

1 (大闢所作使伶長歌之)上帝兮、上天彰其榮光、穹蒼顯其經綸兮、

2 永朝永夕兮、仰觀其象而知之兮、

3 天無言而有言、無聲而有聲兮、

4 不言之言、布於宇內、無聲之聲、聞於地極、日麗於天、居次舍兮、

5 若新娶者、出於房兮、若勇士之喜馳逐兮、

6 出自天涯、至於地極、煦嫗萬有兮。

7 耶和華兮、其律全備、可以蘇困兮、其法真實、可以破愚兮、

8 其命正直、可以悅志兮、其誠純潔、可以發矇兮、

9 其道至清而至久兮、其典至公而至義兮、

10 較金尤貴兮、雖兼金之豐饒、亦無足比兮、較蜜尤甘兮、雖蜂房之滴瀝、亦不能擬兮、

11 我爲爾僕、得此兮爲儆戒、守此兮爲大賚、

12 人有過失、孰能自知兮、苟愆尤之誤犯、願赦宥之予加兮、

13 驕肆者流、毋使其誘余、而余效其尤兮、予則爲義、不蹈重愆兮、

14 全能之救主耶和華兮、予之言予之意、請爾悅納兮。


Psalm 19

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The heavens8064 declare5608 the glory3519 of God;410 and the firmament7549 showeth5046 his handiwork.4639 3027

2 Day3117 unto day3117 uttereth5042 speech,562 and night3915 unto night3915 showeth2331 knowledge.1847

3 There is no369 speech562 nor369 language,1697 where their voice6963 is not1097 heard.8085

4 Their line6957 is gone out3318 through all3605 the earth,776 and their words4405 to the end7097 of the world.8398 In them hath he set7760 a tabernacle168 for the sun,8121

5 Which1931 is as a bridegroom2860 coming out3318 of his chamber,4480 2646 and rejoiceth7797 as a strong man1368 to run7323 a race.734

6 His going forth4161 is from the end4480 7097 of the heaven,8064 and his circuit8622 unto5921 the ends7098 of it: and there is nothing369 hid5641 from the heat4480 2535 thereof.

7 The law8451 of the LORD3068 is perfect,8549 converting7725 the soul:5315 the testimony5715 of the LORD3068 is sure,539 making wise2449 the simple.6612

8 The statutes6490 of the LORD3068 are right,3477 rejoicing8055 the heart:3820 the commandment4687 of the LORD3068 is pure,1249 enlightening215 the eyes.5869

9 The fear3374 of the LORD3068 is clean,2889 enduring5975 forever:5703 the judgments4941 of the LORD3068 are true571 and righteous6663 altogether.3162

10 More to be desired2530 are they than gold,4480 2091 yea, than much7227 fine gold:4480 6337 sweeter4966 also than honey4480 1706 and the honeycomb.5317 6688

11 Moreover1571 by them is thy servant5650 warned:2094 and in keeping8104 of them there is great7227 reward.6118

12 Who4310 can understand995 his errors?7691 cleanse5352 thou me from secret4480 5641 faults.

13 Keep back2820 thy servant5650 also1571 from presumptuous4480 2086 sins; let them not408 have dominion4910 over me: then227 shall I be upright,8552 and I shall be innocent5352 from the great7227 transgression.4480 6588

14 Let the words561 of my mouth,6310 and the meditation1902 of my heart,3820 be1961 acceptable7522 in thy sight,6440 O LORD,3068 my strength,6697 and my redeemer.1350




Psalm 19

1 (大闢所作使伶長歌之)上帝兮、上天彰其榮光、穹蒼顯其經綸兮、

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The heavens8064 declare5608 the glory3519 of God;410 and the firmament7549 showeth5046 his handiwork.4639 3027

2 永朝永夕兮、仰觀其象而知之兮、

2 Day3117 unto day3117 uttereth5042 speech,562 and night3915 unto night3915 showeth2331 knowledge.1847

3 天無言而有言、無聲而有聲兮、

3 There is no369 speech562 nor369 language,1697 where their voice6963 is not1097 heard.8085

4 不言之言、布於宇內、無聲之聲、聞於地極、日麗於天、居次舍兮、

4 Their line6957 is gone out3318 through all3605 the earth,776 and their words4405 to the end7097 of the world.8398 In them hath he set7760 a tabernacle168 for the sun,8121

5 若新娶者、出於房兮、若勇士之喜馳逐兮、

5 Which1931 is as a bridegroom2860 coming out3318 of his chamber,4480 2646 and rejoiceth7797 as a strong man1368 to run7323 a race.734

6 出自天涯、至於地極、煦嫗萬有兮。

6 His going forth4161 is from the end4480 7097 of the heaven,8064 and his circuit8622 unto5921 the ends7098 of it: and there is nothing369 hid5641 from the heat4480 2535 thereof.

7 耶和華兮、其律全備、可以蘇困兮、其法真實、可以破愚兮、

7 The law8451 of the LORD3068 is perfect,8549 converting7725 the soul:5315 the testimony5715 of the LORD3068 is sure,539 making wise2449 the simple.6612

8 其命正直、可以悅志兮、其誠純潔、可以發矇兮、

8 The statutes6490 of the LORD3068 are right,3477 rejoicing8055 the heart:3820 the commandment4687 of the LORD3068 is pure,1249 enlightening215 the eyes.5869

9 其道至清而至久兮、其典至公而至義兮、

9 The fear3374 of the LORD3068 is clean,2889 enduring5975 forever:5703 the judgments4941 of the LORD3068 are true571 and righteous6663 altogether.3162

10 較金尤貴兮、雖兼金之豐饒、亦無足比兮、較蜜尤甘兮、雖蜂房之滴瀝、亦不能擬兮、

10 More to be desired2530 are they than gold,4480 2091 yea, than much7227 fine gold:4480 6337 sweeter4966 also than honey4480 1706 and the honeycomb.5317 6688

11 我爲爾僕、得此兮爲儆戒、守此兮爲大賚、

11 Moreover1571 by them is thy servant5650 warned:2094 and in keeping8104 of them there is great7227 reward.6118

12 人有過失、孰能自知兮、苟愆尤之誤犯、願赦宥之予加兮、

12 Who4310 can understand995 his errors?7691 cleanse5352 thou me from secret4480 5641 faults.

13 驕肆者流、毋使其誘余、而余效其尤兮、予則爲義、不蹈重愆兮、

13 Keep back2820 thy servant5650 also1571 from presumptuous4480 2086 sins; let them not408 have dominion4910 over me: then227 shall I be upright,8552 and I shall be innocent5352 from the great7227 transgression.4480 6588

14 全能之救主耶和華兮、予之言予之意、請爾悅納兮。

14 Let the words561 of my mouth,6310 and the meditation1902 of my heart,3820 be1961 acceptable7522 in thy sight,6440 O LORD,3068 my strength,6697 and my redeemer.1350