1568

20 耶和華說:「當那些[those]日子、那時候,雖尋以色列的罪孽,一無所有;雖尋猶大的罪惡,也無所見;因為我所留下的人,我必赦免。」

20 In those1992 days,3117 and in that1931 time,6256 saith5002 the LORD,3068 853 the iniquity5771 of Israel3478 shall be sought for,1245 and there shall be none;369 and the sins2403 of Judah,3063 and they shall not3808 be found:4672 for3588 I will pardon5545 them whom834 I reserve.7604

21 耶和華說:上去攻擊米拉大翁之地,又攻擊比割的居民;要使他們荒涼[waste]追趕滅絕他們[utterly destroy after them],照我一切所吩咐你的去行。

21 Go up5927 against5921 the land776 of Merathaim,4850 even against5921 it, and against413 the inhabitants3427 of Pekod:6489 waste2717 and utterly destroy2763 after310 them, saith5002 the LORD,3068 and do6213 according to all3605 that834 I have commanded6680 thee.

22 境內有打仗和大毀滅的響聲。

22 A sound6963 of battle4421 is in the land,776 and of great1419 destruction.7667

23 全地的大鎚[hammer]何竟砍斷破壞。巴比倫在列國中何竟荒涼。

23 How349 is the hammer6360 of the whole3605 earth776 cut asunder1438 and broken!7665 how349 is Babylon894 become1961 a desolation8047 among the nations!1471

24 巴比倫哪,我為你設下網羅,你[also]不知不覺被纏住;你被尋著,也被捉住,因為你與耶和華爭競。

24 I have laid a snare3369 for thee, and thou art also1571 taken,3920 O Babylon,894 and thou859 wast not3808 aware:3045 thou art found,4672 and also1571 caught,8610 because3588 thou hast striven1624 against the LORD.3068

25 耶和華已經開了他武備的庫[his armoury],拿出他惱恨的兵器;因這乃是[for this is]主─大軍之耶和華在迦勒底人之地當作的[work]

25 The LORD3068 hath opened6605 853 his armory,214 and hath brought forth3318 853 the weapons3627 of his indignation:2195 for3588 this1931 is the work4399 of the Lord136 GOD3069 of hosts6635 in the land776 of the Chaldeans.3778

26 你們要從極遠的邊界來攻擊她,開她的穀倉[storehouses];將她堆如堆壘[heaps],毀滅淨盡;絲毫不留。

26 Come935 against her from the utmost border,4480 7093 open6605 her storehouses:3965 cast her up5549 as heaps,6194 and destroy2763 her utterly: let nothing408 of her be1961 left.7611

27 要殺她的一切公牛犢[bullocks],使他們下去遭遇殺戮;他們有禍了。因為追討他們的日子已經來到。

27 Slay2717 all3605 her bullocks;6499 let them go down3381 to the slaughter:2874 woe1945 unto5921 them! for3588 their day3117 is come,935 the time6256 of their visitation.6486

28 有從巴比倫之地逃避出來的人,在錫安揚聲報告耶和華─我們的神報仇,就是為他的殿報仇。

28 The voice6963 of them that flee5127 and escape6412 out of the land4480 776 of Babylon,894 to declare5046 in Zion6726 853 the vengeance5360 of the LORD3068 our God,430 the vengeance5360 of his temple.1964

29 招集弓箭手[Call together the archers]來攻擊巴比倫;你們凡拉弓的[all ye that bend the bow][all]要在巴比倫四圍安營,不要容一人逃脫;照著她所作的報應她,她怎樣待人,也要怎樣待她;因為她向耶和華─以色列的聖者發了狂傲。

29 Call together8085 the archers7228 against413 Babylon:894 all3605 ye that bend1869 the bow,7198 camp2583 against5921 it round about;5439 let1961 none408 thereof escape:6413 recompense7999 her according to her work;6467 according to all3605 that834 she hath done,6213 do6213 unto her: for3588 she hath been proud2102 against413 the LORD,3068 against413 the Holy One6918 of Israel.3478

30 所以她的少年人必仆倒在街上,她的一切兵丁[all her men of war]當那日[in that day]必被剪除[cut off],這是耶和華說的。」

30 Therefore3651 shall her young men970 fall5307 in the streets,7339 and all3605 her men376 of war4421 shall be cut off1826 in that1931 day,3117 saith5002 the LORD.3068

31 主─大軍之耶和華說:看哪[Behold],你這至狂至傲[most proud]的啊,我與你反對;因為我追討你的日子已經來到。

31 Behold,2009 I am against413 thee, O thou most proud,2087 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD3069 of hosts:6635 for3588 thy day3117 is come,935 the time6256 that I will visit6485 thee.

32 那至狂至傲的[the most proud]必絆跌仆倒,無人扶起;我也必使火在他的城邑中著起來,將他四圍所有的盡行吞滅[devour]

32 And the most proud2087 shall stumble3782 and fall,5307 and none369 shall raise him up:6965 and I will kindle3341 a fire784 in his cities,5892 and it shall devour398 all3605 round about5439 him.

33 大軍之耶和華如此說:「以色列人和猶大人一同受欺壓;凡擄掠他們的都緊緊抓住他們,不肯釋放。

33 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 The children1121 of Israel3478 and the children1121 of Judah3063 were oppressed6231 together:3162 and all3605 that took them captives7617 held them fast;2388 they refused3985 to let them go.7971

34 他們的救贖主大有能力,大軍之耶和華是他的名;他必伸清他們的冤,好使全地得平安,並攪擾巴比倫的居民。」

34 Their Redeemer1350 is strong;2389 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 is his name:8034 he shall throughly plead7378 7378 853 their cause,7379 that4616 he may give rest7280 853 to the land,776 and disquiet7264 the inhabitants3427 of Babylon.894

35 耶和華說:有刀劍臨到迦勒底人和巴比倫的居民,並她的首領與智慧人。

35 A sword2719 is upon5921 the Chaldeans,3778 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and upon413 the inhabitants3427 of Babylon,894 and upon413 her princes,8269 and upon413 her wise2450 men.

36 有刀劍臨到說謊話的[liars],他們就成為愚昧;有刀劍臨到她的勇士,他們就驚惶。

36 A sword2719 is upon413 the liars;907 and they shall dote:2973 a sword2719 is upon413 her mighty men;1368 and they shall be dismayed.2865

37 有刀劍臨到她的馬匹、車輛,和其中雜族的人民,他們必像婦女一樣;有刀劍臨到她的寶物,就被搶奪。

37 A sword2719 is upon413 their horses,5483 and upon413 their chariots,7393 and upon413 all3605 the mingled people6154 that834 are in the midst8432 of her; and they shall become1961 as women:802 a sword2719 is upon413 her treasures;214 and they shall be robbed.962

38 有乾旱臨到她的眾水,就必乾涸;因為這是有雕刻之像的地[land of graven images],人因他們的偶像[their idols]顛狂。

38 A drought2721 is upon413 her waters;4325 and they shall be dried up:3001 for3588 it is the land776 of graven images,6456 and they1931 are mad1984 upon their idols.367

39 所以曠野的走獸和眾海島的野獸[wild beasts of the islands]必住在那裏,貓頭鷹[owls]也住在其中;那地必[it shall be]永無人煙,世世代代無人居住。」

39 Therefore3651 the wild beasts of the desert6728 with854 the wild beasts of the islands338 shall dwell3427 there, and the owls1323 3284 shall dwell3427 therein: and it shall be no3808 more5750 inhabited3427 forever;5331 neither3808 shall it be dwelt in7931 from5704 generation1755 to generation.1755

40 耶和華說:「必無人住在那裏,也無人居在其中[dwell therein],要像[God]傾覆所多瑪、蛾摩拉,和鄰近的城邑一樣。

40 As God430 overthrew4114 853 Sodom5467 and Gomorrah6017 and the neighbor7934 cities thereof, saith5002 the LORD;3068 so shall no3808 man376 abide3427 there,8033 neither3808 shall any son1121 of man120 dwell1481 therein.

41 看哪,[shall]有一種民從北方而來,並有一大國和許多君王被興起[raised up],從地的四境[coasts of the earth]來到。

41 Behold,2009 a people5971 shall come935 from the north,4480 6828 and a great1419 nation,1471 and many7227 kings4428 shall be raised up5782 from the coasts4480 3411 of the earth.776

42 他們[shall]拿弓和槍;性情殘忍,不施憐憫;女子巴比倫啊[O daughter of Babylon],他們的聲音像海浪匉訇,他們都必[shall]騎馬,各人[every one]都擺隊伍,如上戰場的人,要攻擊你。

42 They shall hold2388 the bow7198 and the lance:3591 they1992 are cruel,394 and will not3808 show mercy:7355 their voice6963 shall roar1993 like the sea,3220 and they shall ride7392 upon5921 horses,5483 every one put in array,6186 like a man376 to the battle,4421 against5921 thee, O daughter1323 of Babylon.894

43 巴比倫王聽見他們的風聲,手就發軟;痛苦將他抓住,疼痛彷彿陣痛[travail]的婦人。

43 The king4428 of Babylon894 hath heard8085 853 the report8088 of them, and his hands3027 waxed feeble:7503 anguish6869 took hold2388 of him, and pangs2427 as of a woman in travail.3205

44 看哪[Behold],仇敵必像獅子從約旦河邊的叢林上來,攻擊堅固的居所。轉眼之間,我要使他們逃跑,離開這地。誰蒙揀選,我就派誰治理這地。誰能比我呢?誰能給我定規日期呢?有何牧人能在我面前站立得住呢?

44 Behold,2009 he shall come up5927 like a lion738 from the swelling4480 1347 of Jordan3383 unto413 the habitation5116 of the strong:386 but3588 I will make them suddenly7280 run away7323 from4480 5921 her: and who4310 is a chosen977 man, that I may appoint6485 over413 her? for3588 who4310 is like me?3644 and who4310 will appoint me the time?3259 and who4310 is that2088 shepherd7462 that834 will stand5975 before6440 me?

45 你們要聽耶和華攻擊巴比倫所說的謀略和他攻擊迦勒底人之地所定的旨意;群眾中最小的定要把他們拉出來[Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out][he]定要使他們的居所荒涼。

45 Therefore3651 hear8085 ye the counsel6098 of the LORD,3068 that834 he hath taken3289 against413 Babylon;894 and his purposes,4284 that834 he hath purposed2803 against413 the land776 of the Chaldeans:3778 Surely518 3808 the least6810 of the flock6629 shall draw them out:5498 surely518 3808 he shall make their habitation5116 desolate8074 with5921 them.

46 因巴比倫被取的聲音,地就震動,人在列邦都聽見呼喊的聲音。」

46 At the noise4480 6963 of the taking8610 of Babylon894 the earth776 is moved,7493 and the cry2201 is heard8085 among the nations.1471
