

1 但願我的頭為水,我的眼為淚的泉源,我好為我民女子[daughter of my people]中被殺的人晝夜哭泣。

2 唯願我在曠野有行路人住宿之處,使我可以離開我的民出去。因他們都是行姦淫的,是行詭詐的一黨。

3 他們彎起舌頭,像他們的[like their]弓一樣,為要說謊話。他們在地上[upon the earth][but]不為誠實奮勇[not valiant for the truth],乃是惡上加惡,並不認識我。這是耶和華說的。

4 你們各人當謹防鄰居,不可信靠兄弟[brother];因各人的兄弟要[every brother will]盡行巧替[supplant]各人的[every]鄰居要毀謗而行[will walk with slanders]

5 他們各人欺哄鄰居,不說真話;他們教舌頭學習說謊,勞勞碌碌地作孽。

6 你的住處在詭詐的人中;他們因行詭詐,不肯認識我。這是耶和華說的。

7 所以大軍之耶和華如此說:看哪,我要熔化他們,試煉他們[melt them, and try them];不然,我因女子─我百姓[daughter of my people]的罪該怎樣行呢?

8 他們的舌頭如箭射出[as an arrow shot out],說話詭詐;人與鄰居口說和平話,心卻謀害他。

9 耶和華說:我豈不因這些事討他們的罪呢?豈不報復這樣的國民呢?

10 我要為山嶺哭泣哀號[wailing],為曠野的住處[habitations]揚聲哀號;因為都已乾焦,甚至無人能以[can]經過。人也聽不見牲畜鳴叫,諸天[heavens]的飛鳥和地上的野獸都已逃去。

11 我必使耶路撒冷變為亂堆,為[dragons]洞穴[den],也必使猶大的城邑荒涼[desolate],無[an]人居住。

12 誰是智慧人,可以明白這事?耶和華的口向誰說過,使他可以傳說?遍地為何滅亡,乾焦好像曠野,甚至無人經過呢?

13 耶和華說:「因為這些百姓離棄了[they have forsaken]在他們面前所設立的律法[my law which I set before them]沒有聽從我的話[have not obeyed my voice]也沒有遵行[neither walked therein]

14 只隨從自己妄想[imagination]的心行事,照他們列祖所教訓的隨從眾巴力。」

15 所以大軍之耶和華─以色列的神如此說:「看哪,我必將茵蔯給這百姓吃,又將苦膽水給他們喝。


17 大軍之耶和華如此說:你們應當思想,將善唱哀歌的婦女召來,又打發人召善哭的婦女來,

18 叫她們速速為我們哀哭[wailing],使我們眼淚汪汪,使我們的眼皮湧出水來。

19 因為聽見哀聲出於錫安,說:我們怎樣敗落了。我們大大地慚愧,因為[because]我們棄了[forsaken]地土,因為我們的居所將我們趕了出去[because our dwellings have cast us out]

20 婦女們哪,妳們當聽耶和華的話,妳們的耳朵當[let your ear]領受他口中的言語;又當教導你們的女兒[daughters]哀哭,各人教導鄰居唱哀歌。

21 因為死亡上來,進了我們的窗戶,[and]入了我們的宮殿;要從外邊剪除孩童,從街上剪除少年人。

22 你當說,耶和華如此說:人的屍首甚至[Even]必倒在田野像糞土,又像收割的人遺落的一把禾稼,無人收取。

23 耶和華如此說:「智慧人不要因他的智慧誇口,勇士不要因他的勇力誇口,財主不要因他的財物誇口。

24 誇口的卻因他有聰明,認識我是耶和華,又知道我喜悅在世上施行慈愛、公平,和公義,以此誇口。這是耶和華說的。」

25 耶和華說:「看哪,日子將到,我要刑罰一切受過割禮[with]未受割禮的,

26 就是埃及、猶大、以東、亞捫人、摩押人,和一切住在曠野最角落處的[utmost corners];因為這些國民[these nations]都沒有受割禮,以色列全家[all the house of]心中也沒有受割禮。」


Chapter 9

1 Oh that my head7218 were waters,4325 and my eyes5869 a fountain4726 of tears,1832 that I might weep1058 day3119 and night3915 for the slain2491 of the daughter1323 of my people!5971

2 Oh that I had in the wilderness4057 a lodging4411 place of wayfaring732 men; that I might leave5800 my people,5971 and go3212 from them! for they be all3605 adulterers,5003 an assembly6116 of treacherous898 men.

3 And they bend1869 their tongues3956 like their bow7198 for lies:8267 but they are not valiant1396 for the truth530 on the earth;776 for they proceed3318 from evil7451 to evil,7451 and they know3045 not me, said5002 the LORD.3068

4 Take you heed8104 every376 one376 of his neighbor,7453 and trust982 you not in any3605 brother:251 for every3605 brother251 will utterly supplant,6117 and every3605 neighbor7453 will walk1980 with slanders.7400

5 And they will deceive2048 every376 one376 his neighbor,7453 and will not speak1696 the truth:571 they have taught3925 their tongue3956 to speak1696 lies,8267 and weary3811 themselves to commit5753 iniquity.5753

6 Your habitation3427 is in the middle8432 of deceit;4820 through deceit4820 they refuse3985 to know3045 me, said5002 the LORD.3068

7 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 Behold,2005 I will melt6884 them, and try974 them; for how349 shall I do6213 for the daughter1323 of my people?5971

8 Their tongue3956 is as an arrow2671 shot7819 out; it speaks1696 deceit:4820 one speaks1696 peaceably7965 to his neighbor7453 with his mouth,6310 but in heart7130 he lays7760 his wait.696

9 Shall I not visit6485 them for these428 things? said5002 the LORD:3068 shall not my soul5315 be avenged5358 on such834 a nation1471 as this?2088

10 For the mountains2022 will I take5375 up a weeping1065 and wailing,5092 and for the habitations4999 of the wilderness4057 a lamentation,7015 because3588 they are burned3341 up, so that none1097 376 can pass5674 through them; neither3808 can men hear8085 the voice6963 of the cattle;4735 both the fowl5775 of the heavens8064 and the beast929 are fled;5074 they are gone.1980

11 And I will make5414 Jerusalem3389 heaps,1530 and a den4583 of dragons;8577 and I will make5414 the cities5892 of Judah3063 desolate,8077 without1097 an inhabitant.3427

12 Who4310 is the wise2450 man,376 that may understand995 this?2063 and who is he to whom834 the mouth6310 of the LORD3068 has spoken,1696 that he may declare5046 it, for what4100 the land776 perishes6 and is burned3341 up like a wilderness,4057 that none1097 passes5674 through?

13 And the LORD3068 said,559 Because5921 they have forsaken5800 my law8451 which834 I set5414 before6440 them, and have not obeyed8085 my voice,6963 neither3808 walked1980 therein;

14 But have walked3212 after310 the imagination8307 of their own heart,3820 and after310 Baalim,1168 which834 their fathers1 taught3925 them:

15 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 the God430 of Israel;3478 Behold,2005 I will feed398 them, even this2088 people,5971 with wormwood,3939 and give them water4325 of gall7219 to drink.8248

16 I will scatter6327 them also among the heathen,1471 whom834 neither3808 they nor their fathers1 have known:3045 and I will send7971 a sword2719 after310 them, till5704 I have consumed3615 them.

17 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 Consider995 you, and call7121 for the mourning6969 women, that they may come;935 and send7971 for cunning2450 women, that they may come:935

18 And let them make haste,4116 and take5375 up a wailing5092 for us, that our eyes5869 may run3381 down with tears,1832 and our eyelids6079 gush5140 out with waters.4325

19 For a voice6963 of wailing5092 is heard8085 out of Zion,6726 How349 are we spoiled!7703 we are greatly3966 confounded,954 because3588 we have forsaken5800 the land,776 because3588 our dwellings4908 have cast7993 us out.

20 Yet3588 hear8085 the word1697 of the LORD,3068 O you women,802 and let your ear241 receive3947 the word1697 of his mouth,6310 and teach3925 your daughters1323 wailing,5092 and every802 one her neighbor7468 lamentation.7015

21 For death4194 is come5927 up into our windows,2474 and is entered935 into our palaces,759 to cut3772 off the children5768 from without,2351 and the young970 men from the streets.7339

22 Speak,1696 Thus3541 said5002 the LORD,3068 Even the carcasses5038 of men120 shall fall5307 as dung1828 on the open6440 field,7704 and as the handful5995 after310 the harvestman,7114 and none369 shall gather622 them.

23 Thus3541 said559 the LORD,3068 Let not the wise2450 man glory1984 in his wisdom,2451 neither408 let the mighty1368 man glory1984 in his might,1369 let not the rich6223 man glory1984 in his riches:6239

24 But let him that glories1984 glory1984 in this,2063 that he understands7919 and knows3045 me, that I am the LORD3068 which exercise6213 loving kindness,2617 judgment,4941 and righteousness,6666 in the earth:776 for in these428 things I delight,2654 said5002 the LORD.3068

25 Behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 said5002 the LORD,3068 that I will punish6485 all3605 them which are circumcised4135 with the uncircumcised;6190

26 Egypt,4714 and Judah,3063 and Edom,123 and the children1121 of Ammon,5983 and Moab,4124 and all3605 that are in the utmost7112 corners,6285 that dwell3427 in the wilderness:4057 for all3605 these nations1471 are uncircumcised,6189 and all3605 the house1004 of Israel3478 are uncircumcised6189 in the heart.3820




Chapter 9

1 但願我的頭為水,我的眼為淚的泉源,我好為我民女子[daughter of my people]中被殺的人晝夜哭泣。

1 Oh that my head7218 were waters,4325 and my eyes5869 a fountain4726 of tears,1832 that I might weep1058 day3119 and night3915 for the slain2491 of the daughter1323 of my people!5971

2 唯願我在曠野有行路人住宿之處,使我可以離開我的民出去。因他們都是行姦淫的,是行詭詐的一黨。

2 Oh that I had in the wilderness4057 a lodging4411 place of wayfaring732 men; that I might leave5800 my people,5971 and go3212 from them! for they be all3605 adulterers,5003 an assembly6116 of treacherous898 men.

3 他們彎起舌頭,像他們的[like their]弓一樣,為要說謊話。他們在地上[upon the earth][but]不為誠實奮勇[not valiant for the truth],乃是惡上加惡,並不認識我。這是耶和華說的。

3 And they bend1869 their tongues3956 like their bow7198 for lies:8267 but they are not valiant1396 for the truth530 on the earth;776 for they proceed3318 from evil7451 to evil,7451 and they know3045 not me, said5002 the LORD.3068

4 你們各人當謹防鄰居,不可信靠兄弟[brother];因各人的兄弟要[every brother will]盡行巧替[supplant]各人的[every]鄰居要毀謗而行[will walk with slanders]

4 Take you heed8104 every376 one376 of his neighbor,7453 and trust982 you not in any3605 brother:251 for every3605 brother251 will utterly supplant,6117 and every3605 neighbor7453 will walk1980 with slanders.7400

5 他們各人欺哄鄰居,不說真話;他們教舌頭學習說謊,勞勞碌碌地作孽。

5 And they will deceive2048 every376 one376 his neighbor,7453 and will not speak1696 the truth:571 they have taught3925 their tongue3956 to speak1696 lies,8267 and weary3811 themselves to commit5753 iniquity.5753

6 你的住處在詭詐的人中;他們因行詭詐,不肯認識我。這是耶和華說的。

6 Your habitation3427 is in the middle8432 of deceit;4820 through deceit4820 they refuse3985 to know3045 me, said5002 the LORD.3068

7 所以大軍之耶和華如此說:看哪,我要熔化他們,試煉他們[melt them, and try them];不然,我因女子─我百姓[daughter of my people]的罪該怎樣行呢?

7 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 Behold,2005 I will melt6884 them, and try974 them; for how349 shall I do6213 for the daughter1323 of my people?5971

8 他們的舌頭如箭射出[as an arrow shot out],說話詭詐;人與鄰居口說和平話,心卻謀害他。

8 Their tongue3956 is as an arrow2671 shot7819 out; it speaks1696 deceit:4820 one speaks1696 peaceably7965 to his neighbor7453 with his mouth,6310 but in heart7130 he lays7760 his wait.696

9 耶和華說:我豈不因這些事討他們的罪呢?豈不報復這樣的國民呢?

9 Shall I not visit6485 them for these428 things? said5002 the LORD:3068 shall not my soul5315 be avenged5358 on such834 a nation1471 as this?2088

10 我要為山嶺哭泣哀號[wailing],為曠野的住處[habitations]揚聲哀號;因為都已乾焦,甚至無人能以[can]經過。人也聽不見牲畜鳴叫,諸天[heavens]的飛鳥和地上的野獸都已逃去。

10 For the mountains2022 will I take5375 up a weeping1065 and wailing,5092 and for the habitations4999 of the wilderness4057 a lamentation,7015 because3588 they are burned3341 up, so that none1097 376 can pass5674 through them; neither3808 can men hear8085 the voice6963 of the cattle;4735 both the fowl5775 of the heavens8064 and the beast929 are fled;5074 they are gone.1980

11 我必使耶路撒冷變為亂堆,為[dragons]洞穴[den],也必使猶大的城邑荒涼[desolate],無[an]人居住。

11 And I will make5414 Jerusalem3389 heaps,1530 and a den4583 of dragons;8577 and I will make5414 the cities5892 of Judah3063 desolate,8077 without1097 an inhabitant.3427

12 誰是智慧人,可以明白這事?耶和華的口向誰說過,使他可以傳說?遍地為何滅亡,乾焦好像曠野,甚至無人經過呢?

12 Who4310 is the wise2450 man,376 that may understand995 this?2063 and who is he to whom834 the mouth6310 of the LORD3068 has spoken,1696 that he may declare5046 it, for what4100 the land776 perishes6 and is burned3341 up like a wilderness,4057 that none1097 passes5674 through?

13 耶和華說:「因為這些百姓離棄了[they have forsaken]在他們面前所設立的律法[my law which I set before them]沒有聽從我的話[have not obeyed my voice]也沒有遵行[neither walked therein]

13 And the LORD3068 said,559 Because5921 they have forsaken5800 my law8451 which834 I set5414 before6440 them, and have not obeyed8085 my voice,6963 neither3808 walked1980 therein;

14 只隨從自己妄想[imagination]的心行事,照他們列祖所教訓的隨從眾巴力。」

14 But have walked3212 after310 the imagination8307 of their own heart,3820 and after310 Baalim,1168 which834 their fathers1 taught3925 them:

15 所以大軍之耶和華─以色列的神如此說:「看哪,我必將茵蔯給這百姓吃,又將苦膽水給他們喝。

15 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 the God430 of Israel;3478 Behold,2005 I will feed398 them, even this2088 people,5971 with wormwood,3939 and give them water4325 of gall7219 to drink.8248


16 I will scatter6327 them also among the heathen,1471 whom834 neither3808 they nor their fathers1 have known:3045 and I will send7971 a sword2719 after310 them, till5704 I have consumed3615 them.

17 大軍之耶和華如此說:你們應當思想,將善唱哀歌的婦女召來,又打發人召善哭的婦女來,

17 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 Consider995 you, and call7121 for the mourning6969 women, that they may come;935 and send7971 for cunning2450 women, that they may come:935

18 叫她們速速為我們哀哭[wailing],使我們眼淚汪汪,使我們的眼皮湧出水來。

18 And let them make haste,4116 and take5375 up a wailing5092 for us, that our eyes5869 may run3381 down with tears,1832 and our eyelids6079 gush5140 out with waters.4325

19 因為聽見哀聲出於錫安,說:我們怎樣敗落了。我們大大地慚愧,因為[because]我們棄了[forsaken]地土,因為我們的居所將我們趕了出去[because our dwellings have cast us out]

19 For a voice6963 of wailing5092 is heard8085 out of Zion,6726 How349 are we spoiled!7703 we are greatly3966 confounded,954 because3588 we have forsaken5800 the land,776 because3588 our dwellings4908 have cast7993 us out.

20 婦女們哪,妳們當聽耶和華的話,妳們的耳朵當[let your ear]領受他口中的言語;又當教導你們的女兒[daughters]哀哭,各人教導鄰居唱哀歌。

20 Yet3588 hear8085 the word1697 of the LORD,3068 O you women,802 and let your ear241 receive3947 the word1697 of his mouth,6310 and teach3925 your daughters1323 wailing,5092 and every802 one her neighbor7468 lamentation.7015

21 因為死亡上來,進了我們的窗戶,[and]入了我們的宮殿;要從外邊剪除孩童,從街上剪除少年人。

21 For death4194 is come5927 up into our windows,2474 and is entered935 into our palaces,759 to cut3772 off the children5768 from without,2351 and the young970 men from the streets.7339

22 你當說,耶和華如此說:人的屍首甚至[Even]必倒在田野像糞土,又像收割的人遺落的一把禾稼,無人收取。

22 Speak,1696 Thus3541 said5002 the LORD,3068 Even the carcasses5038 of men120 shall fall5307 as dung1828 on the open6440 field,7704 and as the handful5995 after310 the harvestman,7114 and none369 shall gather622 them.

23 耶和華如此說:「智慧人不要因他的智慧誇口,勇士不要因他的勇力誇口,財主不要因他的財物誇口。

23 Thus3541 said559 the LORD,3068 Let not the wise2450 man glory1984 in his wisdom,2451 neither408 let the mighty1368 man glory1984 in his might,1369 let not the rich6223 man glory1984 in his riches:6239

24 誇口的卻因他有聰明,認識我是耶和華,又知道我喜悅在世上施行慈愛、公平,和公義,以此誇口。這是耶和華說的。」

24 But let him that glories1984 glory1984 in this,2063 that he understands7919 and knows3045 me, that I am the LORD3068 which exercise6213 loving kindness,2617 judgment,4941 and righteousness,6666 in the earth:776 for in these428 things I delight,2654 said5002 the LORD.3068

25 耶和華說:「看哪,日子將到,我要刑罰一切受過割禮[with]未受割禮的,

25 Behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 said5002 the LORD,3068 that I will punish6485 all3605 them which are circumcised4135 with the uncircumcised;6190

26 就是埃及、猶大、以東、亞捫人、摩押人,和一切住在曠野最角落處的[utmost corners];因為這些國民[these nations]都沒有受割禮,以色列全家[all the house of]心中也沒有受割禮。」

26 Egypt,4714 and Judah,3063 and Edom,123 and the children1121 of Ammon,5983 and Moab,4124 and all3605 that are in the utmost7112 corners,6285 that dwell3427 in the wilderness:4057 for all3605 these nations1471 are uncircumcised,6189 and all3605 the house1004 of Israel3478 are uncircumcised6189 in the heart.3820