

1 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

2 「長大痲瘋得潔淨的日子,其例乃是這樣:要帶他去見祭司;

3 祭司要出到營外察看,若見他的大痲瘋痊癒了,

4 就要吩咐人為那求潔淨的拿兩隻潔淨的活鳥和香柏木、朱紅色線,並牛膝草來。

5 祭司要吩咐用瓦器盛活水,把一隻鳥宰在上面。

6 至於那隻活鳥,祭司要把牠和香柏木、朱紅色線並牛膝草一同蘸於宰在活水上的鳥血中,

7 用以在那長大痲瘋求潔淨的人身上灑七次,就宣告[pronounce]他為潔淨,又把活鳥放在田野裏。

8 求潔淨的人當洗衣服,剃去毛髮,用水洗澡,就潔淨了;然後可以進營,只是要在自己的帳棚外居住七天。

9 第七天,再把頭上所有的頭髮與鬍鬚、眉毛,並全身的毛,都剃了;又要洗衣服,用水洗身,就潔淨了。

10 「第八天,他要取兩隻沒有殘疾的公綿羊羔[lambs]和一隻沒有殘疾、一歲的母綿羊羔[lamb],又要把調油的細麵伊法[of]十分之三為素祭,並油一羅革,一同取來。

11 行潔淨之禮的祭司要將那求潔淨的人和這些東西安置在會幕門口、耶和華面前。

12 祭司要取一隻公綿羊羔[he lamb]獻為贖愆祭,和那一羅革油一同搖一搖[wave],在耶和華面前作搖祭[wave offering]

13這綿羊羔[the lamb]宰於聖地,就是宰贖罪祭牲和燔祭牲之地;贖愆祭要歸祭司,與贖罪祭一樣;是至聖的;

14 祭司要取些贖愆祭牲的血,抹在求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上。

15 祭司要從那一羅革油中取些倒在自己的左手掌裏,

16 把右手的一個指頭蘸在左手的油裏,在耶和華面前用指頭彈七次。

17 將手裏所剩的油抹在那求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上,就是抹在贖愆祭牲的血上。

18 祭司手裏所剩的油要抹在那求潔淨人的頭上,在耶和華面前為他贖罪。

19 祭司要獻贖罪祭,為那本不潔淨、求潔淨的人贖罪;然後要宰燔祭牲,

20 把燔祭和素祭獻在壇上,為他贖罪,他就潔淨了。

21 「他若貧窮不能預備夠數,就要取一隻綿羊羔[lamb]作贖愆祭,可以搖一搖,為他贖罪;也要把調油的細麵伊法[of]十分之一為素祭,和油一羅革一同取來;

22 又照他的能力[able]取兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿,一隻作贖罪祭,一隻作燔祭。

23 第八天,要為潔淨,把這些帶到會幕門口、耶和華面前,交給祭司。

24 祭司要把贖愆祭的綿羊羔[lamb]和那一羅革油一同搖一搖[wave],在耶和華面前作搖祭[wave offering]

25 要宰了贖愆祭的綿羊羔[lamb],取些贖愆祭牲的血,抹在那求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上。

26 祭司要把些油倒在自己的左手掌裏,

27 把左手裏的油,在耶和華面前,用右手的一個指頭彈七次,

28 又把手裏的油抹些在那求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上,就是抹贖愆祭之血的原處。

29 祭司手裏所剩的油要抹在那求潔淨人的頭上,在耶和華面前為他贖罪。

30 那人又要照他的力量獻上一隻斑鳩或是一隻雛鴿,

31 就是他所能辦的,一隻為贖罪祭,一隻為燔祭,與素祭一同獻上;祭司要在耶和華面前為他贖罪。

32 這是那有大痲瘋災病的人、不能將關乎得潔淨之物預備夠數的條例。」

33 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:

34 「你們到了我賜給你們為業的迦南地,我若使你們所得為業之地的房屋中有大痲瘋的災病,

35 房主就要去告訴祭司說:『據我看,房屋中似乎有災病。』

36 祭司還沒有進去察看災病以前,就要吩咐人把房子騰空,免得房子裏所有的都成了不潔淨;然後祭司要進去察看房子。

37 他要察看那災病,若[behold]災病在房子的牆上有發綠或發紅的凹斑紋,現象窪於牆,

38 祭司就要出到房門外,把房子封鎖七天。

39 第七天,祭司要再去察看,[behold]災病若在房子的牆上發散,

40 就要吩咐人把那有災病的石頭挖出來,扔在城外不潔淨之處;

41 也要叫人刮房內的四圍,所刮掉的灰泥要倒在城外不潔淨之處;

42 又要用別的石頭代替那挖出來的石頭,要另用灰泥墁房子。

43 「他挖出石頭,刮了房子,墁了以後,災病若在房子裏又發現,

44 祭司就要進去察看,[behold]災病若在房子裏發散,這就是房內蠶食的大痲瘋,是不潔淨。

45 他就要拆毀房子,把石頭、木頭、灰泥都搬到城外不潔淨之處。

46 並且[Moreover]在房子封鎖的時候,進去的人必不潔淨到晚上;

47 在房子裏躺著的必洗衣服;在房子裏用餐[eateth]的也必洗衣服。

48 「房子墁了以後,祭司若進去察看,見災病在房內沒有發散,就要宣告[pronounce]房子為潔淨,因為災病已經消除。

49 要為潔淨房子取兩隻鳥和香柏木、朱紅色線並牛膝草,

50 用瓦器盛活水,把一隻鳥宰在上面,

51 把香柏木、牛膝草、朱紅色線,並那活鳥,都蘸在被宰的鳥血中與活水中,用以灑房子七次。

52 要用鳥血、活水、活鳥、香柏木、牛膝草,並朱紅色線,潔淨那房子。

53 但要把活鳥放在城外田野裏。這樣為房子贖罪[make an atonement for the house],房子就潔淨了。」

54 這是為各類大痲瘋的災病和頭疥,

55 並衣服與房子的大痲瘋,

56 以及癤子、癬、火斑所立的條例,

57 指明何時為潔淨,何時為不潔淨。這是大痲瘋的條例。


Chapter 14

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 This2063 shall be the law8451 of the leper6879 in the day3117 of his cleansing:2893 He shall be brought935 to the priest:3548

3 And the priest3548 shall go3318 forth3318 out of the camp;4264 and the priest3548 shall look,7200 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 of leprosy6883 be healed7495 in the leper;6879

4 Then shall the priest3548 command6680 to take3947 for him that is to be cleansed2891 two8147 birds6833 alive2416 and clean,2889 and cedar730 wood,6086 and scarlet,8144 8438 and hyssop:231

5 And the priest3548 shall command6680 that one259 of the birds6833 be killed7819 in an earthen2789 vessel3627 over5921 running2416 water:4325

6 As for the living2416 bird,6833 he shall take3947 it, and the cedar730 wood,6086 and the scarlet,8144 8438 and the hyssop,231 and shall dip2881 them and the living2416 bird6833 in the blood1818 of the bird6833 that was killed7819 over5921 the running2416 water:4325

7 And he shall sprinkle5137 on him that is to be cleansed2891 from the leprosy6883 seven7651 times,6471 and shall pronounce him clean,2891 and shall let the living2416 bird6833 loose7971 into5921 the open6440 field.7704

8 And he that is to be cleansed2891 shall wash3526 his clothes,899 and shave1548 off all3605 his hair,8181 and wash7364 himself in water,4325 that he may be clean:2891 and after310 that he shall come935 into413 the camp,4264 and shall tarry3427 abroad2351 out of his tent168 seven7651 days.3117

9 But it shall be on the seventh7637 day,3117 that he shall shave1548 all3605 his hair8181 off his head7218 and his beard2206 and his eyebrows,1354 5869 even all3605 his hair8181 he shall shave1548 off: and he shall wash3526 his clothes,899 also he shall wash7364 his flesh1320 in water,4325 and he shall be clean.2891

10 And on the eighth8066 day3117 he shall take3947 two8147 he lambs3532 without8549 blemish,8549 and one259 ewe3535 lamb3535 of the first1323 year8141 without8549 blemish,8549 and three7969 tenth6241 deals of fine flour5560 for a meat offering, mingled1101 with oil,8081 and one259 log3849 of oil.8081

11 And the priest3548 that makes him clean2891 shall present5975 the man376 that is to be made6213 clean,2891 and those things, before6440 the LORD,3068 at the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150

12 And the priest3548 shall take3947 one259 he lamb,3532 and offer7126 him for a trespass817 offering, and the log3849 of oil,8081 and wave5130 them for a wave8573 offering before6440 the LORD:3068

13 And he shall slay7819 the lamb3532 in the place4725 where834 he shall kill7819 the sin2403 offering and the burnt5930 offering, in the holy6944 place:4725 for as the sin2403 offering is the priest's,3548 so is the trespass817 offering: it is most6944 holy:6944

14 And the priest3548 shall take3947 some of the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering, and the priest3548 shall put5414 it on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot:7272

15 And the priest3548 shall take3947 some of the log3849 of oil,8081 and pour3332 it into5921 the palm3709 of his own3548 left8042 hand:8042

16 And the priest3548 shall dip2881 his right3233 finger676 in the oil8081 that is in his left8042 hand,3709 and shall sprinkle5137 of the oil8081 with his finger676 seven7651 times6471 before6440 the LORD:3068

17 And of the rest3499 of the oil8081 that is in his hand3709 shall the priest3548 put5414 on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot,7272 on the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering:

18 And the remnant3498 of the oil8081 that is in the priest's3548 hand3709 he shall pour5414 on the head7218 of him that is to be cleansed:2891 and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him before6440 the LORD.3068

19 And the priest3548 shall offer6213 the sin2403 offering, and make an atonement3722 for him that is to be cleansed2891 from his uncleanness;2932 and afterward310 he shall kill7819 the burnt5930 offering:

20 And the priest3548 shall offer5927 the burnt5930 offering4503 and the meat offering on the altar:4196 and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him, and he shall be clean.2891

21 And if518 he be poor,1800 and cannot369 3027 get5381 so much; then he shall take3947 one259 lamb3532 for a trespass817 offering to be waved,8573 to make an atonement3722 for him, and one259 tenth6241 deal of fine flour5560 mingled1101 with oil8081 for a meat offering,4503 and a log3849 of oil;8081

22 And two8147 turtledoves,8449 or176 two8147 young1121 pigeons,3123 such as he is able5381 to get;5381 and the one259 shall be a sin2403 offering, and the other259 a burnt5930 offering.

23 And he shall bring935 them on the eighth8066 day3117 for his cleansing2893 to the priest,3548 to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 before6440 the LORD.3068

24 And the priest3548 shall take3947 the lamb3532 of the trespass817 offering, and the log3849 of oil,8081 and the priest3548 shall wave5130 them for a wave8573 offering before6440 the LORD:3068

25 And he shall kill7819 the lamb3532 of the trespass817 offering, and the priest3548 shall take3947 some of the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering, and put5414 it on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot:7272

26 And the priest3548 shall pour3332 of the oil8081 into5921 the palm3709 of his own3548 left8042 hand:8042

27 And the priest3548 shall sprinkle5137 with his right3233 finger676 some of the oil8081 that is in his left8042 hand3709 seven7651 times6471 before6440 the LORD:3068

28 And the priest3548 shall put5414 of the oil8081 that is in his hand3709 on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot,7272 on the place4725 of the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering:

29 And the rest3498 of the oil8081 that is in the priest's3548 hand3709 he shall put5414 on the head7218 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 to make an atonement3722 for him before6440 the LORD.3068

30 And he shall offer6213 the one259 of the turtledoves,8449 or176 of the young1121 pigeons,3123 such as he can get;5381

31 Even such as he is able5381 to get,5381 the one259 for a sin2403 offering, and the other259 for a burnt5930 offering,4503 with the meat offering: and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him that is to be cleansed2891 before6440 the LORD.3068

32 This2063 is the law8451 of him in whom834 is the plague5061 of leprosy,6883 whose834 hand3027 is not able5381 to get5381 that which pertains to his cleansing.2893

33 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses4872 and to Aaron,175 saying,559

34 When3588 you be come935 into413 the land776 of Canaan,3667 which834 I give5414 to you for a possession,272 and I put5414 the plague5061 of leprosy6883 in a house1004 of the land776 of your possession;272

35 And he that ownes the house1004 shall come935 and tell5046 the priest,3548 saying,559 It seems7200 to me there is as it were a plague5061 in the house:1004

36 Then the priest3548 shall command6680 that they empty6437 the house,1004 before2962 the priest3548 go935 into it to see7200 the plague,5061 that all3605 that is in the house1004 be not made unclean:2930 and afterward310 3651 the priest3548 shall go935 in to see7200 the house:1004

37 And he shall look7200 on the plague,5061 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 be in the walls7023 of the house1004 with hollow8258 strakes,8258 greenish3422 or176 reddish,125 which in sight4758 are lower8217 than4480 the wall;7023

38 Then the priest3548 shall go3318 out of the house1004 to the door6607 of the house,1004 and shut5462 up the house1004 seven7651 days:3117

39 And the priest3548 shall come7725 again7725 the seventh7637 day,3117 and shall look:7200 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 be spread6581 in the walls7023 of the house;1004

40 Then the priest3548 shall command6680 that they take2502 away the stones68 in which834 the plague5061 is, and they shall cast7993 them into413 an unclean2931 place4725 without2351 the city:5892

41 And he shall cause the house1004 to be scraped7106 within1004 round5439 about, and they shall pour8210 out the dust6083 that they scrape7096 off without2351 the city5892 into413 an unclean2931 place:4725

42 And they shall take3947 other312 stones,68 and put935 them in the place8478 of those stones;68 and he shall take3947 other312 mortar,6083 and shall plaster2902 the house.1004

43 And if518 the plague5061 come7725 again,7725 and break6524 out in the house,1004 after310 that he has taken2502 away the stones,68 and after310 he has scraped7096 the house,1004 and after310 it is plastered;2902

44 Then the priest3548 shall come935 and look,7200 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 be spread6581 in the house,1004 it is a fretting3992 leprosy6883 in the house;1004 it is unclean.2931

45 And he shall break5422 down5422 the house,1004 the stones68 of it, and the timber6086 thereof, and all3605 the mortar6083 of the house;1004 and he shall carry3318 them forth3318 out of the city5892 into413 an unclean2931 place.4725

46 Moreover he that goes935 into413 the house1004 all3605 the while that it is shut5462 up shall be unclean2930 until5704 the even.6153

47 And he that lies7901 in the house1004 shall wash3526 his clothes;899 and he that eats398 in the house1004 shall wash3526 his clothes.899

48 And if518 the priest3548 shall come935 in, and look7200 on it, and, behold,2009 the plague5061 has not spread6581 in the house,1004 after310 the house1004 was plastered:2902 then the priest3548 shall pronounce the house1004 clean,2891 because3588 the plague5061 is healed.7495

49 And he shall take3947 to cleanse2398 the house1004 two8147 birds,6833 and cedar730 wood,6086 and scarlet,8144 8438 and hyssop:231

50 And he shall kill7819 the one259 of the birds6833 in an earthen2789 vessel3627 over5921 running2416 water:4325

51 And he shall take3947 the cedar730 wood,6086 and the hyssop,231 and the scarlet,8144 8438 and the living2416 bird,6833 and dip2881 them in the blood1818 of the slain7819 bird,6833 and in the running2416 water,4325 and sprinkle5137 the house1004 seven7651 times:6471

52 And he shall cleanse2398 the house1004 with the blood1818 of the bird,6833 and with the running2416 water,4325 and with the living2416 bird,6833 and with the cedar730 wood,6086 and with the hyssop,231 and with the scarlet:8144

53 But he shall let go7971 the living2416 bird6833 out of the city5892 into413 the open6440 fields,7704 and make an atonement3722 for the house:1004 and it shall be clean.2891

54 This2063 is the law8451 for all3605 manner of plague5061 of leprosy,6883 and scale,5424

55 And for the leprosy6883 of a garment,899 and of a house,1004

56 And for a rising,7613 and for a scab,5597 and for a bright934 spot:934

57 To teach3384 when3117 it is unclean,2931 and when3117 it is clean:2889 this2063 is the law8451 of leprosy.6883




Chapter 14

1 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 「長大痲瘋得潔淨的日子,其例乃是這樣:要帶他去見祭司;

2 This2063 shall be the law8451 of the leper6879 in the day3117 of his cleansing:2893 He shall be brought935 to the priest:3548

3 祭司要出到營外察看,若見他的大痲瘋痊癒了,

3 And the priest3548 shall go3318 forth3318 out of the camp;4264 and the priest3548 shall look,7200 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 of leprosy6883 be healed7495 in the leper;6879

4 就要吩咐人為那求潔淨的拿兩隻潔淨的活鳥和香柏木、朱紅色線,並牛膝草來。

4 Then shall the priest3548 command6680 to take3947 for him that is to be cleansed2891 two8147 birds6833 alive2416 and clean,2889 and cedar730 wood,6086 and scarlet,8144 8438 and hyssop:231

5 祭司要吩咐用瓦器盛活水,把一隻鳥宰在上面。

5 And the priest3548 shall command6680 that one259 of the birds6833 be killed7819 in an earthen2789 vessel3627 over5921 running2416 water:4325

6 至於那隻活鳥,祭司要把牠和香柏木、朱紅色線並牛膝草一同蘸於宰在活水上的鳥血中,

6 As for the living2416 bird,6833 he shall take3947 it, and the cedar730 wood,6086 and the scarlet,8144 8438 and the hyssop,231 and shall dip2881 them and the living2416 bird6833 in the blood1818 of the bird6833 that was killed7819 over5921 the running2416 water:4325

7 用以在那長大痲瘋求潔淨的人身上灑七次,就宣告[pronounce]他為潔淨,又把活鳥放在田野裏。

7 And he shall sprinkle5137 on him that is to be cleansed2891 from the leprosy6883 seven7651 times,6471 and shall pronounce him clean,2891 and shall let the living2416 bird6833 loose7971 into5921 the open6440 field.7704

8 求潔淨的人當洗衣服,剃去毛髮,用水洗澡,就潔淨了;然後可以進營,只是要在自己的帳棚外居住七天。

8 And he that is to be cleansed2891 shall wash3526 his clothes,899 and shave1548 off all3605 his hair,8181 and wash7364 himself in water,4325 that he may be clean:2891 and after310 that he shall come935 into413 the camp,4264 and shall tarry3427 abroad2351 out of his tent168 seven7651 days.3117

9 第七天,再把頭上所有的頭髮與鬍鬚、眉毛,並全身的毛,都剃了;又要洗衣服,用水洗身,就潔淨了。

9 But it shall be on the seventh7637 day,3117 that he shall shave1548 all3605 his hair8181 off his head7218 and his beard2206 and his eyebrows,1354 5869 even all3605 his hair8181 he shall shave1548 off: and he shall wash3526 his clothes,899 also he shall wash7364 his flesh1320 in water,4325 and he shall be clean.2891

10 「第八天,他要取兩隻沒有殘疾的公綿羊羔[lambs]和一隻沒有殘疾、一歲的母綿羊羔[lamb],又要把調油的細麵伊法[of]十分之三為素祭,並油一羅革,一同取來。

10 And on the eighth8066 day3117 he shall take3947 two8147 he lambs3532 without8549 blemish,8549 and one259 ewe3535 lamb3535 of the first1323 year8141 without8549 blemish,8549 and three7969 tenth6241 deals of fine flour5560 for a meat offering, mingled1101 with oil,8081 and one259 log3849 of oil.8081

11 行潔淨之禮的祭司要將那求潔淨的人和這些東西安置在會幕門口、耶和華面前。

11 And the priest3548 that makes him clean2891 shall present5975 the man376 that is to be made6213 clean,2891 and those things, before6440 the LORD,3068 at the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150

12 祭司要取一隻公綿羊羔[he lamb]獻為贖愆祭,和那一羅革油一同搖一搖[wave],在耶和華面前作搖祭[wave offering]

12 And the priest3548 shall take3947 one259 he lamb,3532 and offer7126 him for a trespass817 offering, and the log3849 of oil,8081 and wave5130 them for a wave8573 offering before6440 the LORD:3068

13這綿羊羔[the lamb]宰於聖地,就是宰贖罪祭牲和燔祭牲之地;贖愆祭要歸祭司,與贖罪祭一樣;是至聖的;

13 And he shall slay7819 the lamb3532 in the place4725 where834 he shall kill7819 the sin2403 offering and the burnt5930 offering, in the holy6944 place:4725 for as the sin2403 offering is the priest's,3548 so is the trespass817 offering: it is most6944 holy:6944

14 祭司要取些贖愆祭牲的血,抹在求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上。

14 And the priest3548 shall take3947 some of the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering, and the priest3548 shall put5414 it on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot:7272

15 祭司要從那一羅革油中取些倒在自己的左手掌裏,

15 And the priest3548 shall take3947 some of the log3849 of oil,8081 and pour3332 it into5921 the palm3709 of his own3548 left8042 hand:8042

16 把右手的一個指頭蘸在左手的油裏,在耶和華面前用指頭彈七次。

16 And the priest3548 shall dip2881 his right3233 finger676 in the oil8081 that is in his left8042 hand,3709 and shall sprinkle5137 of the oil8081 with his finger676 seven7651 times6471 before6440 the LORD:3068

17 將手裏所剩的油抹在那求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上,就是抹在贖愆祭牲的血上。

17 And of the rest3499 of the oil8081 that is in his hand3709 shall the priest3548 put5414 on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot,7272 on the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering:

18 祭司手裏所剩的油要抹在那求潔淨人的頭上,在耶和華面前為他贖罪。

18 And the remnant3498 of the oil8081 that is in the priest's3548 hand3709 he shall pour5414 on the head7218 of him that is to be cleansed:2891 and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him before6440 the LORD.3068

19 祭司要獻贖罪祭,為那本不潔淨、求潔淨的人贖罪;然後要宰燔祭牲,

19 And the priest3548 shall offer6213 the sin2403 offering, and make an atonement3722 for him that is to be cleansed2891 from his uncleanness;2932 and afterward310 he shall kill7819 the burnt5930 offering:

20 把燔祭和素祭獻在壇上,為他贖罪,他就潔淨了。

20 And the priest3548 shall offer5927 the burnt5930 offering4503 and the meat offering on the altar:4196 and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him, and he shall be clean.2891

21 「他若貧窮不能預備夠數,就要取一隻綿羊羔[lamb]作贖愆祭,可以搖一搖,為他贖罪;也要把調油的細麵伊法[of]十分之一為素祭,和油一羅革一同取來;

21 And if518 he be poor,1800 and cannot369 3027 get5381 so much; then he shall take3947 one259 lamb3532 for a trespass817 offering to be waved,8573 to make an atonement3722 for him, and one259 tenth6241 deal of fine flour5560 mingled1101 with oil8081 for a meat offering,4503 and a log3849 of oil;8081

22 又照他的能力[able]取兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿,一隻作贖罪祭,一隻作燔祭。

22 And two8147 turtledoves,8449 or176 two8147 young1121 pigeons,3123 such as he is able5381 to get;5381 and the one259 shall be a sin2403 offering, and the other259 a burnt5930 offering.

23 第八天,要為潔淨,把這些帶到會幕門口、耶和華面前,交給祭司。

23 And he shall bring935 them on the eighth8066 day3117 for his cleansing2893 to the priest,3548 to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 before6440 the LORD.3068

24 祭司要把贖愆祭的綿羊羔[lamb]和那一羅革油一同搖一搖[wave],在耶和華面前作搖祭[wave offering]

24 And the priest3548 shall take3947 the lamb3532 of the trespass817 offering, and the log3849 of oil,8081 and the priest3548 shall wave5130 them for a wave8573 offering before6440 the LORD:3068

25 要宰了贖愆祭的綿羊羔[lamb],取些贖愆祭牲的血,抹在那求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上。

25 And he shall kill7819 the lamb3532 of the trespass817 offering, and the priest3548 shall take3947 some of the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering, and put5414 it on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot:7272

26 祭司要把些油倒在自己的左手掌裏,

26 And the priest3548 shall pour3332 of the oil8081 into5921 the palm3709 of his own3548 left8042 hand:8042

27 把左手裏的油,在耶和華面前,用右手的一個指頭彈七次,

27 And the priest3548 shall sprinkle5137 with his right3233 finger676 some of the oil8081 that is in his left8042 hand3709 seven7651 times6471 before6440 the LORD:3068

28 又把手裏的油抹些在那求潔淨人的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,並右腳的大拇指上,就是抹贖愆祭之血的原處。

28 And the priest3548 shall put5414 of the oil8081 that is in his hand3709 on the tip8571 of the right3233 ear241 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 and on the thumb931 of his right3233 hand,3027 and on the great toe931 of his right3233 foot,7272 on the place4725 of the blood1818 of the trespass817 offering:

29 祭司手裏所剩的油要抹在那求潔淨人的頭上,在耶和華面前為他贖罪。

29 And the rest3498 of the oil8081 that is in the priest's3548 hand3709 he shall put5414 on the head7218 of him that is to be cleansed,2891 to make an atonement3722 for him before6440 the LORD.3068

30 那人又要照他的力量獻上一隻斑鳩或是一隻雛鴿,

30 And he shall offer6213 the one259 of the turtledoves,8449 or176 of the young1121 pigeons,3123 such as he can get;5381

31 就是他所能辦的,一隻為贖罪祭,一隻為燔祭,與素祭一同獻上;祭司要在耶和華面前為他贖罪。

31 Even such as he is able5381 to get,5381 the one259 for a sin2403 offering, and the other259 for a burnt5930 offering,4503 with the meat offering: and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him that is to be cleansed2891 before6440 the LORD.3068

32 這是那有大痲瘋災病的人、不能將關乎得潔淨之物預備夠數的條例。」

32 This2063 is the law8451 of him in whom834 is the plague5061 of leprosy,6883 whose834 hand3027 is not able5381 to get5381 that which pertains to his cleansing.2893

33 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:

33 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses4872 and to Aaron,175 saying,559

34 「你們到了我賜給你們為業的迦南地,我若使你們所得為業之地的房屋中有大痲瘋的災病,

34 When3588 you be come935 into413 the land776 of Canaan,3667 which834 I give5414 to you for a possession,272 and I put5414 the plague5061 of leprosy6883 in a house1004 of the land776 of your possession;272

35 房主就要去告訴祭司說:『據我看,房屋中似乎有災病。』

35 And he that ownes the house1004 shall come935 and tell5046 the priest,3548 saying,559 It seems7200 to me there is as it were a plague5061 in the house:1004

36 祭司還沒有進去察看災病以前,就要吩咐人把房子騰空,免得房子裏所有的都成了不潔淨;然後祭司要進去察看房子。

36 Then the priest3548 shall command6680 that they empty6437 the house,1004 before2962 the priest3548 go935 into it to see7200 the plague,5061 that all3605 that is in the house1004 be not made unclean:2930 and afterward310 3651 the priest3548 shall go935 in to see7200 the house:1004

37 他要察看那災病,若[behold]災病在房子的牆上有發綠或發紅的凹斑紋,現象窪於牆,

37 And he shall look7200 on the plague,5061 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 be in the walls7023 of the house1004 with hollow8258 strakes,8258 greenish3422 or176 reddish,125 which in sight4758 are lower8217 than4480 the wall;7023

38 祭司就要出到房門外,把房子封鎖七天。

38 Then the priest3548 shall go3318 out of the house1004 to the door6607 of the house,1004 and shut5462 up the house1004 seven7651 days:3117

39 第七天,祭司要再去察看,[behold]災病若在房子的牆上發散,

39 And the priest3548 shall come7725 again7725 the seventh7637 day,3117 and shall look:7200 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 be spread6581 in the walls7023 of the house;1004

40 就要吩咐人把那有災病的石頭挖出來,扔在城外不潔淨之處;

40 Then the priest3548 shall command6680 that they take2502 away the stones68 in which834 the plague5061 is, and they shall cast7993 them into413 an unclean2931 place4725 without2351 the city:5892

41 也要叫人刮房內的四圍,所刮掉的灰泥要倒在城外不潔淨之處;

41 And he shall cause the house1004 to be scraped7106 within1004 round5439 about, and they shall pour8210 out the dust6083 that they scrape7096 off without2351 the city5892 into413 an unclean2931 place:4725

42 又要用別的石頭代替那挖出來的石頭,要另用灰泥墁房子。

42 And they shall take3947 other312 stones,68 and put935 them in the place8478 of those stones;68 and he shall take3947 other312 mortar,6083 and shall plaster2902 the house.1004

43 「他挖出石頭,刮了房子,墁了以後,災病若在房子裏又發現,

43 And if518 the plague5061 come7725 again,7725 and break6524 out in the house,1004 after310 that he has taken2502 away the stones,68 and after310 he has scraped7096 the house,1004 and after310 it is plastered;2902

44 祭司就要進去察看,[behold]災病若在房子裏發散,這就是房內蠶食的大痲瘋,是不潔淨。

44 Then the priest3548 shall come935 and look,7200 and, behold,2009 if the plague5061 be spread6581 in the house,1004 it is a fretting3992 leprosy6883 in the house;1004 it is unclean.2931

45 他就要拆毀房子,把石頭、木頭、灰泥都搬到城外不潔淨之處。

45 And he shall break5422 down5422 the house,1004 the stones68 of it, and the timber6086 thereof, and all3605 the mortar6083 of the house;1004 and he shall carry3318 them forth3318 out of the city5892 into413 an unclean2931 place.4725

46 並且[Moreover]在房子封鎖的時候,進去的人必不潔淨到晚上;

46 Moreover he that goes935 into413 the house1004 all3605 the while that it is shut5462 up shall be unclean2930 until5704 the even.6153

47 在房子裏躺著的必洗衣服;在房子裏用餐[eateth]的也必洗衣服。

47 And he that lies7901 in the house1004 shall wash3526 his clothes;899 and he that eats398 in the house1004 shall wash3526 his clothes.899

48 「房子墁了以後,祭司若進去察看,見災病在房內沒有發散,就要宣告[pronounce]房子為潔淨,因為災病已經消除。

48 And if518 the priest3548 shall come935 in, and look7200 on it, and, behold,2009 the plague5061 has not spread6581 in the house,1004 after310 the house1004 was plastered:2902 then the priest3548 shall pronounce the house1004 clean,2891 because3588 the plague5061 is healed.7495

49 要為潔淨房子取兩隻鳥和香柏木、朱紅色線並牛膝草,

49 And he shall take3947 to cleanse2398 the house1004 two8147 birds,6833 and cedar730 wood,6086 and scarlet,8144 8438 and hyssop:231

50 用瓦器盛活水,把一隻鳥宰在上面,

50 And he shall kill7819 the one259 of the birds6833 in an earthen2789 vessel3627 over5921 running2416 water:4325

51 把香柏木、牛膝草、朱紅色線,並那活鳥,都蘸在被宰的鳥血中與活水中,用以灑房子七次。

51 And he shall take3947 the cedar730 wood,6086 and the hyssop,231 and the scarlet,8144 8438 and the living2416 bird,6833 and dip2881 them in the blood1818 of the slain7819 bird,6833 and in the running2416 water,4325 and sprinkle5137 the house1004 seven7651 times:6471

52 要用鳥血、活水、活鳥、香柏木、牛膝草,並朱紅色線,潔淨那房子。

52 And he shall cleanse2398 the house1004 with the blood1818 of the bird,6833 and with the running2416 water,4325 and with the living2416 bird,6833 and with the cedar730 wood,6086 and with the hyssop,231 and with the scarlet:8144

53 但要把活鳥放在城外田野裏。這樣為房子贖罪[make an atonement for the house],房子就潔淨了。」

53 But he shall let go7971 the living2416 bird6833 out of the city5892 into413 the open6440 fields,7704 and make an atonement3722 for the house:1004 and it shall be clean.2891

54 這是為各類大痲瘋的災病和頭疥,

54 This2063 is the law8451 for all3605 manner of plague5061 of leprosy,6883 and scale,5424

55 並衣服與房子的大痲瘋,

55 And for the leprosy6883 of a garment,899 and of a house,1004

56 以及癤子、癬、火斑所立的條例,

56 And for a rising,7613 and for a scab,5597 and for a bright934 spot:934

57 指明何時為潔淨,何時為不潔淨。這是大痲瘋的條例。

57 To teach3384 when3117 it is unclean,2931 and when3117 it is clean:2889 this2063 is the law8451 of leprosy.6883
