

1 何等願意神使[Would to God]你們稍為寬容我這愚妄[bear with me a little in my folly]並要真心去寬容我[and indeed bear with me]

2 我為你們起的憤恨,原是出於敬虔的[godly]憤恨。因為我曾把你們許配一個丈夫,要把你們如同貞潔的處女[virgin],獻給基督。

3 我只怕你們的心或偏於邪,失去那在基督裏所存純一的心[simplicity that is in Christ],就像蛇用詭詐誘騙[beguiled]了夏娃一樣。

4 假如有人來另傳一個耶穌,不是我們所傳過的;或者你們另受一個靈,不是你們所受過的;或者另得一個福音,不是你們所得過的;你們容讓他也就罷了。

5 在我看來[For I suppose],我一點不在那些最大的使徒以下。

6 我的言語雖然粗俗,我的知識卻不粗俗。這是我們在凡事上,在你們中間[among you]顯明出來的。

7 我因為白白傳神的福音給你們,就自居卑微,叫你們高升,這算是我犯罪嗎?

8 我虧負了別的教會,向他們取了工價來給你們效力。

9 我在你們那裏缺乏的時候,並沒有叫一人耗費[chargeable to no man];因我所缺乏的,那從馬其頓來的弟兄們都補足了;我向來凡事謹守,後來也必謹守,總不至於累著你們。

10 既有基督的真理[the truth]在我裏面,就無人能在亞該亞一帶地方阻擋我這自誇。

11 為甚麼呢?是因我不愛你們嗎?這有神知道。

12 我現在所作的,後來還要作,為要斷絕那些尋機會人的機會,使他們在所誇的事上也不過與我們一樣。

13 那等人是假使徒,行事詭詐,裝作基督使徒的模樣。

14 這也不足為怪,因為連撒但也裝作光明的天使。

15 所以他的差役,若裝作公義[righteousness]的差役,也不算希奇。他們的結局必然照著他們的行為。

16 我再說,人不可以我為愚妄人[think me as a fool];縱然如此,也要把我當作愚妄人接納,叫我可以略略自誇。

17 我說的話不是奉主命說的,乃是像愚妄人放膽自誇;

18 既有許多[many]人憑著血氣自誇,我也要自誇了。

19 你們既是精明人,就能甘心忍耐愚妄人。

20 假若有人強你們作奴僕,或侵吞你們,或擄掠你們,或高抬自己[exalt himself],或打你們的臉,你們都能忍耐他。

21 我說這話是羞辱自己,好像我們從前是軟弱的。然而,人在何事上勇敢,(我說句愚妄話,)我也勇敢。

22 他們是希伯來人嗎?我也是。他們是以色列人嗎?我也是。他們是亞伯拉罕的後裔嗎?我也是。

23 他們是基督的僕人嗎?(我像愚妄人說句話[speak as a fool],)我更是。我比他們多受勞苦,多下監牢,受鞭打是過重的,冒死是屢次有的。

24 被猶太人鞭打五次,每次四十減去一下;

25 被棍打了三次;被石頭打了一次,遇著船壞三次,一晝一夜在深海裏。

26 又屢次行遠路,遭江河的危險、強盜[robbers]的危險,同族的危險、異教民[heathen]的危險、城裏的危險、曠野的危險、海中的危險、假弟兄的危險;

27 受勞碌、受困苦,多次不得睡,又飢又渴,多次不得食,受寒冷,赤身露體。

28 除了這外面的事,還有為眾教會掛心的事,天天臨到[cometh upon]我身上。

29 有誰軟弱,我不軟弱呢?有誰犯罪[offended],我不焦急呢?

30 我若必須自誇,就誇那關乎我軟弱的事便了。

31 我們[our]那永遠可稱頌之主耶穌基督[Christ]的父神,知道我不說謊。

32 在大馬士革亞哩達王手下的城督[governor]把守大馬士革城,要捉拿我,

33 我就從窗戶中,在籃子裏,從城牆上被人縋下去,脫離了他的手。

2 Corinthians

Chapter 11

1 Would3785 to God you could bear430 with me a little3397 in my folly:877 and indeed235 bear430 with me.

2 For I am jealous2206 over you with godly2596 2316 jealousy:2205 for I have espoused718 you to one1520 husband,435 that I may present3936 you as a chaste53 virgin3933 to Christ.5547

3 But I fear,5399 lest3381 by any3381 means,4458 as the serpent3789 beguiled1818 Eve2096 through1722 his subtlety,3834 so3779 your5216 minds3540 should be corrupted5351 from the simplicity572 that is in Christ.5547

4 For if1487 he that comes2064 preaches2784 another243 Jesus,2424 whom3739 we have not preached,2784 or2228 if you receive2983 another2087 spirit,4151 which3739 you have not received,2983 or2228 another2087 gospel,2098 which you have not accepted,1209 you might well2573 bear430 with him.

5 For I suppose3049 I was not a whit3367 behind5302 the very5228 most chief5228 3029 apostles.652

6 But though1499 I be rude2399 in speech,3056 yet235 not in knowledge;1108 but we have been thoroughly1722 3956 made5319 manifest5319 among1519 you in all3956 things.

7 Have I committed4160 an offense266 in abasing5013 myself1683 that you might be exalted,5312 because3754 I have preached2097 to you the gospel2098 of God2316 freely?1432

8 I robbed4813 other243 churches,1577 taking2983 wages3800 of them, to do you service.1248

9 And when I was present3918 with you, and wanted,5302 I was chargeable2655 to no3762 man:3762 for that which was lacking5303 to me the brothers80 which came2064 from Macedonia3109 supplied:4322 and in all3956 things I have kept5083 myself1683 from being burdensome4 to you, and so will I keep5083 myself.1683

10 As the truth225 of Christ5547 is in me, no3756 3762 man shall stop5420 me of this3778 boasting2746 in the regions2824 of Achaia.882

11 Why?1302 because3754 I love25 you not? God2316 knows.1492

12 But what3739 I do,4160 that I will do,4160 that I may cut1581 off1581 occasion874 from them which desire2309 occasion;874 that wherein1722 3757 they glory,2744 they may be found2147 even2532 as we.

13 For such5108 are false5570 apostles,5570 deceitful1386 workers,2040 transforming3345 themselves into1519 the apostles652 of Christ.5547

14 And no3762 marvel;2298 for Satan4567 himself846 is transformed3345 into1519 an angel32 of light.5457

15 Therefore3767 it is no3762 great3173 thing if1499 his ministers1249 also2532 be transformed3345 as the ministers1249 of righteousness;1343 whose3739 end5056 shall be according2596 to their works.2041

16 I say3004 again,3825 Let no3367 man5100 think1380 me a fool;878 if1490 otherwise,1490 yet2579 as a fool878 receive1209 me, that I may boast2744 myself a little.3397

17 That which3739 I speak,2980 I speak2980 it not after2596 the Lord,2962 but as it were foolishly,1722 877 in this5026 confidence5287 of boasting.2746

18 Seeing1893 that many4183 glory2744 after2596 the flesh,4561 I will glory2744 also.2504

19 For you suffer430 fools878 gladly,2234 seeing you yourselves are wise.5429

20 For you suffer,430 if1487 a man5100 bring2615 you into bondage,2615 if1487 a man5100 devour2719 you, if1487 a man5100 take2983 of you, if1487 a man5100 exalt1869 himself, if1487 a man5100 smite1194 you on1519 the face.4383

21 I speak3004 as concerning2596 reproach,819 as though3754 we had been weak.770 However, when ever1722 3739 302 any5100 is bold,5111 (I speak3004 foolishly,1722 877) I am bold also.5111 2504

22 Are they Hebrews?1445 so2504 am I. Are they Israelites?2475 so2504 am I. Are they the seed4690 of Abraham?11 so2504 am I.

23 Are they ministers1249 of Christ?5547 (I speak2980 as a fool)3912 I am more;5228 in labors2873 more4056 abundant,4056 in stripes4127 above5234 measure,5234 in prisons5438 more4056 frequent,4056 in deaths2288 oft.4178

24 Of the Jews2453 five3999 times3999 received2983 I forty5062 stripes save3844 one.3391

25 Thrice5151 was I beaten4463 with rods,4463 once530 was I stoned,3034 thrice5151 I suffered shipwreck,3489 a night3574 and a day3574 I have been4160 in the deep;1037

26 In journeys3597 often,3740 in perils2794 of waters,4215 in perils2794 of robbers,3027 in perils2794 by my own countrymen,1085 in perils2794 by the heathen,1484 in perils2794 in the city,4172 in perils2794 in the wilderness,2047 in perils2794 in the sea,2281 in perils2794 among1722 false5569 brothers;5569

27 In weariness2873 and painfulness,3449 in watchings70 often,3740 in hunger3042 and thirst,1373 in fastings3521 often,3740 in cold5592 and nakedness.1132

28 Beside5565 those3588 things that are without,3924 that which3588 comes1999 on me daily,2596 2250 the care3308 of all3956 the churches.1577

29 Who5101 is weak,770 and I am not weak?770 who5101 is offended,4624 and I burn4448 not?

30 If1487 I must1163 needs glory,2744 I will glory2744 of the things which concern4012 my3450 infirmities.769

31 The God2316 and Father3962 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3588 is blessed2128 for ever more,1519 165 knows1492 that I lie5574 not.

32 In Damascus1154 the governor1481 under Aretas702 the king935 kept5432 the city4172 of the Damascenes1153 with a garrison,5432 desirous2309 to apprehend4084 me:

33 And through1223 a window2376 in a basket4553 was I let5465 down5465 by the wall,5038 and escaped1628 his hands.5495



2 Corinthians

Chapter 11

1 何等願意神使[Would to God]你們稍為寬容我這愚妄[bear with me a little in my folly]並要真心去寬容我[and indeed bear with me]

1 Would3785 to God you could bear430 with me a little3397 in my folly:877 and indeed235 bear430 with me.

2 我為你們起的憤恨,原是出於敬虔的[godly]憤恨。因為我曾把你們許配一個丈夫,要把你們如同貞潔的處女[virgin],獻給基督。

2 For I am jealous2206 over you with godly2596 2316 jealousy:2205 for I have espoused718 you to one1520 husband,435 that I may present3936 you as a chaste53 virgin3933 to Christ.5547

3 我只怕你們的心或偏於邪,失去那在基督裏所存純一的心[simplicity that is in Christ],就像蛇用詭詐誘騙[beguiled]了夏娃一樣。

3 But I fear,5399 lest3381 by any3381 means,4458 as the serpent3789 beguiled1818 Eve2096 through1722 his subtlety,3834 so3779 your5216 minds3540 should be corrupted5351 from the simplicity572 that is in Christ.5547

4 假如有人來另傳一個耶穌,不是我們所傳過的;或者你們另受一個靈,不是你們所受過的;或者另得一個福音,不是你們所得過的;你們容讓他也就罷了。

4 For if1487 he that comes2064 preaches2784 another243 Jesus,2424 whom3739 we have not preached,2784 or2228 if you receive2983 another2087 spirit,4151 which3739 you have not received,2983 or2228 another2087 gospel,2098 which you have not accepted,1209 you might well2573 bear430 with him.

5 在我看來[For I suppose],我一點不在那些最大的使徒以下。

5 For I suppose3049 I was not a whit3367 behind5302 the very5228 most chief5228 3029 apostles.652

6 我的言語雖然粗俗,我的知識卻不粗俗。這是我們在凡事上,在你們中間[among you]顯明出來的。

6 But though1499 I be rude2399 in speech,3056 yet235 not in knowledge;1108 but we have been thoroughly1722 3956 made5319 manifest5319 among1519 you in all3956 things.

7 我因為白白傳神的福音給你們,就自居卑微,叫你們高升,這算是我犯罪嗎?

7 Have I committed4160 an offense266 in abasing5013 myself1683 that you might be exalted,5312 because3754 I have preached2097 to you the gospel2098 of God2316 freely?1432

8 我虧負了別的教會,向他們取了工價來給你們效力。

8 I robbed4813 other243 churches,1577 taking2983 wages3800 of them, to do you service.1248

9 我在你們那裏缺乏的時候,並沒有叫一人耗費[chargeable to no man];因我所缺乏的,那從馬其頓來的弟兄們都補足了;我向來凡事謹守,後來也必謹守,總不至於累著你們。

9 And when I was present3918 with you, and wanted,5302 I was chargeable2655 to no3762 man:3762 for that which was lacking5303 to me the brothers80 which came2064 from Macedonia3109 supplied:4322 and in all3956 things I have kept5083 myself1683 from being burdensome4 to you, and so will I keep5083 myself.1683

10 既有基督的真理[the truth]在我裏面,就無人能在亞該亞一帶地方阻擋我這自誇。

10 As the truth225 of Christ5547 is in me, no3756 3762 man shall stop5420 me of this3778 boasting2746 in the regions2824 of Achaia.882

11 為甚麼呢?是因我不愛你們嗎?這有神知道。

11 Why?1302 because3754 I love25 you not? God2316 knows.1492

12 我現在所作的,後來還要作,為要斷絕那些尋機會人的機會,使他們在所誇的事上也不過與我們一樣。

12 But what3739 I do,4160 that I will do,4160 that I may cut1581 off1581 occasion874 from them which desire2309 occasion;874 that wherein1722 3757 they glory,2744 they may be found2147 even2532 as we.

13 那等人是假使徒,行事詭詐,裝作基督使徒的模樣。

13 For such5108 are false5570 apostles,5570 deceitful1386 workers,2040 transforming3345 themselves into1519 the apostles652 of Christ.5547

14 這也不足為怪,因為連撒但也裝作光明的天使。

14 And no3762 marvel;2298 for Satan4567 himself846 is transformed3345 into1519 an angel32 of light.5457

15 所以他的差役,若裝作公義[righteousness]的差役,也不算希奇。他們的結局必然照著他們的行為。

15 Therefore3767 it is no3762 great3173 thing if1499 his ministers1249 also2532 be transformed3345 as the ministers1249 of righteousness;1343 whose3739 end5056 shall be according2596 to their works.2041

16 我再說,人不可以我為愚妄人[think me as a fool];縱然如此,也要把我當作愚妄人接納,叫我可以略略自誇。

16 I say3004 again,3825 Let no3367 man5100 think1380 me a fool;878 if1490 otherwise,1490 yet2579 as a fool878 receive1209 me, that I may boast2744 myself a little.3397

17 我說的話不是奉主命說的,乃是像愚妄人放膽自誇;

17 That which3739 I speak,2980 I speak2980 it not after2596 the Lord,2962 but as it were foolishly,1722 877 in this5026 confidence5287 of boasting.2746

18 既有許多[many]人憑著血氣自誇,我也要自誇了。

18 Seeing1893 that many4183 glory2744 after2596 the flesh,4561 I will glory2744 also.2504

19 你們既是精明人,就能甘心忍耐愚妄人。

19 For you suffer430 fools878 gladly,2234 seeing you yourselves are wise.5429

20 假若有人強你們作奴僕,或侵吞你們,或擄掠你們,或高抬自己[exalt himself],或打你們的臉,你們都能忍耐他。

20 For you suffer,430 if1487 a man5100 bring2615 you into bondage,2615 if1487 a man5100 devour2719 you, if1487 a man5100 take2983 of you, if1487 a man5100 exalt1869 himself, if1487 a man5100 smite1194 you on1519 the face.4383

21 我說這話是羞辱自己,好像我們從前是軟弱的。然而,人在何事上勇敢,(我說句愚妄話,)我也勇敢。

21 I speak3004 as concerning2596 reproach,819 as though3754 we had been weak.770 However, when ever1722 3739 302 any5100 is bold,5111 (I speak3004 foolishly,1722 877) I am bold also.5111 2504

22 他們是希伯來人嗎?我也是。他們是以色列人嗎?我也是。他們是亞伯拉罕的後裔嗎?我也是。

22 Are they Hebrews?1445 so2504 am I. Are they Israelites?2475 so2504 am I. Are they the seed4690 of Abraham?11 so2504 am I.

23 他們是基督的僕人嗎?(我像愚妄人說句話[speak as a fool],)我更是。我比他們多受勞苦,多下監牢,受鞭打是過重的,冒死是屢次有的。

23 Are they ministers1249 of Christ?5547 (I speak2980 as a fool)3912 I am more;5228 in labors2873 more4056 abundant,4056 in stripes4127 above5234 measure,5234 in prisons5438 more4056 frequent,4056 in deaths2288 oft.4178

24 被猶太人鞭打五次,每次四十減去一下;

24 Of the Jews2453 five3999 times3999 received2983 I forty5062 stripes save3844 one.3391

25 被棍打了三次;被石頭打了一次,遇著船壞三次,一晝一夜在深海裏。

25 Thrice5151 was I beaten4463 with rods,4463 once530 was I stoned,3034 thrice5151 I suffered shipwreck,3489 a night3574 and a day3574 I have been4160 in the deep;1037

26 又屢次行遠路,遭江河的危險、強盜[robbers]的危險,同族的危險、異教民[heathen]的危險、城裏的危險、曠野的危險、海中的危險、假弟兄的危險;

26 In journeys3597 often,3740 in perils2794 of waters,4215 in perils2794 of robbers,3027 in perils2794 by my own countrymen,1085 in perils2794 by the heathen,1484 in perils2794 in the city,4172 in perils2794 in the wilderness,2047 in perils2794 in the sea,2281 in perils2794 among1722 false5569 brothers;5569

27 受勞碌、受困苦,多次不得睡,又飢又渴,多次不得食,受寒冷,赤身露體。

27 In weariness2873 and painfulness,3449 in watchings70 often,3740 in hunger3042 and thirst,1373 in fastings3521 often,3740 in cold5592 and nakedness.1132

28 除了這外面的事,還有為眾教會掛心的事,天天臨到[cometh upon]我身上。

28 Beside5565 those3588 things that are without,3924 that which3588 comes1999 on me daily,2596 2250 the care3308 of all3956 the churches.1577

29 有誰軟弱,我不軟弱呢?有誰犯罪[offended],我不焦急呢?

29 Who5101 is weak,770 and I am not weak?770 who5101 is offended,4624 and I burn4448 not?

30 我若必須自誇,就誇那關乎我軟弱的事便了。

30 If1487 I must1163 needs glory,2744 I will glory2744 of the things which concern4012 my3450 infirmities.769

31 我們[our]那永遠可稱頌之主耶穌基督[Christ]的父神,知道我不說謊。

31 The God2316 and Father3962 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3588 is blessed2128 for ever more,1519 165 knows1492 that I lie5574 not.

32 在大馬士革亞哩達王手下的城督[governor]把守大馬士革城,要捉拿我,

32 In Damascus1154 the governor1481 under Aretas702 the king935 kept5432 the city4172 of the Damascenes1153 with a garrison,5432 desirous2309 to apprehend4084 me:

33 我就從窗戶中,在籃子裏,從城牆上被人縋下去,脫離了他的手。

33 And through1223 a window2376 in a basket4553 was I let5465 down5465 by the wall,5038 and escaped1628 his hands.5495