

1 耶和華上帝、我之救主兮、余當清晝、龥呼於爾、至於中夜、聲徹於上兮、

2 願余祈禱、升聞於爾、爾垂聽兮、

3 余之中心、憂思盈懐、余之生命、歸墓伊邇兮、

4 余與入土之人無異、余與無力之子相同兮、

5 在羣尸之中、展余衾枕、若遭殺戮、置諸塚間、爾不垂念之、爾不護佑之兮、

6 爾置余於深邃之淵、幽暗之所兮、

7 維爾震怒、降災於余、波濤淹予兮、

8 良朋密友、以余爲疏、以余爲醜、俱爾所使、余爲俘囚、不能復出兮。

9 余困苦而目眯、終日祈求、舉手向爾兮、

10 人已沒世、豈可施能而救之兮、幽冥之衆、誰克起而頌美兮、

11 入於陵墓者、詎得沾爾恩膏兮、陷於陰府者、豈能彰爾真實兮、

12 幽暗之域、孰能仰爾經綸兮、百事消亡之所、誰得播揚爾仁義兮、

13 耶和華兮、余龥呼於爾、清晨祈禱兮、

14 爾何爲棄予如遺。舍予不顧兮、

15 余自幼遭難、瀕於死亡、爾俾余觳觫、悚然駭懼兮、

16 爾怒震烈、降災我躬、俾我滅亡兮、

17 禍患叢集、如水淹余、靡日不然兮。

18 友朋遠余、惟與陰府爲鄰、俱爾所使兮。


Psalm 88

1 A Song7892 or Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah,7141 to the chief5329 Musician5329 upon Mahalath4257 Leannoth,6030 Maschil4905 of Heman1968 the Ezrahite.250 O lord3068 God430 of my salvation,3444 I have cried6817 day3117 and night3915 before5048 you:

2 Let my prayer8605 come935 before6440 you: incline5186 your ear241 to my cry;7440

3 For my soul5315 is full7654 of troubles:7451 and my life2416 draws near5060 to the grave.7585

4 I am counted2803 with them that go3381 down3381 into the pit:953 I am1961 as a man1397 that has no369 strength:353

5 Free2670 among the dead,4191 like3644 the slain2491 that lie7901 in the grave,6913 whom834 you remember2142 no3808 more:5750 and they are cut1504 off from your hand.3027

6 You have laid7896 me in the lowest8482 pit,953 in darkness,4285 in the deeps.4688

7 Your wrath2534 lies5564 hard5564 on me, and you have afflicted6031 me with all3605 your waves.4867 Selah.5542

8 You have put7368 away7368 my acquaintance3045 far7368 from me; you have made7896 me an abomination8441 to them: I am shut3607 up, and I cannot3808 come3318 forth.3318

9 My eye5869 mourns1669 by reason4480 of affliction:6040 LORD,3068 I have called7121 daily3605 3117 on you, I have stretched7849 out my hands3709 to you.

10 Will you show6213 wonders6382 to the dead?4191 shall the dead7496 arise6965 and praise3034 you? Selah.5542

11 Shall your loving kindness2617 be declared5608 in the grave?6913 or your faithfulness530 in destruction?11

12 Shall your wonders6382 be known3045 in the dark?2822 and your righteousness6666 in the land776 of forgetfulness?5388

13 But to you have I cried,7768 O LORD;3068 and in the morning1242 shall my prayer8605 prevent6923 you.

14 LORD,3068 why4100 cast2186 you off my soul?5315 why hide5641 you your face6440 from me?

15 I am afflicted6041 and ready to die1478 from my youth5290 up: while I suffer5375 your terrors367 I am distracted.6323

16 Your fierce wrath2740 goes5674 over5674 me; your terrors1161 have cut6789 me off.

17 They came5437 round5437 about me daily3605 3117 like water;4325 they compassed5362 me about together.3162

18 Lover157 and friend7453 have you put7368 far7368 from me, and my acquaintance3045 into darkness.4285




Psalm 88

1 耶和華上帝、我之救主兮、余當清晝、龥呼於爾、至於中夜、聲徹於上兮、

1 A Song7892 or Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah,7141 to the chief5329 Musician5329 upon Mahalath4257 Leannoth,6030 Maschil4905 of Heman1968 the Ezrahite.250 O lord3068 God430 of my salvation,3444 I have cried6817 day3117 and night3915 before5048 you:

2 願余祈禱、升聞於爾、爾垂聽兮、

2 Let my prayer8605 come935 before6440 you: incline5186 your ear241 to my cry;7440

3 余之中心、憂思盈懐、余之生命、歸墓伊邇兮、

3 For my soul5315 is full7654 of troubles:7451 and my life2416 draws near5060 to the grave.7585

4 余與入土之人無異、余與無力之子相同兮、

4 I am counted2803 with them that go3381 down3381 into the pit:953 I am1961 as a man1397 that has no369 strength:353

5 在羣尸之中、展余衾枕、若遭殺戮、置諸塚間、爾不垂念之、爾不護佑之兮、

5 Free2670 among the dead,4191 like3644 the slain2491 that lie7901 in the grave,6913 whom834 you remember2142 no3808 more:5750 and they are cut1504 off from your hand.3027

6 爾置余於深邃之淵、幽暗之所兮、

6 You have laid7896 me in the lowest8482 pit,953 in darkness,4285 in the deeps.4688

7 維爾震怒、降災於余、波濤淹予兮、

7 Your wrath2534 lies5564 hard5564 on me, and you have afflicted6031 me with all3605 your waves.4867 Selah.5542

8 良朋密友、以余爲疏、以余爲醜、俱爾所使、余爲俘囚、不能復出兮。

8 You have put7368 away7368 my acquaintance3045 far7368 from me; you have made7896 me an abomination8441 to them: I am shut3607 up, and I cannot3808 come3318 forth.3318

9 余困苦而目眯、終日祈求、舉手向爾兮、

9 My eye5869 mourns1669 by reason4480 of affliction:6040 LORD,3068 I have called7121 daily3605 3117 on you, I have stretched7849 out my hands3709 to you.

10 人已沒世、豈可施能而救之兮、幽冥之衆、誰克起而頌美兮、

10 Will you show6213 wonders6382 to the dead?4191 shall the dead7496 arise6965 and praise3034 you? Selah.5542

11 入於陵墓者、詎得沾爾恩膏兮、陷於陰府者、豈能彰爾真實兮、

11 Shall your loving kindness2617 be declared5608 in the grave?6913 or your faithfulness530 in destruction?11

12 幽暗之域、孰能仰爾經綸兮、百事消亡之所、誰得播揚爾仁義兮、

12 Shall your wonders6382 be known3045 in the dark?2822 and your righteousness6666 in the land776 of forgetfulness?5388

13 耶和華兮、余龥呼於爾、清晨祈禱兮、

13 But to you have I cried,7768 O LORD;3068 and in the morning1242 shall my prayer8605 prevent6923 you.

14 爾何爲棄予如遺。舍予不顧兮、

14 LORD,3068 why4100 cast2186 you off my soul?5315 why hide5641 you your face6440 from me?

15 余自幼遭難、瀕於死亡、爾俾余觳觫、悚然駭懼兮、

15 I am afflicted6041 and ready to die1478 from my youth5290 up: while I suffer5375 your terrors367 I am distracted.6323

16 爾怒震烈、降災我躬、俾我滅亡兮、

16 Your fierce wrath2740 goes5674 over5674 me; your terrors1161 have cut6789 me off.

17 禍患叢集、如水淹余、靡日不然兮。

17 They came5437 round5437 about me daily3605 3117 like water;4325 they compassed5362 me about together.3162

18 友朋遠余、惟與陰府爲鄰、俱爾所使兮。

18 Lover157 and friend7453 have you put7368 far7368 from me, and my acquaintance3045 into darkness.4285