

1 維彼郇邑、耶和華建於聖山、

2 悅其邑門、愈於雅各諸家兮、

3 上帝有命、將被榮光於其邑兮。

4 其命維何、曰、喇合巴比倫之人、將宗事乎我兮、非利士、推羅、古實之人、將爲郇之赤子兮、

5 故人稱郇邑、必曰、此民彼民、爲其赤子、至高者建之兮、

6 耶和華核稽民數、必曰、斯民也、隷其版圖兮、

7 謳歌吹簫者、俱曰、我福之源、咸在郇邑兮。


Psalm 87

1 HER foundations are on his holy mountain.

2 The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

3 Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of our God.

4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon, for they know my power: behold the Philistines and Tyre and the people of Ethiopia; it shall be said this man was born there.

5 And of Zion it shall be said, This mighty man was born in her; and the same shall establish her.

6 The LORD shall number his people in the book: This man was born there!

7 The princes who dwell in you shall rejoice, and all that are humbled in you.




Psalm 87

1 維彼郇邑、耶和華建於聖山、

1 HER foundations are on his holy mountain.

2 悅其邑門、愈於雅各諸家兮、

2 The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

3 上帝有命、將被榮光於其邑兮。

3 Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of our God.

4 其命維何、曰、喇合巴比倫之人、將宗事乎我兮、非利士、推羅、古實之人、將爲郇之赤子兮、

4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon, for they know my power: behold the Philistines and Tyre and the people of Ethiopia; it shall be said this man was born there.

5 故人稱郇邑、必曰、此民彼民、爲其赤子、至高者建之兮、

5 And of Zion it shall be said, This mighty man was born in her; and the same shall establish her.

6 耶和華核稽民數、必曰、斯民也、隷其版圖兮、

6 The LORD shall number his people in the book: This man was born there!

7 謳歌吹簫者、俱曰、我福之源、咸在郇邑兮。

7 The princes who dwell in you shall rejoice, and all that are humbled in you.
