

1 耶和華諭我曰、

2 人子、彼邑之民、惟嗜殺人、爾當責之、使知所作不端、爲我所痛疾。

3 爾當言、主耶和華曰、斯邑之民、殺人無度、作諸偶像、污衊其身、今降災之日已至矣。

4 爾殺人作偶像、自取罪戾、自玷厥身、禍患之日伊邇、我使列邦異族、咸姍笑爾、

5 邑民作亂、臭名播於四方、遐邇之人、無不譏刺。

6 以色列牧伯居於爾中、竭力殺人、

7 斯邑之人、藐視父母、凌侮旅人、強暴孤寡。

8 藐視聖物、犯安息日。

9 揚虛誕以殺人、食岡巒之祭品、行諸淫亂、

10 烝父繼室、妻癸水至、與之同寢、

11 淫人之妻、亂子婦、淫姊妹、

12 受賄以殺人、取利追索、棄我耶和華。

13 爾貪非義之利、草菅人命、我見之憤恨鼓掌。

14 我耶和華已言、必降災於爾、爾豈不膽喪手疲乎、

15 我必散爾於列邦異族中、使爾不復淫亂。

16 爾旣罹慘報、爲異邦人目覩、則必知我乃耶和華。

17 耶和華諭我曰、

18 人子、我視以色列族若渣滓、彼在爐中、若銅鐵錫鉛焉、亦與銀之渣滓無異、

19 主耶和華曰、因爾無異渣滓、故必使爾入耶路撒冷城、集於一處、

20 猶聚銀與銅鐵鉛錫於爐、鼓紅燄以鎔之、我怒憤烈、亦必集爾於邑中、鎔爾務盡。

21 我必集爾、張我之怒、鼓我之氣、鎔爾於邑中、猶鎔銀於爐中、使知我乃耶和華、震怒爾曹。

22 併於上節

23 耶和華諭我曰、

24 人子、當告以色列族曰、斯土不潔、震怒之日、甘霖不沛、

25 偽先知同謀、若獅狂吼、斷傷人、吞噬人、得其珍寶、使邑中嫠婦不可勝數、

26 祭司干犯律例、玩瀆聖物、聖與不聖、潔與不潔、不爲剖別、我之安息日、不復恪守、棄我於民中、

27 邑中之牧伯若狼、行其殘害、肆其吞噬、以獲不義之利。

28 先知所見者、虛偽之異象、所占者無憑之卜筮、自謂傳耶和華之命、然我未嘗示之、若作垣墉、以不堅緻之泥塗之、

29 斯土之民、虐遇人、強暴人、挾制貧乏、侮慢羈旅、

30 我稽察之、欲得一人、可補藩籬、可塞垣隙、立於我前、代民祈求、免我殲滅、亦不可得。

31 故震怒憤烈、降災於衆、視其所爲而報之、我耶和華已言之矣。


Chapter 22

1 Moreover the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to me, saying,559

2 Now, you son1121 of man,120 will you judge,8199 will you judge8199 the bloody1818 city?5892 yes, you shall show3045 her all3605 her abominations.8441

3 Then say559 you, Thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD,3069 The city5892 sheds8210 blood1818 in the middle8432 of it, that her time6256 may come,935 and makes6213 idols1544 against5921 herself to defile2930 herself.

4 You are become816 guilty816 in your blood1818 that you have shed;8210 and have defiled2930 yourself in your idols1544 which834 you have made;6213 and you have caused your days3117 to draw near,7126 and are come935 even to your years:8141 therefore5921 3651 have I made5414 you a reproach2781 to the heathen,1471 and a mocking7048 to all3605 countries.776

5 Those that be near,7138 and those that be far7350 from you, shall mock7046 you, which are infamous2931 8034 and much7227 vexed.4103

6 Behold,2009 the princes5387 of Israel,3478 every376 one376 were in you to their power2220 to shed8210 blood.1818

7 In you have they set light7043 by father1 and mother:517 in the middle8432 of you have they dealt6213 by oppression6233 with the stranger:1616 in you have they vexed3238 the fatherless3490 and the widow.490

8 You have despised959 my holy6944 things, and have profaned2490 my sabbaths.7676

9 In you are men582 that carry7400 tales7400 to shed8210 blood:1818 and in you they eat398 on the mountains:2022 in the middle8432 of you they commit6213 lewdness.2154

10 In you have they discovered1540 their fathers'1 nakedness:6172 in you have they humbled6031 her that was set5079 apart5079 for pollution.2931

11 And one has committed6213 abomination8441 with his neighbor's7453 wife;802 and another376 has lewdly2154 defiled2930 his daughter3618 in law;3618 and another376 in you has humbled6031 his sister,269 his father's1 daughter.1323

12 In you have they taken3947 gifts7810 to shed8210 blood;1818 you have taken3947 usury5392 and increase,8635 and you have greedily gained1214 of your neighbors7453 by extortion,6233 and have forgotten7911 me, said5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069

13 Behold,2009 therefore I have smitten5221 my hand3079 at413 your dishonest1215 gain1214 which834 you have made,6213 and at5921 your blood1818 which834 has been1961 in the middle8432 of you.

14 Can your heart3820 endure,5975 or can your hands3027 be strong,2388 in the days3117 that I shall deal6213 with you? I the LORD3068 have spoken1696 it, and will do6213 it.

15 And I will scatter6327 you among the heathen,1471 and disperse2219 you in the countries,776 and will consume8552 your filthiness2932 out of you.

16 And you shall take your inheritance2490 in yourself in the sight5869 of the heathen,1471 and you shall know3045 that I am the LORD.3068

17 And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to me, saying,559

18 Son1121 of man,120 the house1004 of Israel3478 is to me become1961 dross:5509 all3605 they are brass,5178 and tin,913 and iron,1270 and lead,5777 in the middle8432 of the furnace;3564 they are even the dross5509 of silver.3701

19 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Because3282 you are all3605 become1961 dross,5509 behold,2005 therefore3651 I will gather6908 you into413 the middle8432 of Jerusalem.3389

20 As they gather6910 silver,3701 and brass,5178 and iron,1270 and lead,5777 and tin,913 into413 the middle8432 of the furnace,3564 to blow5301 the fire784 on it, to melt5413 it; so3651 will I gather6908 you in my anger639 and in my fury,2534 and I will leave5117 you there, and melt5413 you.

21 Yes, I will gather3664 you, and blow5301 on you in the fire784 of my wrath,5678 and you shall be melted5413 in the middle8432 therof.

22 As silver3701 is melted2046 in the middle8432 of the furnace,3564 so3651 shall you be melted5413 in the middle8432 thereof; and you shall know3045 that I the LORD3068 have poured8210 out my fury2534 on you.

23 And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to me, saying,559

24 Son1121 of man,120 say559 to her, You are the land776 that is not cleansed,2891 nor3808 rained1656 on in the day3117 of indignation.2195

25 There is a conspiracy7195 of her prophets5030 in the middle8432 thereof, like a roaring7580 lion738 ravening2963 the prey;2964 they have devoured398 souls;5315 they have taken3947 the treasure2633 and precious3366 things; they have made her many7235 widows490 in the middle8432 thereof.

26 Her priests3548 have violated2554 my law,8451 and have profaned2490 my holy6944 things: they have put no3808 difference between996 the holy6944 and profane,2455 neither3808 have they showed3045 difference between996 the unclean2931 and the clean,2889 and have hid5956 their eyes5869 from my sabbaths,7676 and I am profaned2490 among8432 them.

27 Her princes8269 in the middle7130 thereof are like wolves2061 ravening2963 the prey,2964 to shed8210 blood,1818 and to destroy6 souls,5315 to get1214 dishonest1215 gain.1214

28 And her prophets5030 have daubed2902 them with untempered8602 mortar, seeing vanity,7723 and divining7080 lies3576 to them, saying,559 Thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD,3069 when the LORD3068 has not spoken.1696

29 The people5971 of the land776 have used oppression,6233 and exercised robbery,1498 and have vexed3238 the poor6041 and needy:34 yes, they have oppressed6231 the stranger1616 wrongfully.3808 4941

30 And I sought1245 for a man376 among them, that should make1443 up the hedge,1447 and stand5975 in the gap6556 before6440 me for the land,776 that I should not destroy7843 it: but I found4672 none.3808

31 Therefore have I poured8210 out my indignation2195 on them; I have consumed3615 them with the fire784 of my wrath:5678 their own way1870 have I recompensed5414 on their heads,7218 said5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069




Chapter 22

1 耶和華諭我曰、

1 Moreover the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to me, saying,559

2 人子、彼邑之民、惟嗜殺人、爾當責之、使知所作不端、爲我所痛疾。

2 Now, you son1121 of man,120 will you judge,8199 will you judge8199 the bloody1818 city?5892 yes, you shall show3045 her all3605 her abominations.8441

3 爾當言、主耶和華曰、斯邑之民、殺人無度、作諸偶像、污衊其身、今降災之日已至矣。

3 Then say559 you, Thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD,3069 The city5892 sheds8210 blood1818 in the middle8432 of it, that her time6256 may come,935 and makes6213 idols1544 against5921 herself to defile2930 herself.

4 爾殺人作偶像、自取罪戾、自玷厥身、禍患之日伊邇、我使列邦異族、咸姍笑爾、

4 You are become816 guilty816 in your blood1818 that you have shed;8210 and have defiled2930 yourself in your idols1544 which834 you have made;6213 and you have caused your days3117 to draw near,7126 and are come935 even to your years:8141 therefore5921 3651 have I made5414 you a reproach2781 to the heathen,1471 and a mocking7048 to all3605 countries.776

5 邑民作亂、臭名播於四方、遐邇之人、無不譏刺。

5 Those that be near,7138 and those that be far7350 from you, shall mock7046 you, which are infamous2931 8034 and much7227 vexed.4103

6 以色列牧伯居於爾中、竭力殺人、

6 Behold,2009 the princes5387 of Israel,3478 every376 one376 were in you to their power2220 to shed8210 blood.1818

7 斯邑之人、藐視父母、凌侮旅人、強暴孤寡。

7 In you have they set light7043 by father1 and mother:517 in the middle8432 of you have they dealt6213 by oppression6233 with the stranger:1616 in you have they vexed3238 the fatherless3490 and the widow.490

8 藐視聖物、犯安息日。

8 You have despised959 my holy6944 things, and have profaned2490 my sabbaths.7676

9 揚虛誕以殺人、食岡巒之祭品、行諸淫亂、

9 In you are men582 that carry7400 tales7400 to shed8210 blood:1818 and in you they eat398 on the mountains:2022 in the middle8432 of you they commit6213 lewdness.2154

10 烝父繼室、妻癸水至、與之同寢、

10 In you have they discovered1540 their fathers'1 nakedness:6172 in you have they humbled6031 her that was set5079 apart5079 for pollution.2931

11 淫人之妻、亂子婦、淫姊妹、

11 And one has committed6213 abomination8441 with his neighbor's7453 wife;802 and another376 has lewdly2154 defiled2930 his daughter3618 in law;3618 and another376 in you has humbled6031 his sister,269 his father's1 daughter.1323

12 受賄以殺人、取利追索、棄我耶和華。

12 In you have they taken3947 gifts7810 to shed8210 blood;1818 you have taken3947 usury5392 and increase,8635 and you have greedily gained1214 of your neighbors7453 by extortion,6233 and have forgotten7911 me, said5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069

13 爾貪非義之利、草菅人命、我見之憤恨鼓掌。

13 Behold,2009 therefore I have smitten5221 my hand3079 at413 your dishonest1215 gain1214 which834 you have made,6213 and at5921 your blood1818 which834 has been1961 in the middle8432 of you.

14 我耶和華已言、必降災於爾、爾豈不膽喪手疲乎、

14 Can your heart3820 endure,5975 or can your hands3027 be strong,2388 in the days3117 that I shall deal6213 with you? I the LORD3068 have spoken1696 it, and will do6213 it.

15 我必散爾於列邦異族中、使爾不復淫亂。

15 And I will scatter6327 you among the heathen,1471 and disperse2219 you in the countries,776 and will consume8552 your filthiness2932 out of you.

16 爾旣罹慘報、爲異邦人目覩、則必知我乃耶和華。

16 And you shall take your inheritance2490 in yourself in the sight5869 of the heathen,1471 and you shall know3045 that I am the LORD.3068

17 耶和華諭我曰、

17 And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to me, saying,559

18 人子、我視以色列族若渣滓、彼在爐中、若銅鐵錫鉛焉、亦與銀之渣滓無異、

18 Son1121 of man,120 the house1004 of Israel3478 is to me become1961 dross:5509 all3605 they are brass,5178 and tin,913 and iron,1270 and lead,5777 in the middle8432 of the furnace;3564 they are even the dross5509 of silver.3701

19 主耶和華曰、因爾無異渣滓、故必使爾入耶路撒冷城、集於一處、

19 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Because3282 you are all3605 become1961 dross,5509 behold,2005 therefore3651 I will gather6908 you into413 the middle8432 of Jerusalem.3389

20 猶聚銀與銅鐵鉛錫於爐、鼓紅燄以鎔之、我怒憤烈、亦必集爾於邑中、鎔爾務盡。

20 As they gather6910 silver,3701 and brass,5178 and iron,1270 and lead,5777 and tin,913 into413 the middle8432 of the furnace,3564 to blow5301 the fire784 on it, to melt5413 it; so3651 will I gather6908 you in my anger639 and in my fury,2534 and I will leave5117 you there, and melt5413 you.

21 我必集爾、張我之怒、鼓我之氣、鎔爾於邑中、猶鎔銀於爐中、使知我乃耶和華、震怒爾曹。

21 Yes, I will gather3664 you, and blow5301 on you in the fire784 of my wrath,5678 and you shall be melted5413 in the middle8432 therof.

22 併於上節

22 As silver3701 is melted2046 in the middle8432 of the furnace,3564 so3651 shall you be melted5413 in the middle8432 thereof; and you shall know3045 that I the LORD3068 have poured8210 out my fury2534 on you.

23 耶和華諭我曰、

23 And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to me, saying,559

24 人子、當告以色列族曰、斯土不潔、震怒之日、甘霖不沛、

24 Son1121 of man,120 say559 to her, You are the land776 that is not cleansed,2891 nor3808 rained1656 on in the day3117 of indignation.2195

25 偽先知同謀、若獅狂吼、斷傷人、吞噬人、得其珍寶、使邑中嫠婦不可勝數、

25 There is a conspiracy7195 of her prophets5030 in the middle8432 thereof, like a roaring7580 lion738 ravening2963 the prey;2964 they have devoured398 souls;5315 they have taken3947 the treasure2633 and precious3366 things; they have made her many7235 widows490 in the middle8432 thereof.

26 祭司干犯律例、玩瀆聖物、聖與不聖、潔與不潔、不爲剖別、我之安息日、不復恪守、棄我於民中、

26 Her priests3548 have violated2554 my law,8451 and have profaned2490 my holy6944 things: they have put no3808 difference between996 the holy6944 and profane,2455 neither3808 have they showed3045 difference between996 the unclean2931 and the clean,2889 and have hid5956 their eyes5869 from my sabbaths,7676 and I am profaned2490 among8432 them.

27 邑中之牧伯若狼、行其殘害、肆其吞噬、以獲不義之利。

27 Her princes8269 in the middle7130 thereof are like wolves2061 ravening2963 the prey,2964 to shed8210 blood,1818 and to destroy6 souls,5315 to get1214 dishonest1215 gain.1214

28 先知所見者、虛偽之異象、所占者無憑之卜筮、自謂傳耶和華之命、然我未嘗示之、若作垣墉、以不堅緻之泥塗之、

28 And her prophets5030 have daubed2902 them with untempered8602 mortar, seeing vanity,7723 and divining7080 lies3576 to them, saying,559 Thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD,3069 when the LORD3068 has not spoken.1696

29 斯土之民、虐遇人、強暴人、挾制貧乏、侮慢羈旅、

29 The people5971 of the land776 have used oppression,6233 and exercised robbery,1498 and have vexed3238 the poor6041 and needy:34 yes, they have oppressed6231 the stranger1616 wrongfully.3808 4941

30 我稽察之、欲得一人、可補藩籬、可塞垣隙、立於我前、代民祈求、免我殲滅、亦不可得。

30 And I sought1245 for a man376 among them, that should make1443 up the hedge,1447 and stand5975 in the gap6556 before6440 me for the land,776 that I should not destroy7843 it: but I found4672 none.3808

31 故震怒憤烈、降災於衆、視其所爲而報之、我耶和華已言之矣。

31 Therefore have I poured8210 out my indignation2195 on them; I have consumed3615 them with the fire784 of my wrath:5678 their own way1870 have I recompensed5414 on their heads,7218 said5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069