

1 有一個人,名叫亞拿尼亞,同他的妻子撒非喇賣了田產,

2 把價銀私自留下幾分,他的妻子也知道,其餘的幾分拿來放在使徒腳前。

3 彼得說:「亞拿尼亞,為甚麼撒但充滿了你的心,叫你欺哄聖靈,把[land]的價銀私自留下幾分呢?

4 田地還沒有賣,不是你自己的嗎?既賣了,價銀不是你作主嗎?你怎麼心裏起這意念呢?你不是欺哄人,是欺哄神了。」

5 亞拿尼亞聽見這些[these]話,就仆倒,斷了氣;聽見的人都甚懼怕。

6 有些少年人起來,把他包裹,抬出去埋葬了。

7 約過了三小時,他的妻子進來,還不知道這事。

8 彼得[answered]她說:「你告訴我,你們賣[land]的價銀就是這些嗎?」她說:「就是這些。」

9 那時[Then],彼得對她[unto her]說:「你們怎麼[How is it that]同心試探主的[Spirit]呢?看哪[behold],埋葬妳丈夫之人的腳已到門口,他們也要把[thee]抬出去。」

10 婦人立刻仆倒在彼得腳前,斷了氣。那些少年人進來,見她已經死了,就抬出去,埋在她丈夫旁邊。

11 全教會和[as many as]聽見這些事[these things]的人都甚懼怕。

12 主藉使徒的手在民間行了許多神蹟奇事;(他們[they]都同心合意的在所羅門的廊下。

13 其餘的人沒有一個敢貼近他們,百姓卻尊重他們。

14 信徒[believers]歸主的人越發增添,連男帶女很多。)

15 甚至有人將病人抬到街上,放在床上或[couch]上,指望彼得過來的時候,或者得他的影兒照在甚麼人身上。

16 還有許多人帶著病人和被污[spirits]纏磨的,從耶路撒冷四圍的城邑[out]來,全都得了醫治。

17 大祭司和他的一切同人,(就是撒都該教門的人,)都起來,滿心忌恨,

18 就下手拿住使徒,收在外監。

19 但主的天使[angel]夜間開了監門,領他們出來,

20 說:「你們去站在殿裏,把這生命的道都講給百姓聽。」

21 使徒聽了這話,天將亮的時候就進殿裏去教訓人。大祭司和他的同人來了,叫齊公會的人,和以色列族的眾長老,就差人到監裏去,要把使徒提出來。

22 但差役到了,不見他們在監裏,就回來稟報說:

23 [Saying]:「我們看見監牢實在[truly]關鎖[shut]盡是[with all]妥當,看守的人也站在門外;及至我們[we]開了門,裏面一個人都不見。」

24 大祭司[high priest]和守殿官和祭司長聽見這些事[these things],心裏犯難,不知這事將來如何。

25 有一個人來稟報說:「看哪[Behold],你們收在監裏的人,現在站在殿裏教訓百姓。」

26 於是守殿官和差役去帶使徒來,並沒有用強暴,因為怕百姓用石頭打他們。

27 帶到了,便叫使徒站在公會前;大祭司問他們說:

28 「我們不是嚴嚴的禁止你們,不可奉這名教訓人嗎?看哪[behold],你們倒把你們的道理充滿了耶路撒冷,想要叫這人的血歸到我們身上。」

29 彼得和眾使徒回答說:「順從神,過於[rather than]順從人,是應當的。

30 你們所殺害,所掛在木頭上[slew and hanged on a tree]的耶穌,我們祖宗的神已經叫他復活。

31 神用右手將他高舉[Him hath God exalted with his right hand],叫他作君王,作救主,為要將悔改[for to give repentance][forgiveness]罪的恩賜給以色列[Israel]

32 我們為這些事[these things]作見證;神賜給順從之人的聖靈也為這些事[these things]作見證。」

33 公會的人聽見就極其惱怒,商議[took counsel]要殺他們。

34 但有一個法利賽人,名叫迦瑪列,是眾百姓所敬重的教法師,在公會中站起來,吩咐人把使徒暫且帶到外面去,

35 就對眾人說:「以色列人哪,論到這些人,你們應當小心怎樣辦理。

36 從前杜達起來,自誇為大;附從他的人約有四百。他被殺後,[as many as]附從他的全都散了,歸於無有。

37 此人以後[After this man]當上稅[taxing]的時候,又有加利利的猶大起來,引誘許多[much]百姓跟從他。他也滅亡;[as many as]附從他的人也都四散了。

38 現在,我勸你們不要管這些人,任憑他們吧。他們所謀的、所行的,若是出於人,必要敗壞;

39 若是出於神,你們就不能敗壞他們,恐怕你們倒是攻擊神了。」

40 公會的人聽從了他,便叫使徒來,把他們打了,又吩咐他們不可奉耶穌的名講道,就把他們釋放了。

41 他們離開公會,心裏歡喜,因被算是配為這名受辱。

42 他們就每日在殿裏、在家裏、不住的教訓人,傳耶穌是基督。


Chapter 5

1 But1161 a certain5100 man435 named3686 Ananias,367 with4862 Sapphira4551 his848 wife,1135 sold4453 a possession,2933

2 And2532 kept back3557 part of575 the3588 price,5092 his846 wife1135 also2532 being privy4894 to it, and2532 brought5342 a certain5100 part,3313 and laid5087 it at3844 the3588 apostles'652 feet.4228

3 But1161 Peter4074 said,2036 Ananias,367 why1302 hath Satan4567 filled4137 thine4675 heart2588 to lie5574 to the3588 Holy40 Ghost,4151 and2532 to keep back3557 part of575 the3588 price5092 of the3588 land?5564

4 While it remained,3306 was it not thine own?3306 3780 4671 and2532 after it was sold,4097 was5225 it not in1722 thine own4674 power?1849 3754 why5101 hast thou conceived5087 this5124 thing4229 in1722 thine4675 heart?2588 thou hast not3756 lied5574 unto men,444 but235 unto God.2316

5 And1161 Ananias367 hearing191 these5128 words3056 fell down,4098 and gave up the ghost:1634 and2532 great3173 fear5401 came1096 on1909 all3956 them that heard191 these things.5023

6 And1161 the3588 young men3501 arose,450 wound him up,4958 846 and2532 carried him out,1627 and buried2290 him.

7 And1161 it was1096 about5613 the space1292 of three5140 hours5610 after, when2532 his846 wife,1135 not3361 knowing1492 what was done,1096 came in.1525

8 And1161 Peter4074 answered611 unto her,846 Tell2036 me3427 whether1487 ye sold591 the3588 land5564 for so much?5118 And1161 she3588 said,2036 Yea,3483 for so much.5118

9 Then1161 Peter4074 said2036 unto4314 her,846 How5101 is it that3754 ye5213 have agreed together4856 to tempt3985 the3588 Spirit4151 of the Lord?2962 behold,2400 the3588 feet4228 of them which have buried2290 thy4675 husband435 are at1909 the3588 door,2374 and2532 shall carry thee out.1627 4571

10 Then1161 fell she down4098 straightway3916 at3844 his846 feet,4228 and2532 yielded up the ghost:1634 and1161 the3588 young men3495 came in,1525 and found2147 her846 dead,3498 and,2532 carrying her forth,1627 buried2290 her by4314 her846 husband.435

11 And2532 great3173 fear5401 came1096 upon1909 all3650 the3588 church,1577 and2532 upon1909 as many as3956 heard191 these things.5023

12 And1161 by1223 the3588 hands5495 of the3588 apostles652 were many4183 signs4592 and2532 wonders5059 wrought1096 among1722 the3588 people;2992 (and2532 they were2258 all537 with one accord3661 in1722 Solomon's4672 porch.4745

13 And1161 of the3588 rest3062 durst5111 no man3762 join2853 himself to them:846 but235 the3588 people2992 magnified3170 them.846

14 And1161 believers4100 were the more3123 added4369 to the3588 Lord,2962 multitudes4128 both5037 of men435 and2532 women.)1135

15 Insomuch that5620 they brought forth1627 the3588 sick772 into2596 the3588 streets,4113 and2532 laid5087 them on1909 beds2825 and2532 couches,2895 that2443 at the least2579 the3588 shadow4639 of Peter4074 passing by2064 might overshadow1982 some5100 of them.846

16 1161 There came4905 also2532 a multitude4128 out of the3588 cities4172 round about4038 unto1519 Jerusalem,2419 bringing5342 sick folks,772 and2532 them which were vexed3791 with5259 unclean169 spirits:4151 and they3748 were healed2323 every one.537

17 Then1161 the3588 high priest749 rose up,450 and2532 all3956 they3588 that were with4862 him,846 (which is5607 the sect139 of the3588 Sadducees,)4523 and were filled4130 with indignation,2205

18 And2532 laid1911 their846 hands5495 on1909 the3588 apostles,652 and2532 put5087 them848 in1722 the common1219 prison.5084

19 But1161 the angel32 of the Lord2962 by1223 night3571 opened455 the3588 prison5438 doors,2374 and5037 brought them forth,1806 846 and said,2036

20 Go,4198 2532 stand2476 and speak2980 in1722 the3588 temple2411 to the3588 people2992 all3956 the3588 words4487 of this5026 life.2222

21 And1161 when they heard191 that, they entered1525 into1519 the3588 temple2411 early in the morning,5259 3722 and2532 taught.1321 But1161 the3588 high priest749 came,3854 and2532 they3588 that were with4862 him,846 and called the council together,4779 3588 4892 and2532 all3956 the3588 senate1087 of the3588 children5207 of Israel,2474 and2532 sent649 to1519 the3588 prison1201 to have them846 brought.71

22 But1161 when the3588 officers5257 came,3854 and found2147 them846 not3756 in1722 the3588 prison,5438 they1161 returned,390 and told,518

23 saying,3004 The3588 prison1201 truly3303 found2147 we shut2808 with1722 all3956 safety,803 and2532 the3588 keepers5441 standing2476 without1854 before4253 the3588 doors:2374 but1161 when we had opened,455 we found2147 no man3762 within.2080

24 Now1161 when5613 the5037 3739 high priest2409 and2532 the3588 captain4755 of the3588 temple2411 and2532 the3588 chief priests749 heard191 these5128 things,3056 they doubted1280 of4012 them846 whereunto5101 this5124 would grow.1096 302

25 Then1161 came3854 one5100 and told518 them,846 saying,3004 Behold,2400 the3588 men435 whom3739 ye put5087 in1722 prison5438 are1526 standing2476 in1722 the3588 temple,2411 and2532 teaching1321 the3588 people.2992

26 Then5119 went565 the3588 captain4755 with4862 the3588 officers,5257 and brought71 them846 without3326 3756 violence:970 for1063 they feared5399 the3588 people,2992 lest3363 they should have been stoned.3034

27 And1161 when they had brought71 them,846 they set2476 them before1722 the3588 council:4892 and2532 the3588 high priest749 asked1905 them,846

28 saying,3004 Did not3756 we straitly command3853 3852 you5213 that ye should not3361 teach1321 in1909 this5129 name?3686 and,2532 behold,2400 ye have filled4137 Jerusalem2419 with your5216 doctrine,1322 and2532 intend1014 to bring1863 this5127 man's444 blood129 upon1909 us.2248

29 Then1161 Peter4074 and2532 the3588 other apostles652 answered611 and said,2036 We ought1163 to obey3980 God2316 rather3123 than2228 men.444

30 The3588 God2316 of our2257 fathers3962 raised up1453 Jesus,2424 whom3739 ye5210 slew1315 and hanged2910 on1909 a tree.3586

31 Him5126 hath God2316 exalted5312 with his848 right hand1188 to be a Prince747 and2532 a Savior,4990 for to give1325 repentance3341 to Israel,2474 and2532 forgiveness859 of sins.266

32 And2532 we2249 are2070 his846 witnesses3144 of these5130 things;4487 and2532 so is also1161 the3588 Holy40 Ghost,4151 whom3739 God2316 hath given1325 to them that obey3980 him.846

33 When1161 they3588 heard191 that, they were cut1282 to the heart, and2532 took counsel1011 to slay337 them.846

34 Then1161 stood there up450 one5100 in1722 the3588 council,4892 a Pharisee,5330 named3686 Gamaliel,1059 a doctor of the law,3547 had in reputation5093 among all3956 the3588 people,2992 and commanded2753 to put4160 the3588 apostles652 forth1854 a little space;1024 5100

35 And5037 said2036 unto4314 them,846 Ye men435 of Israel,2475 take heed4337 to yourselves1438 what5101 ye intend3195 to do4238 as touching1909 these5125 men.444

36 For1063 before4253 these5130 days2250 rose up450 Theudas,2333 boasting3004 himself1438 to be1511 somebody;5100 to whom3739 a number706 of men,435 about5616 four hundred,5071 joined4347 themselves: who3739 was slain;337 and2532 all,3956 as many as3745 obeyed3982 him,846 were scattered,1262 and2532 brought1096 to1519 naught.3762

37 After3326 this man5126 rose up450 Judas2455 of Galilee1057 in1722 the3588 days2250 of the3588 taxing,582 and2532 drew away868 much2425 people2992 after3694 him:848 he also2548 perished;622 and2532 all,3956 even as many as3745 obeyed3982 him,846 were dispersed.1287

38 And2532 now3569 I say3004 unto you,5213 Refrain868 from575 these5130 men,444 and2532 let them alone:1439 846 for3754 if1437 this3778 counsel1012 or2228 this5124 work2041 be5600 of1537 men,444 it will come to nought: 2647

39 But1161 if1487 it be2076 of1537 God,2316 ye cannot1410 3756 overthrow2647 it;846 lest haply3379 ye be found2147 even2532 to fight against God.2314

40 And1161 to him846 they agreed:3982 and2532 when they had called4341 the3588 apostles,652 and beaten1194 them, they commanded3853 that they should not3361 speak2980 in1909 the3588 name3686 of Jesus,2424 and2532 let them go.630 846

41 And3767 3303 they3588 departed4198 from575 the presence4383 of the3588 council,4892 rejoicing5463 that3754 they were counted worthy2661 to suffer shame818 for5228 his846 name.3686

42 And5037 daily3956 2250 in1722 the3588 temple,2411 and2532 in every house,2596 3624 they ceased3973 not3756 to teach1321 and2532 preach2097 Jesus2424 Christ.5547




Chapter 5

1 有一個人,名叫亞拿尼亞,同他的妻子撒非喇賣了田產,

1 But1161 a certain5100 man435 named3686 Ananias,367 with4862 Sapphira4551 his848 wife,1135 sold4453 a possession,2933

2 把價銀私自留下幾分,他的妻子也知道,其餘的幾分拿來放在使徒腳前。

2 And2532 kept back3557 part of575 the3588 price,5092 his846 wife1135 also2532 being privy4894 to it, and2532 brought5342 a certain5100 part,3313 and laid5087 it at3844 the3588 apostles'652 feet.4228

3 彼得說:「亞拿尼亞,為甚麼撒但充滿了你的心,叫你欺哄聖靈,把[land]的價銀私自留下幾分呢?

3 But1161 Peter4074 said,2036 Ananias,367 why1302 hath Satan4567 filled4137 thine4675 heart2588 to lie5574 to the3588 Holy40 Ghost,4151 and2532 to keep back3557 part of575 the3588 price5092 of the3588 land?5564

4 田地還沒有賣,不是你自己的嗎?既賣了,價銀不是你作主嗎?你怎麼心裏起這意念呢?你不是欺哄人,是欺哄神了。」

4 While it remained,3306 was it not thine own?3306 3780 4671 and2532 after it was sold,4097 was5225 it not in1722 thine own4674 power?1849 3754 why5101 hast thou conceived5087 this5124 thing4229 in1722 thine4675 heart?2588 thou hast not3756 lied5574 unto men,444 but235 unto God.2316

5 亞拿尼亞聽見這些[these]話,就仆倒,斷了氣;聽見的人都甚懼怕。

5 And1161 Ananias367 hearing191 these5128 words3056 fell down,4098 and gave up the ghost:1634 and2532 great3173 fear5401 came1096 on1909 all3956 them that heard191 these things.5023

6 有些少年人起來,把他包裹,抬出去埋葬了。

6 And1161 the3588 young men3501 arose,450 wound him up,4958 846 and2532 carried him out,1627 and buried2290 him.

7 約過了三小時,他的妻子進來,還不知道這事。

7 And1161 it was1096 about5613 the space1292 of three5140 hours5610 after, when2532 his846 wife,1135 not3361 knowing1492 what was done,1096 came in.1525

8 彼得[answered]她說:「你告訴我,你們賣[land]的價銀就是這些嗎?」她說:「就是這些。」

8 And1161 Peter4074 answered611 unto her,846 Tell2036 me3427 whether1487 ye sold591 the3588 land5564 for so much?5118 And1161 she3588 said,2036 Yea,3483 for so much.5118

9 那時[Then],彼得對她[unto her]說:「你們怎麼[How is it that]同心試探主的[Spirit]呢?看哪[behold],埋葬妳丈夫之人的腳已到門口,他們也要把[thee]抬出去。」

9 Then1161 Peter4074 said2036 unto4314 her,846 How5101 is it that3754 ye5213 have agreed together4856 to tempt3985 the3588 Spirit4151 of the Lord?2962 behold,2400 the3588 feet4228 of them which have buried2290 thy4675 husband435 are at1909 the3588 door,2374 and2532 shall carry thee out.1627 4571

10 婦人立刻仆倒在彼得腳前,斷了氣。那些少年人進來,見她已經死了,就抬出去,埋在她丈夫旁邊。

10 Then1161 fell she down4098 straightway3916 at3844 his846 feet,4228 and2532 yielded up the ghost:1634 and1161 the3588 young men3495 came in,1525 and found2147 her846 dead,3498 and,2532 carrying her forth,1627 buried2290 her by4314 her846 husband.435

11 全教會和[as many as]聽見這些事[these things]的人都甚懼怕。

11 And2532 great3173 fear5401 came1096 upon1909 all3650 the3588 church,1577 and2532 upon1909 as many as3956 heard191 these things.5023

12 主藉使徒的手在民間行了許多神蹟奇事;(他們[they]都同心合意的在所羅門的廊下。

12 And1161 by1223 the3588 hands5495 of the3588 apostles652 were many4183 signs4592 and2532 wonders5059 wrought1096 among1722 the3588 people;2992 (and2532 they were2258 all537 with one accord3661 in1722 Solomon's4672 porch.4745

13 其餘的人沒有一個敢貼近他們,百姓卻尊重他們。

13 And1161 of the3588 rest3062 durst5111 no man3762 join2853 himself to them:846 but235 the3588 people2992 magnified3170 them.846

14 信徒[believers]歸主的人越發增添,連男帶女很多。)

14 And1161 believers4100 were the more3123 added4369 to the3588 Lord,2962 multitudes4128 both5037 of men435 and2532 women.)1135

15 甚至有人將病人抬到街上,放在床上或[couch]上,指望彼得過來的時候,或者得他的影兒照在甚麼人身上。

15 Insomuch that5620 they brought forth1627 the3588 sick772 into2596 the3588 streets,4113 and2532 laid5087 them on1909 beds2825 and2532 couches,2895 that2443 at the least2579 the3588 shadow4639 of Peter4074 passing by2064 might overshadow1982 some5100 of them.846

16 還有許多人帶著病人和被污[spirits]纏磨的,從耶路撒冷四圍的城邑[out]來,全都得了醫治。

16 1161 There came4905 also2532 a multitude4128 out of the3588 cities4172 round about4038 unto1519 Jerusalem,2419 bringing5342 sick folks,772 and2532 them which were vexed3791 with5259 unclean169 spirits:4151 and they3748 were healed2323 every one.537

17 大祭司和他的一切同人,(就是撒都該教門的人,)都起來,滿心忌恨,

17 Then1161 the3588 high priest749 rose up,450 and2532 all3956 they3588 that were with4862 him,846 (which is5607 the sect139 of the3588 Sadducees,)4523 and were filled4130 with indignation,2205

18 就下手拿住使徒,收在外監。

18 And2532 laid1911 their846 hands5495 on1909 the3588 apostles,652 and2532 put5087 them848 in1722 the common1219 prison.5084

19 但主的天使[angel]夜間開了監門,領他們出來,

19 But1161 the angel32 of the Lord2962 by1223 night3571 opened455 the3588 prison5438 doors,2374 and5037 brought them forth,1806 846 and said,2036

20 說:「你們去站在殿裏,把這生命的道都講給百姓聽。」

20 Go,4198 2532 stand2476 and speak2980 in1722 the3588 temple2411 to the3588 people2992 all3956 the3588 words4487 of this5026 life.2222

21 使徒聽了這話,天將亮的時候就進殿裏去教訓人。大祭司和他的同人來了,叫齊公會的人,和以色列族的眾長老,就差人到監裏去,要把使徒提出來。

21 And1161 when they heard191 that, they entered1525 into1519 the3588 temple2411 early in the morning,5259 3722 and2532 taught.1321 But1161 the3588 high priest749 came,3854 and2532 they3588 that were with4862 him,846 and called the council together,4779 3588 4892 and2532 all3956 the3588 senate1087 of the3588 children5207 of Israel,2474 and2532 sent649 to1519 the3588 prison1201 to have them846 brought.71

22 但差役到了,不見他們在監裏,就回來稟報說:

22 But1161 when the3588 officers5257 came,3854 and found2147 them846 not3756 in1722 the3588 prison,5438 they1161 returned,390 and told,518

23 [Saying]:「我們看見監牢實在[truly]關鎖[shut]盡是[with all]妥當,看守的人也站在門外;及至我們[we]開了門,裏面一個人都不見。」

23 saying,3004 The3588 prison1201 truly3303 found2147 we shut2808 with1722 all3956 safety,803 and2532 the3588 keepers5441 standing2476 without1854 before4253 the3588 doors:2374 but1161 when we had opened,455 we found2147 no man3762 within.2080

24 大祭司[high priest]和守殿官和祭司長聽見這些事[these things],心裏犯難,不知這事將來如何。

24 Now1161 when5613 the5037 3739 high priest2409 and2532 the3588 captain4755 of the3588 temple2411 and2532 the3588 chief priests749 heard191 these5128 things,3056 they doubted1280 of4012 them846 whereunto5101 this5124 would grow.1096 302

25 有一個人來稟報說:「看哪[Behold],你們收在監裏的人,現在站在殿裏教訓百姓。」

25 Then1161 came3854 one5100 and told518 them,846 saying,3004 Behold,2400 the3588 men435 whom3739 ye put5087 in1722 prison5438 are1526 standing2476 in1722 the3588 temple,2411 and2532 teaching1321 the3588 people.2992

26 於是守殿官和差役去帶使徒來,並沒有用強暴,因為怕百姓用石頭打他們。

26 Then5119 went565 the3588 captain4755 with4862 the3588 officers,5257 and brought71 them846 without3326 3756 violence:970 for1063 they feared5399 the3588 people,2992 lest3363 they should have been stoned.3034

27 帶到了,便叫使徒站在公會前;大祭司問他們說:

27 And1161 when they had brought71 them,846 they set2476 them before1722 the3588 council:4892 and2532 the3588 high priest749 asked1905 them,846

28 「我們不是嚴嚴的禁止你們,不可奉這名教訓人嗎?看哪[behold],你們倒把你們的道理充滿了耶路撒冷,想要叫這人的血歸到我們身上。」

28 saying,3004 Did not3756 we straitly command3853 3852 you5213 that ye should not3361 teach1321 in1909 this5129 name?3686 and,2532 behold,2400 ye have filled4137 Jerusalem2419 with your5216 doctrine,1322 and2532 intend1014 to bring1863 this5127 man's444 blood129 upon1909 us.2248

29 彼得和眾使徒回答說:「順從神,過於[rather than]順從人,是應當的。

29 Then1161 Peter4074 and2532 the3588 other apostles652 answered611 and said,2036 We ought1163 to obey3980 God2316 rather3123 than2228 men.444

30 你們所殺害,所掛在木頭上[slew and hanged on a tree]的耶穌,我們祖宗的神已經叫他復活。

30 The3588 God2316 of our2257 fathers3962 raised up1453 Jesus,2424 whom3739 ye5210 slew1315 and hanged2910 on1909 a tree.3586

31 神用右手將他高舉[Him hath God exalted with his right hand],叫他作君王,作救主,為要將悔改[for to give repentance][forgiveness]罪的恩賜給以色列[Israel]

31 Him5126 hath God2316 exalted5312 with his848 right hand1188 to be a Prince747 and2532 a Savior,4990 for to give1325 repentance3341 to Israel,2474 and2532 forgiveness859 of sins.266

32 我們為這些事[these things]作見證;神賜給順從之人的聖靈也為這些事[these things]作見證。」

32 And2532 we2249 are2070 his846 witnesses3144 of these5130 things;4487 and2532 so is also1161 the3588 Holy40 Ghost,4151 whom3739 God2316 hath given1325 to them that obey3980 him.846

33 公會的人聽見就極其惱怒,商議[took counsel]要殺他們。

33 When1161 they3588 heard191 that, they were cut1282 to the heart, and2532 took counsel1011 to slay337 them.846

34 但有一個法利賽人,名叫迦瑪列,是眾百姓所敬重的教法師,在公會中站起來,吩咐人把使徒暫且帶到外面去,

34 Then1161 stood there up450 one5100 in1722 the3588 council,4892 a Pharisee,5330 named3686 Gamaliel,1059 a doctor of the law,3547 had in reputation5093 among all3956 the3588 people,2992 and commanded2753 to put4160 the3588 apostles652 forth1854 a little space;1024 5100

35 就對眾人說:「以色列人哪,論到這些人,你們應當小心怎樣辦理。

35 And5037 said2036 unto4314 them,846 Ye men435 of Israel,2475 take heed4337 to yourselves1438 what5101 ye intend3195 to do4238 as touching1909 these5125 men.444

36 從前杜達起來,自誇為大;附從他的人約有四百。他被殺後,[as many as]附從他的全都散了,歸於無有。

36 For1063 before4253 these5130 days2250 rose up450 Theudas,2333 boasting3004 himself1438 to be1511 somebody;5100 to whom3739 a number706 of men,435 about5616 four hundred,5071 joined4347 themselves: who3739 was slain;337 and2532 all,3956 as many as3745 obeyed3982 him,846 were scattered,1262 and2532 brought1096 to1519 naught.3762

37 此人以後[After this man]當上稅[taxing]的時候,又有加利利的猶大起來,引誘許多[much]百姓跟從他。他也滅亡;[as many as]附從他的人也都四散了。

37 After3326 this man5126 rose up450 Judas2455 of Galilee1057 in1722 the3588 days2250 of the3588 taxing,582 and2532 drew away868 much2425 people2992 after3694 him:848 he also2548 perished;622 and2532 all,3956 even as many as3745 obeyed3982 him,846 were dispersed.1287

38 現在,我勸你們不要管這些人,任憑他們吧。他們所謀的、所行的,若是出於人,必要敗壞;

38 And2532 now3569 I say3004 unto you,5213 Refrain868 from575 these5130 men,444 and2532 let them alone:1439 846 for3754 if1437 this3778 counsel1012 or2228 this5124 work2041 be5600 of1537 men,444 it will come to nought: 2647

39 若是出於神,你們就不能敗壞他們,恐怕你們倒是攻擊神了。」

39 But1161 if1487 it be2076 of1537 God,2316 ye cannot1410 3756 overthrow2647 it;846 lest haply3379 ye be found2147 even2532 to fight against God.2314

40 公會的人聽從了他,便叫使徒來,把他們打了,又吩咐他們不可奉耶穌的名講道,就把他們釋放了。

40 And1161 to him846 they agreed:3982 and2532 when they had called4341 the3588 apostles,652 and beaten1194 them, they commanded3853 that they should not3361 speak2980 in1909 the3588 name3686 of Jesus,2424 and2532 let them go.630 846

41 他們離開公會,心裏歡喜,因被算是配為這名受辱。

41 And3767 3303 they3588 departed4198 from575 the presence4383 of the3588 council,4892 rejoicing5463 that3754 they were counted worthy2661 to suffer shame818 for5228 his846 name.3686

42 他們就每日在殿裏、在家裏、不住的教訓人,傳耶穌是基督。

42 And5037 daily3956 2250 in1722 the3588 temple,2411 and2532 in every house,2596 3624 they ceased3973 not3756 to teach1321 and2532 preach2097 Jesus2424 Christ.5547
